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Well, first of all, I think taking a break from Anki even for a short while is always dangerous. Even if you are busy, taking the time to do the Anki reviews every day, too, should take priority. But now that you do have a build up of reviews, I suppose all you can do is to go through them all in Anki(as soon as possible so no more reviews are added) and be honest when you evaluate how easy/difficult they were to remember. I’m not sure there’re other ways about it.
There will be (much) more practice on verbs in lessons after the one you’re at. Every time something new is introduced on TextFugu, practice follows not only in the current but also following lessons.
Also remember that things you once knew never really go away. So while it might feel like you’ve forgotten it all after a break, it won’t take much reviewing to get back on track again.
Hattori, sounds reasonable to me, thanks! I can’t say I know about other countries but from what I understand, GrooveShark is free for all to use. You can, however, pay for a premium account with some extra features. Maybe you miss-clicked an ad or something?
Bibo No Aozora [re:jazz]!/s/Bibo+No+Aozora/2PpMlZ?src=5If you like jazz even a little, and you liked the original (or didn’t?), I’d go as far as to say this version is even better. Gives me goosebumps every time!
EDIT: Can someone tell me what “Bibo” means? From what I can make out, the title would be something like “Blue sky/Blue skies of Bibo” – but just what is Bibo?
This reply was modified 13 years ago by
Epic necromancy in here. I just had this, I’m pretty sure it’s Spanish:
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
I’m confused… What is this about?
I’m wondering; how do you know you’re doing something “effective”? I mean, I don’t know any work-out gurus and Fitocracy doesn’t have any pre-made workout programs, does it? As a newbie, I don’t have a clue which kind of exercises I should be doing or how often.
On another topic, the ground outside is covered in thick snow and it’s freezing several degrees, so I guess running is out of the question :(
I watched that too, Joel! I’ll begin cybernetics at uni in half a year’s time, or at least what comes closest (Engineer of technology and medicine, or some-such fancy name) so this show was right down my alley. He claimed that the first “immortal” could be someone living today though I must say I, unfortunately, think that was added mostly for dramatic effect.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
I’m pretty sure an “infinite capacity long-term memory” would be a bit of a physical impossibility, at least without your brain growing out of your skull. That being said, I don’t think you’d hit the “limit” even if you lived for a couple hundred of years.
The more time you spend making words seem meaningful and important when you first see them, the less time you’ll spend forgetting them later on.
The brilliant thing about the brain is its ability to only process and remember what it deems important and disregard the rest(for your survival, if you can believe it). Now, the downside is that in a modern society there’s loads of information that your sub-conscious might not find terribly important, even if you want to remember it. Why must you learn these words? How would learning new words benefit your future in a positive way?
All I’m really saying here is to get involved emotionally in one way or another when you learn words. It tends to trigger your brain into believing it’s important, particularly strongly happy emotions are good. Avoid frustration and anger. Try to think of a situation: you’re in Japan, it’s a sunny day and you’re using this new word in a fitting situation which helps you/others. You can get emotionally involved in other ways, tho.
Another thing entirely, try not to get caught in the bad spiral. You’ve had bad experiences with retaining words, now you’re beginning to think something’s wrong with you, and every new bad experience just seems to confirm it further. Try to step back from it all, and then get back into it with renewed energy, if you can (you can).
Vurskari, you won’t have to re-read the chapters, but you’ll have to do something about your radicals and kanji decks. You have 3 options, as far as I’m aware, and they all suck, but at least you can be happy you’ve “only” gotten to 2 strokes (which makes it suck a little less, regardless of the method you go with):
Remove your old decks and download the new ones, go through every single card again. If you wish, you can schedule the cards to fall randomly withing a time period so you won’t have to go through all of them right away. I advice you take this option, but I’ll still provide the other fixes I know for people who have gotten a bit further in their studies.2:
* Radicals
Open your radicals deck and click “browse deck” from within Anki. From your internet browser, find every new or altered radical (but only radicals up to the stroke count you’re at) from the radicals section and open up their pages in new browser tabs, and then search for the old version of the radicals in the browse deck window. You should find 2 cards for each radical, I believe, but you’ll only have to edit 1 of them since they are linked. Click it and copy-paste the new info into one of the cards. If there are any new radicals, you can press the green cross button to make a new card with it.* Kanji
From the tabs of the altered radicals you should be able to see the kanji that they’re used in. Go through all the altered/new radicals pages and whenever you see a kanji you already know, open it into a new tab. When you have these kanji in new tabs, go to your kanji deck and open the browse window and, like before, search for the altered kanji. You should find several cards per kanji. Edit one of these cards so the radicals used, meaning-mnemonics and on-reading-mnemonics all fit the new content.To finish it off (important):
Download the new radicals and kanji decks and add these to Anki under different names from your old decks, so you have both the old and new decks. When you add new radicals and kanji in the future, you simply do so from the new decks and leave the old decks for reviews.3:
Simply download the new radicals and kanji decks and keep the old ones, too. Whenever you add new cards in the future, do so from the new decks instead of the old ones. Deal with the fact that the new kanji will use new or altered radical meanings for their mnemonics while the old kanji still use the old radical meanings.I’m not sure there is a more painfree way out of this mess, but it is makes you feel any better, I did method 2 and I’m at 5 stroke radicals. It took me hours I tell you.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
I don’t think achievements would be a bad idea at all, but I think implementing a system like that would be too much work for what it’s worth. I mean, it would be alot of fairly complicated scripting (I think?) and I think there are more pressing matters to be taken care of first.
I never paid for the monthly subscription, but there’s no way you’d pay for the remainder of the month unless it’s a mistake on Koichi’s part. It should be 30 days, so if by the 1st of February you find it run out already, then you should ask for a refund, though I seriously doubt that will happen.
I completed a 3 month workout program a while ago and haven’t really been doing anything since. Working out is boring with a capital B, but I guess I’ll give this a shot and see if it can help with the motivation.
I am confused.
O hai.EDIT: This really wasn’t supposed to happen…
This reply was modified 13 years ago by