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  • in reply to: Some Changes Around Here #33891


    Hmm, I thought sans-serif would just default it to the right thing for you…

    Try hard refreshing again, added some Japanese fonts now too.

    in reply to: Some Changes Around Here #33887



    Darn WinXP, always making Japanese fonts difficult… Try it again. Does it work now?

    in reply to: TextFugu iOS App! #32324


    @Noah yes re: mobile friendly version of the site… working on that lately, actually.

    in reply to: Yet more Anki Woes #32323


    @Megami How’d you end up getting it working? Just so I know for future cases of Anki explosion?

    in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #25820


    whoops, missed one.

    @Winterpromise – what browser are you using? those (except the fugu) should be clickable.

    in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #25819


    @Yggbert – it’s possible… I’d say table of contents is only about 60% finished in terms of how it’ll look / work by the time we’re done with it… so if enough people thought that was useful, definitely could make a comeback.

    @sissyharu – I’ve tried adding search a few times… things break, though :( I’d have to ask somebody a little more code-savvy. There’s conflicts between some things that I’ve never been able to figure out.

    @Mark – I made the dashboard alert way more beautiful now, I hope you enjoy it!

    @Firequill – Hashi’ll look into that… it could be a font choice issue on our end too…

    @Huw – I’ll be sad to see the variety and selection gone as well :(

    So far, sounds like table of contents is the main complaint?

    Okay, I’m going back to adding in the new kanji mnemonics stuff, brb!

    in reply to: Lack of updates! #21603


    Oh you guyz ~ :P

    Last time I apologized and started doing more updates (been pretty consistent with updates since then, I think). Since this happens every 2-3 months or so, I’ll just say this, and you can take it however you’d like (though hopefully not in a mean way, because I don’t mean to be mean…)

    This stuff is difficult… if it wasn’t, there’d be like a million Japanese textbooks online. Most companies have a ton of people working on things – In terms of content, it’s just me (though I make Hashi do bounties usually, ho ho ho).

    Also if we look at the history of these ‘no updates’ forum posts, it’s like:

    Me: Whew, one lesson a month. This is hard!

    [3 months later]

    Everyone: Koichi, you never update! I hate you!

    Me: Dang, okay, I’ll update more. Let’s do 2 lessons a month.

    Everyone: Yayyy.

    [3 months later]

    Everyone: Koichi, you never update! I hate you! 2 lessons a month? pshhhh, stop playing Starcraft all the time!

    Me: Oh, okay… I guess that’s not enough. Let’s do 3 a month.

    Everyone: Yayyy!

    [3 months later]

    Everyone: Why you never update? Only 3 lessons a month? weaksauce!


    [3 months into the future]

    repeat :( :( :( :( :(

    I won’t be doing more lessons per month, but I’ll give you more kanji. Gotta catch up from the transition period between 6 and 7, after all.

    P.S. Did I mention all this is a lot of work? Doesn’t look like it from the outside, I’m sure, but there’s always a good 10-12 hours worth of things to do lately to keep me busy. :/

    P.P.S. Love you guyz!

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  koichi.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  koichi.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  koichi.
    in reply to: Question #19266


    I vote for Portal 2 music – it’s what I work to :D

    in reply to: KOICHI, PLEASE READ! #18582


    and I responded to your email

    P.S. you should email instead of for faster replies, I don’t check @tofugu as much (though I think I responded to this email within 5 hours of you sending it, so that isn’t too bad, right? :P)

    in reply to: Confused on Day One – Season One #18523


    I theeenk they all work right now. First ones were because we’re terrible at html. New lesson ones you probably caught in the middle of them getting transferred over. They should be good now, I hope! Lemme know if they aren’t – should be working a few more hours tonight so I’ll check back!

    in reply to: Upgrades. *Matrix-Style" #18334


    @N’Donna – thanks much! Much appreciated!

    @thisiskyle – I see what you’re saying… but the difference is you see the new editions as they’re being worked on (which you wouldn’t see in a regular book). So, instead of waiting 4 years for a new edition you see the new stuff being added and integrated over time, at least that’s how I see it.

    @MisterM – Hashi does Tofugu so I can spend more time on TextFugu, which I do thanks to him and his work on Tofugu. There’s a little overlap in both directions, but generally I spend my time here and he spends his time there. We don’t like each other. Eww, cooties.

    in reply to: Anki (iPod) error – missing file #18332


    actually… now that I look… 反対する shouldn’t be in an anki deck yet, and I can’t find it in the ALL deck either. Maybe delete that one from your deck (or, of course, you can just pop the audio in, too!).

    in reply to: Anki (iPod) error – missing file #18331


    Here’s a link for the file:

    I’ll go add it into the kanji vocab deck now too – thanks!

    in reply to: Confused on Day One – Season One #18329


    link please!

    in reply to: Confused on Day One – Season One #18211


    heyo – sorry about that – where’s the link? I’ll get it fixed, or make hashi do it, or something :)

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