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^I’m reading/ watching that right now!
No…NO! I was most certainly not.
( > . > ) “AMERICAN” “JAPAN” “SUPERIOR” “AMPHIBIAN” A little out of budget… REALLY out of budget, damn that cool packaging!Whoops, I accidentally overlooked that. :[, I hope those work out better..
Sir, I have an hour and a half left at work. Challenge accepted.
I was curious what putting “Japanese” in the search would render… you know because this is TextFugu and all…
Anyway I hope you don’t have eBay-phobia or whatever it is that makes people fear eBay.. Because that’s just silly.
I was trying to say “I love you long time” because I learned both “big like” and “long time” that chapter… sigh! (it was worth a shot)
God-jilla.. you mean Gojira? ゴジラ ..? Er.. I’m probably no help here.
Finished up the last of 3-Stroke Kanji and Chapter 4 of Season 3. Which got me wondering…
私は久しいが大好きはあなた。Is this the correct way to say that? XD
I really like this YMCK remix right now.
Yeah I guess I should have said, “Able to hold a basic conversation and recognize most things comfortably” XD
It’s Halloween at my work today (College) and all of the day-care children are trick-or-treating around so I’ve been eating a bunch of candy and donuts all morning….ugh. :X
October 28, 2011 at 5:44 am in reply to: How do you balance School Work and Learning Japanese? o.O #19892You could also try working Japanese into your leisure time. Just don’t force it, if you’re not feeling it, don’t “ruin” it. Like if you do exercises or something you could count in Japanese, if you like cooking you could cook Japanese food, etc..
Well tomorrow for sure, that would be FANTASTIC.
But I had been planning on about 2 years or so. It’s the end of my 2nd month of Textfugu soon and I’m going to start on Chapter 3 of Season 3 today. I think If I can keep a consistant, steady pace, and do ALL of my Anki decks regardless of how “old” or useless they may seem as I advance. I’ve been trying to have as much Japanese going on around me as possible. Listening to Japanese radio/ talk. Lots of animes, like… lots. I even changed my FB to Japanese which surprisingly isn’t as difficult as one would think XD. And whenever I learn something new, I have this weird old 70′s manga I bought for a dollar at some thift store, I go and dig through it trying to find everything I know (one day I will understand you~!) Eventually when I transfer to University I would like to visit Japan through an exchange program. I cannot wait!
Today I learned カタカナ。 やった!
Peh, still having trouble with it ~__~
Although I did make my FB Japanese and it’s pretty cute that everyone is now “someoneさん” There is a lot in Katakana so if I just say it to myself I can figure out what the link is, it’s not bad at all.