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  • in reply to: Confusing Ultimate Lists #23748


    Thank you, Joel. I hadn’t seen the dashboard. As long as the decks I have have simply been split, as in I’m not missing any words, I’ll just add new groups every once in a while. My biggest concern was that I would be missing out on cards.

    in reply to: Hello from Australia! #23683


    Hey Lauren! I love how your forum name extends all the way into your post. Pretty awesome.

    I think Textfugu will have everything you’ll need for a good while (half a year to a year, depending on your ambition level and the rate at which Koichi updates). After season 2, the workload will start to increase with every lesson/season, so I’d advise you to wait a little before you commit to too many things. That being said, I’m simply projecting myself onto you. If you have no problem with doing Japanese for hours a day, you should go right ahead! :D

    in reply to: The Japan Channel #23674


    Well to be honest, I don’t particularly like the guy either! He removed one of my comments once and send me a pm telling me to respect his opinions (but he shouldn’t respect mine?).

    Regardless, I still like the videos he puts up and there are frequent updates.

    Checking the unrested channel..

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  ルイ.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  ルイ.
    in reply to: ために、 に and へ #23472


    Thanks for clearing that up, Joel!

    And now, off へ bed…

    in reply to: ために、 に and へ #23455


    Thank you Hattori, that’s a great explanation.

    That means that に and へ would both be valid in any of the two sentences, right?

    in reply to: こんにちわユーガイス!!! #23274


    Must… Resist… Urge to… Correct… Sorry, can’t: it’s こんにちは! :D

    I used to go to school with some guys who tried to learn Hebrew, so I know about the implied vowels and stuff. Seems like a pretty radical learning experience (Though I’m sure Japanese will top even that somehow!)

    I think people with the brains for maths also tend to excel at language studies. That’s just what I’ve observed, anyway.

    Good luck with your continued studies!

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  ルイ.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  ルイ.
    in reply to: Finished Season 2! #23273


    Back in my days, season 2 was part of season 1! :D
    But to give a proper answer, I finished season 2 last summer.

    Have fun in season 3: that’s where the fun begins! Or something…

    in reply to: Hello ^_^ #23187


    Welcome, Zoe! Awesome that you’re taking something daunting – like learning a language – into your own hands at an early age! :)

    I hope you all the best.

    in reply to: Question on honourifics… #23177


    One can never be too polite, right? I don’t know if there is an “official” set of rules on how to address people in Japan, but for first meetings and when you’re not sure, being polite will never offend anyone, so it’s a pretty safe strategy, I think.

    If you go to Japan, this kind of thing is probably quickly picked up on. You’ll just have to observe the people around you and do what they do.

    Besides, you don’t have to stress about something like this. Japanese people are people after all. Tell them that you’re still learning about politeness and how to address people and they will understand.

    Sorry if that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but it’s all I could contribute with.

    in reply to: Japanese character computer troubles, help! #23064


    If it worked before, then I think it’s safe to assume you broke it somehow!

    Do you remember when it started showing rectangles? Did you install a program, change computer settings, etc.?

    in reply to: 始めまして #23035



    Good luck with it. And get yourself a forum avatar! :D

    in reply to: Heroo~ #23001


    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I apologize for the eccentric and possibly brain-melting writing style. I shall bring a mop and a bucket. Weird things happen when you write messages late at night. (Whoops! Just realized – I’m doing it again, right now… I wonder why that is…)

    in reply to: Hello :) #22997


    Welcome to the Fugu cult! Once you’ve got ひらがな and カタカナ out of the way, learning Japanese becomes alot more fun, I think!

    I hope you’ll find once you’ve been at it for a while, like I did, that learning Japanese has the most welcome “side-effect” of improving your memory retention in general. Though this might not happen until a few months in. The mnemonic tricks provided in season 1 are also great for remembering all kinds of things.

    Best of luck to you.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  ルイ.
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