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  • in reply to: Hello from NYC! #32078


    I did take one class a few years ago and I guess that helped now. It’s definitely getting harder to learn everything but I’m having fun with it.

    That class you took must of helped quite a bit. I’ve been studying Japanese here on TF since March and am currently on Season 4. I can definitely relate to the learning getting harder. My Anki reviews are piling up and there’s lots of info to absorb and remember but it’s fun at the same time. Good luck.

    in reply to: Aloha From Oahu #32072


    Hello and welcome to TF. It’s great your moving to Japan. Good luck with learning Japanese.

    in reply to: i'm taking a college elementary japanese course! #32069


    thisiskyle: Japan does not allow you to hold dual citizenship with another country. If a Japanese person lives and works in another country and maybe married and had children with a citizen of that country, it makes perfect sense for them to want to have citizenship there which, unfortunately, means they have to give up their Japanese citizenship.

    Yeah it’s unfortuante you can’t hold dual citizenship if your a native Japanese or a foreigner who is eligible for Japanese citizenship but is required to give up citizenship of their birth country.

    This got me interested and got me wondering how many Japanese people have renounced their Japanese citizenship? lists how many Japanese people there are living abroad but alot of those could be native Japanese intending to go back to Japan or 日系人.

    in reply to: Typhoon #32060


    @ hey
    It’s awesome that lady got you a free flight. Coin lockers are very handy indeed. As for Japanese people being different during push man scenarios, I guess it’s expected. I doubt it’s only restricted to Japan though. It must happen in other big cities like London and New York. It just seems more apparent in Tokyo as it has more people. Rush hour must be mayhem with all the commuters to and from work.

    in reply to: i'm taking a college elementary japanese course! #32042


    In my experience, the Japanese people who decide to permanently leave Japan are kind of oddballs, which is awesome.

    I fully agree with that. Can’t see why any Japanese person would want to leave Japan permanently or want to renounce their citizenship.

    in reply to: Hello from NYC! #32041


    Hello and welcome to TF. Reaching Season 5 in a month is very impressive. Did you start from scratch or did you have prior knowledge of Japanese?

    in reply to: Typhoon #32040


    @ hey
    That’s great you get to stay an extra day in Tokyo. The push man video is crazy. In a weird way I wouldn’t mind being packed onto a train like sardines.

    When I eventually go to Japan, I’ll remember to bring my passport with me everytime I go out.

    What time’s your flight back to the States?

    in reply to: Greetings from Austin, TX #32028


    Congrats for you and your husband. Do you happen to know what the requirements are got being accepted? I’ve read that a bachelor’s degree is needed.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32016


    Ah, so getting near to a year then. I properly got back into studying three months ago and feel I’ve made good progress in terms of grammar and vocab. However, I think 50 kanji in three months isn’t enough and want to increase the rate.

    in reply to: Typhoon #32015


    @ hey
    That’s very kind of them to do that for you. I agree, Japanese people are very friendly and willing to help out. As for the net issue, I guess I’ll see what’s changed when I get the chance to go (no timeframe yet sadly ). It’s good more wifi is being set up around the country and the internet cafe’s sound like a good deal with free drinks :D

    in reply to: Typhoon #32011


    @ hey
    Thanks for the reply. I found your info useful. I’m one of those people that constantly use the net either at home or on the go, so whenever I go to Japan I’d like to bare in mind the cheapest and best option to use the net.

    $15 a meg is pretty steep and probably not worth it in the end. So the best option if your not staying with anyone is to use free wi-fi or internet cafes?

    in reply to: HELP me!! – Interesting Realizations about Japanese #32009


    Congrats Kiai. Post the link up when you’ve received it. Look forward to watching this.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32008


    @ Mark Webber
    Congrats. How long have you been studying Japanese for?

    About to begin memorising い adjectives. I’ve also just passed the first 50 kanji mark here on TF. I feel like it’s going a bit slow so I may learn start learning 5 a day from now on. I think 5 a day is managable but if I start to get overwhelmed I can reduce it.

    in reply to: Typhoon #32007


    Your lucky to be in Japan right now :D. Btw, what are you using to access the net on the go? I’m guessing your cell phone?

    in reply to: i'm taking a college elementary japanese course! #31982


    I’d love to do a Japanese College/University course one day. For now, I’m happy just self learning.

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