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@ Mark Webber
Yeah, that was a good idea to change your name into katakana. It does cut out some confusion. I think it’s fine to use your surname too.
@ Yippy
What country are you from? Are you a native Chinese speaker or have you learned it as a second language? Sorry for all the questions hehe. I like finding out about peoples language abilities :) . I have a friend who knows Malay, Thai, Mandarin, Cantonese, English and is learning Japanese. He’s pretty fluent in the first five I mentioned. Like you, he finds Kanji very easy due to knowing Chinese but finds Japanese grammar quite hard. He’s still learning Japanese as far as I know.
I agree that Mandarin does seem to be the most popular dialect to learn for non Chinese people and Chinese people who’s first language is another dialect and want to learn Mandarin as a second language.
Mandarin is the most spoken dialect in the mainland, and is it true it’s becoming more popular with overseas Chinese communities in countries such as USA and Australia?
I definitely do want to learn Mandarin someday. Aside from personal reasons, It will be useful for business and career opportunities.
I sometimes go on and read the forums there. It’s a useful site and I’d recommened it to anyone who wants to learn Chinese.
Your welcome :)
Sorry, yes that question was for you Mark Webber. Thanks for replying.
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
@ Yggbert
I agree. WRP should make a digital version of their flashcards. It would suit the needs of Anki users and also means we’d no longer need to import the cards from Japan.
I bought those excact Kanji flashcards (Series 2, Volume 1) just before I discovered TextFugu. I haven’t used them at all aside from glancing at them just to make sure they were all in the box. I know the White Rabbit Press Kanji Flashcards are designed for students studying for the JLPT.
The quality of the cards are very high. As you can see from the exmaple card on the WRP website, they give alot of information on both sides of the card. They have a nice glossy touch to them and aren’t cheap quality.
They do however go up in price with each volume. I’m not sure if they would benefit you if your’re not planning on taking the JLPT. As you already use TextFugu, It might make sense just to stick to that.
@ Mark
Which other languages do you know?
@ Mark
Nice to hear. Good luck with your Japanese and eventual Chinese studies.
Ah haha. I think it’s meant to be cheesy though. Mr. K makes me laugh when he can’t explain a grammar situation and it then gets handed over to Professor Hideho Kindaichi. At least the format of the show isn’t dull and boring. I checked the NHK website and there’s 30 episodes altogether.
I have an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S2), so unfortunatley I don’t have an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. I’ve looked at reviews for iKanji and it seems to have got alot of positive reviews. This link ranked it top out of the best 5 Kanji iPhone apps .
Koichi also did a video a couple years ago about electronic dictionaries for the iPhone
@ Yggbert
That’s very interesting. I am envious they can speak both Japanese and Mandarin.@ Gigatron
I see your point. With Chinese you have the decision of choosing which dialect to learn. Mandarin and Cantonese have the most speakers I believe. Then there’s the simplified and traditional characters. I reckon it’s the tones that give people the most difficulty.With Korean, from what I’ve read, Hangul doesn’t seem to be too difficult to learn but it’s the pronounciation which causes the most problems.
I would love to know Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean, but I highly doubt I could learn all three after learning Japanese.
Hey there Howard. Welcome to the forums. If there’s anything you need help with don’t hesitate to ask. It’s awesome your going to Japan next month. Good luck with your studies :)
Welcome to TF
Hey Yumi. Welcome to the site. :)
Koichi has now sorted out the problem with the coupon code. I’ve bought the ebook and it’s a great read so far. Will post more about it once I’ve read more.
I was about to buy the ebook, but there is a problem with the coupon code us TextFugu members get to receive $19 off. I’ve notified Koichi about it. I hope to order it again soon.
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by