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  • in reply to: Rikaichan too big of a crutch? #16340

    I tend to find that I’ll check it most of the time even if I know the word. It’s not necessarily a bad thing since I’m just beginning to read things that are more complex than “THIS IS…”

    I think its nice to check after you’ve read a sentence anyway, just to make sure there isn’t some alternate meaning…

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16339

    It’s not so much that its easy, and it’s not limited to your so-called ‘weeaboos’…

    It’s the same with anyone who starts anything because they really enjoy it. You think to yourself “I love this so I’ll be really motivated and I’ll probably work hard!” Think kung-fu fans who start martial arts then quit after a few weeks…

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16288

    I can give myself ‘drill hair’ and laugh like a proper little ojousama… is that the kind of thing your looking for? :D

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16286

    I dunno, that Seinfeld’s pretty funny…

    in reply to: 08-25-2011 – Good Life #8 [ANSWERED] #16268

    1. うそ – a lie… isn’t it?

    2. うそじゃない – not a lie (causal form)
    what does the よ at the end do – emphasis!
    うそじゃないよ = It’s not a lie!/I’m not lying!

    3. ほんとうに = Really

    4. んだ = something along the lines of “the fact is that…”

    5. うそじゃないよ。ほんとうに覚えてるんだ。It’s not a lie. The fact is I really remember (it).

    I think.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Ryuuguu Azuma.
    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16267

    I suppose that, while I won’t have anyone tell me anime/manga and music aren’t a good enough reason to learn Japanese, if, like a lot of people who seem to start with that motivation, you think you’ll understand within a few months your boned from the beginning…

    It’s not necessarily a problem though, their is always the satisfactions of usually being slightly better at it than them and as people are so quick to point out, not sounding like a high-school girl all the time…

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16260

    Why on earth would anyone cosplay to a lesson?

    Does anyone in this class of yours seem to have any previous experience with the language then?

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16149

    I guess it’ll be good for you to do the lessons with an actual topic rather than just the main grammar parts. Something a bit different.

    Plus you have the added bonus of being the guy who studied BEFORE taking the course and studied during it. Always suprised me from the Japanese and Chinese lessons I USED to do that I was the only person who seemed to have done any work at home. It’s nice to be top of the class xD

    If i had the time or the money I’d start doing evening classes again…

    in reply to: 08-23-2011 – Good Life #6 [ANSWERED] #16141

    Possibly. It’s hard to know without the subject or context…although I’m sure there’s something in the sentence that tells you…

    in reply to: 08-23-2011 – Good Life #6 [ANSWERED] #16139

    1. 不束 = Incompetent/Stupid

    2. 不束 = Incompetent/Stupid
    不束な = Shows ‘na’ adjective applied to 息子
    息子 = Son
    不束な息子 = Incompetent/Stupid son

    3. 不束な息子 = Incompetent/Stupid son
    です = declaritive type particley thingamabob (‘to be’ but not quite)
    けど? But or However
    不束な息子ですけど = (subject is) incompetent/stupid son however…

    4. どうぞよろしく = First time greeting, I was first taught it as being along the lines of ‘please treat me well’ but potentially ‘good to meet you’

    5. What does the whole sentence mean?
    Something along the lines of…
    Your (so and so’s) stupid son, however i’m pleased to meet you.
    …possibly. probably not.

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16137

    Even if everything if it teaches you nothing new (which by the looks of it is unlikely) you can’t underestimate how helpful it is to actually be able to speak out loud to other people, even learners (i assume this isn’t 1 on 1).

    What is the difference between what you posted and the complete beginner stage exactly, or are you just skipping the first few bits?

    in reply to: よし、ゲット! #16024

    I bought a couple of monthly comics and a bunch of manga in Japanese a while back, but nowhere around here sells anything like that so i have to order it from japan. expensive stuff :/ Plus i have my figurines…

    in reply to: Hey.. #16019

    Don;t let anyone tell you the Anime/Manga and Music are not good reasons to learn the language!

    Good luck with your studies either way.

    in reply to: Lang-8 #15601
    in reply to: Passion List Vocab Help, Please? :) #14695

    Hiragana and Katakana work in basically the same way so I guess you COULD write them out using the corresponding hiragana characters instead, although I think you would be better off not doing so. The last thing you want is to get the words stuck in your head in the wrong alphabet…once its in there its hard to change!

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