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  • in reply to: Help me use Lang-8 #35372


    Btw, my Lang-8 username is the same as it is here. Anyone is welcome to send an add. Should really start making proper use of the service.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  kanjiman8.
    in reply to: Help me use Lang-8 #35371


    @ andrew

    Haha, quality. Just like the bobby mcferrin song.

    in reply to: Lesson material rollups request #35367


    Before the update, there used to be the download links for all the pdfs and anki archives under each chapter. This needs to be brought back as it was useful for double checking if you had downloaded all the content for that particular chapter.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #35348


    @ andrew

    No worries. Just replied to your email about Lang-8. Where are you up to on TextFugu?

    in reply to: Hello! #35347


    Hello Rose and welcome to TextFugu!

    Don’t hesitate to ask any questions here on the forum. Good luck with studying.

    in reply to: Working in Japan #35329



    Your link says the following “Your search returned no hits.”


    I recommend the Japan Guide forums located here for any info you need on Japan. It’s a very busy and active forum. You should get quick responses.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #35315


    @ andrew

    Season 6 Chapter 8 to be precise:


    Two days is nothing. It also sounds like you won’t have much time to study either. You’re also at a disadvantage as you won’t have some form of internet, computer and smart phone access. If you insist on bringing something, then the print outs sounds like a good idea.

    Last month I had to go almost three weeks without studying due to various things going on in real life. When I finally got back to studying, the motivation and passion was still there. I was determined to make up for lost time. It took me a day or two to get back into the routine of studying, but now I’m fine. I don’t take the breaking the chain concept seriously. If you were going to be away for longer that would be a different issue, but missing out on two days won’t affect you at all. If you love studying Japanese no minor setback will affect you.

    in reply to: 一人 question. #35274


    When I messaged Koichi about this, I was given the impression both sentences can mean the following:

    一人 じゃありませんでした  = 1) It was not one person and 2) I was not alone

    一人 でした = 1) It was one person and 2) I was alone

    I think it comes down to context. If it’s obvious your talking about yourself, then the second answers apply. If your talking about someone else then it’s the first. I might be wrong but that’s the way I differentiate the two.

    In the cases of the Anki cards, I think he’s just given the most popular answer. Although, he really should state this in the next TextFugu update so this doesn’t confuse people.

    in reply to: よ Sentence Ender #35263


    @ andrew

    That’s sort of the way I look upon it too. I don’t use it too often but when I do, it’s mainly about myself. For example 寿司を食べます vs 寿司を食べますよ. The second one feels more personal like it’s coming directly from you.

    in reply to: Vocab groups? #35261


    I noticed that too. I’m assuming it’s a mistake and he just means the Ultimate Vocab decks. Carry on as normal, but if you do come across vocab you haven’t studied before, and he assumes you have, it’s worth dropping him a line.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #35245


    Congrats Kiai. That’s both you and Mark who have passed it now. Great seeing fellow TF’ers doing well on the JLPT :)

    in reply to: Can I use WaniKani instead of the TextFugu Kanji Section? #35240


    Yes, I don’t see why not. I don’t know how many Kanji there are on WaniKani but here on TF there was 388 last time I counted. Koichi hasn’t mentioned merging WaniKani with TextFugu but he did say he plans to ditch Anki at some point in favour of a built in SRS program.

    in reply to: How to deal with "troublesome" vocab? #35223


    By the way, is there any easy way to “move” cards between decks?

    Haven’t really needed to do it myself, but I think the quickest way is to just add the cards to the new deck you want, and change the tags manually.

    in reply to: Password Reset Emails #35222


    Thanks for the heads up Koichi. Haven’t gotten an email myself but will keep a look out.

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