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  • kanjiman8

    @ Hashi
    It’s no biggie, I can wait for when he has free time. Working on TextFugu and WaniKani is more important. Plus, I’ve still got to go through all the backlog of the older Tofugu video on YouTube.

    Videos like these are absolutely hilarious

    @ Yggbert
    I actually liked the first couple of seasons more than the later ones. Since season 3 there’s been a few episodes that have been average. In all, the series is my fav American show. I’ll make a list soon of my fav epps.

    @ andrew
    I will probably watch that next. Season 7 is supposed to be a Seinfeld reunion.


    I’m currently working my way through every episode of Seinfeld. I’m on season 5 at episode 79. Just over 100 left to go.


    I can’t even remember the last time I used my DVD drive in my pc. The need for physical media is becoming less and less. Ultrabooks don’t even come with a DVD drive built in.

    That Tofugu otaku video had me in stitches. I noticed it’s been two months since Koichi made a video. Any news on when a new one will be made?


    VLC is a great player and the only one I use to watch videos. It also play FLAC files.

    in reply to: The "JLPT" Thread! #32846


    I’m surprised the US only offer it once a year. I’d say it’s safer to take N3 and pass then taking N2 and risk not passing.

    Off Topic

    Aside from the JLPT there’s two other tests. The BJPT (Business Japanese Proficency Test), and the Kanji Kentei (漢字検定). According to Wikipedia, here’s the requirements for passing Level 1 (the highest) on the Kanji kentei:

    Level 1

    Tests the ability to read and write approximately 6000 kanji, with their on readings and kun readings
    Requires the ability to use the kanji in sentences and to choose the most appropriate kanji for a given context
    Tests special or unusual kanji readings
    Tests ateji
    Tests knowledge of synonyms and antonyms
    Tests ability to differentiate between homonyms
    Tests special compound words
    Tests complex radicals
    Tests kanji unique to the Japanese language
    Tests classical Japanese proverbs and idiomatic expressions
    Tests place and country names
    Tests the ability to recognize the relationship between modern and ancient or old character forms

    Anyone up for it eventually?

    in reply to: Hello all! #32844


    Welcome to the forums

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32843


    I use Evernote for taking down notes from TF lessons. It’s convenient as it syncs by itself every few minutes and I can manually sync it myself too. I also have the Evernote app on my Android phone, so I can get up my notes and read through them if I need to.

    I still haven’t bothered to practice writing Hiragana and Katakana. I’d rather spend the time now on more important aspects and learn to write later.

    As for the personal progress thingy, I’m thinking of making a blog for that. Nothing too fancy or time consuming. Just something basic for now.

    in reply to: The "JLPT" Thread! #32832


    I do plan to take it at some point. Is it worth taking every test from N5 all the way to N1 or just starting at say N3 and doing N2 and N1?

    My kanji level is still way below N5 level so I’m thinking the VERY earliest I’d take it is July next year.

    in reply to: Japanese Music for Passive Learning #32821


    Thanks for sharing that song Trip Master. Listening to it right now.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #32820


    @ クリス
    That’s some world class bowling Narine did. The IPL is an intriguing league.

    @ andrew
    The guy in my previous avatar was Japanese musician Ryuichi Sakamoto. Check out his stuff. He composes great material.

    As for Van Persie, it’s becoming deja vu with Arsenal’s best players. I too, hope he goes abroad as that would soften the blow. Looking at from his point I can understand why he wants to leave as he’s 28 nearly 29 and wants to win silverware before he retires. The way Arsenal are at the moment he won’t acheive that sadly.

    What’s irking Arsenal fans the most is that he’s been with the club since 2004 and has had long injury spells almost every season. Arsenal have stuck by him where as another club might have offloaded him. Last season was clearly his best season at the club and they feel he should repay some of that loyalty.

    It’s a tough situation, as both sides have valid points. Whatever happens, I hope he doesn’t choose Man City or another Prem team. Arsenal have already sold Adebayor, Toure, Clichy and Nasri to City. That would just back up what people are saying that Arsenal are a feeder club and the best players end up leaving.

    As things currently stand, Van Persie won’t be an Arsenal player next season. The club have to sell him as they can’t wait for his contract to run out and him being with the team next season would have an impact on team morale. My biggest concern is with the attacking options. Unless Wenger goes out and buys a proven Prem striker, the options for next season are:

    Podolski and Giroud who are class players but never played in the Prem before. They could need time to adapt.

    Gervinho who wasn’t that impressive last season, but should be given another chance I guess.

    Chamakh who has been dire since his switch from Bordeaux. Did well in his first few months but has been poor since then.

    Park Chu Young who was rarely played last season and has the military issue hanging over him. He might have to do his service soon.

    Bendtner who is almost 100% certain to leave. Just hope he isn’t convinced to stay.

    in reply to: Japanese Music for Passive Learning #32800


    @ Michael
    There’s links to the scripts on posts towards the bottom of the page. Doesn’t seem like the newer posts have the scripts provided.

    @ hey
    It’s a pretty slick avatar. I thought it was time for a change and decided to go with some artwork from MGS 1.

    in reply to: Having a problem with Anki #32793


    Your welcome. Glad you got it working.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #32792


    @ Chris
    I was hoping for an Italy goal too. In some ways, a lot of neutrals were hoping Italy would win. Spain were just superb. Italy will bounce back one way or another. I was surprised to see Brazil out of the top 10 in the Fifa rankings. First time ever it said on the news.

    Haha, what are you famous for? :D I’ve heard of Gary Sobers before. West Indies have produced decent cricketers over the years. Brian Lara is a legend. I will have to take a vaction to that part of the world one day.

    in reply to: Japanese Music for Passive Learning #32789


    Nujabes made awesome music. Such a shame he’s no longer with us. RIP

    I’ve heard been mentioned before. I think Tsetycoon uses it.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  kanjiman8.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  kanjiman8.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  kanjiman8.
    in reply to: Having a problem with Anki #32788


    Can you see the deck in the anki folder under My Documents?

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 713 total)