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I just realized I forgot to copy one line of Kanji when assembling the TextFugu list!
These Kanji are marked as missing, but are actually covered by TextFugu…
Grade 4
民必失未末札辺Grade 5
句可圧Sorry about that! This is unrelated to the WaniKani list, though! This error could not have happened there since you gave me a full list of the Kanji (I suppose).
Additional question for Looki, as far as I was aware:
Joyo = 2,136 Kanji
So if
WaniKani = 1,678 Kanji
Shouldn’t there only be 458 more that need to be learned?
I see what you’re saying! To be honest I’m not sure what happened there. Pretty sure there are no false positives (Kanji that Wanikani actually has but my text editor didn’t see) – I’m clueless, maybe there were some additional Kanji in the Jouyou list I used that were not really official or something.
Jesus Christ, Aikibujin! That was a long post :D You can use sites like to post long text data and then link to it, like I did ;)
Anyway, here are the results:
WaniKani covers every Kanji that is taught in grades 1, 2 and 3.
Even grades 4-6 are covered extremely well:
Grade 4
郡 腸
Grade 5
Grade 6
蚕 頂 絹 穀However, 330 of the 1130 secondary school Kanji are missing:
乙丈凡勺弔升丹匁屯孔斤且丙凸斥凹召囚玄弐吏妄伐伏匠帆朽朴亜但呉吟呈壱坑肖尿忌抄扶没芳奉享盲佳侮劾叔坪奔尚岬弦拐拙拍披抹肯泌沸肢肪茎苗迭邸附甚帥衷卑侯冠勅貞卸厘怠叙姻孤峡峠恒挟拷枯洪浄牲某窃胎胆胞荘虐赴郊畝倹倣俸倫翁准剖匿栽唆宰宵徐悦恭桟栓殊殉浦浪畔疾祥秩紡紋耗脂朕軒逝逐逓酌陥隻粛尉偏剰喝啓寂崇庶庸惨惜悼悠据旋曹殻貫渓淑猟瓶累窒粗紺紳舶赦軟逸郭釈陳陪陵蛮偉傍喚堪堕塚媒婿循慌惰愉搭敢暁棺款渦猶疎痘痢硝硫脹詠詔遇遍閑隅随傑慈嗣塑寛廉慨愚愁搾摂楼煩痴禍艇虞虜褐該賊践酬酪頒飽鼓嫡寡慢雌漆漸漬碑箇膜慕遮遭酵酷銑緯韻謁閲嚇轄憾戯擬窮矯凝襟謹勲薫慶鶏鯨顕稿衡墾鎖錯賜璽爵儒醜遵礁壌醸錠嘱薪錘髄繊遷繕槽燥藻濯濁鋳鎮謄騰篤覇賠縛藩罷賓膚譜賦噴憤弊舗縫膨繭癒諭憂窯謡羅欄濫糧擁And 138 of the 188 new Kanji added in 2008:
弥那旦籠呂頬膝匂沙須股眉挨拶鎌凄稽曾喉拭貌塞蹴膳袖潰剥湧葛拉顎苛蓋裾腫妖藍捉宛瓦乞汰勃昧唾艶痕諦餅唄淫錦戚蒙妬蔑嗅戴痩怨醒詣窟骸弄嫉罵璧曖餌詮綻肘麓憧頓咽嘲臆挫溺侶瘍僅諜柵腎梗瑠羨畿畏踪栃蔽茨慄傲捻臼喩萎腺桁玩冶羞惧舷貪采堆煎斑冥旺麺璃串填箋脊緻辣摯汎憚哨氾諧媛彙恣聘沃憬捗訃I can’t guarantee this is 100% accurate but it should be!
All in all, I’d say WaniKani’s Kanji are pretty damn solid! It has 1678 which should be enough to be quite proficient. Not enough to read adult newspapers but oh well!
I could do that if you want – you’ll just have to provide me with a WaniKanji Kanji list. Making this list was a matter of like 5 minutes or so :)
I tried WaniKani a few weeks ago, and since I already was really close to finishing TextFugu and it seems like you can’t skip lessons on WaniKani (or mark them as “mastered”), I didn’t get into it yet!
Oh and yes, those are the school grade levels.
- This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by looki.
Wow, great, thanks a lot, Astralfox :)
Haha! I guess you’re right – I never thought about that. Anyway, I just meant words in “the style of” prepositions. Thanks though.
A few hours every day… I’m hooked! This stuff is the best drug ever… implying drugs are good.
> So you haven’t run into these problems before now? Wow.
Absolutely not — and I do learn my Kanji! I’ve learned all of them up to that chapter – are you implying there are other radical mixups like this in previous chapters? Maybe I didn’t notice those because the kanji used multiple radicals, if that’s case.Thanks, I will submit a “bounty” (to be honest, I had no idea what that was about until now).
Thanks, you two!
vlgi, you’re right. I’ve never even thought about that – I did notice that English has many words that sound the same before, but it never was a problem for me and I never even made the connection to Kanji here. So yeah, you’re right.
Joel, what you said makes perfect sense — I guess I’m not yet thinking clearly when it comes to Kanji. One thing I only just now realized thanks to your post is that in most cases, the short, ambiguous on’yomi reading won’t even appear as a complete vocab, and therefore it doesn’t really matter if it’s ambiguous.