Forum Replies Created
Wow, it looks really good nice job and thank you.
Honestly the whole concept of conjagating adjectives confuses me. I felt like it was barely touched on in regards to bfore the noun circumstances.
Add Lang-8 to that list as well^^I would like to use lang-8 but do not know what to write and put on the site.
I really feel like finding people to converse with in some fashion is important not only do you get to polish what you know but they can teach you something you didnt and the fact that you can use it in real life applications should help to motivate you to learn as much as possible.
Jacqueline Kientzler:
TLDR~ I agree about the bookmark. Progress bar edges on the ‘too impractical’ side of things. Koichi is sort of against the aforementioned quizzes.Absolutely! I was about to post a new topic about this, but figured I should look around a bit. I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one thinking this. As for the progress bar, it might be difficult because of a.) the aforementioned jumping around and b.) the never-ending flow of lessons that Koichi continues to add. [Thanks Koichi!!!!] On a final note, someone asked about quizzes to test whether or not you know something in addition to the practice. I have talked to Koichi about this before, and he simply mentioned that he didn’t want people to learn just to pass the test. I tend to disagree and figure that if you’re self-teaching, you probably will use the quiz as a way to make sure you really know something. But. That’s just me. Koichi makes the book not me. :/
Did he say anything about a wanikani like implementation. I know he mentioned doing away with anki but wasnt sure how he wanted to structure it.
As crazy as it sounds you could try talking in japanese. The reason I say it sounds crazy is because, if you are like me, you may not have someone to speak it with. Simply try to have some form of conversation and incorperate anything you have learned or reviewed. This will not only give you speakimg practice but it should also help strengthen the ability to recall the information. This should in turn help with reviews.
You could also try posting in japanese on sites like facebook, twitter, or your blog (if you have one). It may help to have other learners or speakers friend you on such sites so that they can send you a response in Japanese as well. This should do like the suggestion above but give you reading and writting practice as well as kanji practice instead of speaking. I do this very little, mainly because no one else can read it, but think this is something that I should do more. I figured this might help you as well.
Each season has taken me about a week, because I only allow one grammer lesson per day. I also have had experience with a chunk of the information before, up to season 4 at least, but things will definately slow down because of the ton of nee vocab and kanji I am learning. This is why I came to textdugu in the first place. Honestly though go at a pace that you feel does you the most good.
Working on the last bit of い adjective vocab and learning how to conjugate them.Doing the same. I also need to get back to my genki textbook, I can tell that I am forgetting some vocab.
Speaking of which has anyone made a anki deck out of the second edition or one with first and second edition vocab? Sure could save me a lot of time.
If nothing else you can always write all posts in japanese. I do this with facebook and twitter now and will look into teuing to change them to japanese. If nothing else its a great security feature.
That would be nice
Last week sometime something in Anki stopped the media from being copied over to my local DropBox folder. When creating a new deck, media added before a sync (before it and the media appears on AnkiWeb) is copied and plays fine. After a sync, all new cards that have media do not have the media copied over correctly. I was debugging it for 90min last night to no avail. Copying the media manually works as does the Find Missing Media (not actual name) tool, but that tool is less useful since it can’t find missing media. I will have to re-run through the plug-in for Dropbox when I get home. I just wish I knew what caused it. It worked fine for weeks and then nothing all of a sudden.Same exact thing happened. Though if ur other decks play the media that it did have i dont think it was a dropbox problwm. I know this is old but if u figured it out please let me no, thanks in advance.
No worries. Glad I can help out. As for your problem, not much more I can think of that can help. You could uninstall Anki and start over, but that would be a huge hassle and a bit of a chore to re add all your decks again.It would be something to consider if i didnt have nontextfugu stuff in there. All i can think to so is redo the decks, just having troubles with my computer at the moment also. Not sure why since i never use it except to get the anki decks.
It’s strange a lot of people are having problems with anki. I’ve only had problems with the audio not playing if the actual audio file is missing from the deck. Such as the case in the katakana deck.The steps I do are:
1) download the anki archive deck from TF (example
2) unzip the archive and put the extracted folder in a custom made folder such as “My Extracted Anki Decks”
3) open up anki and click import if I’m making a new deck or adding to a deck that’s already there.
4) I find my custom made folder where i’ve extracted the anki decks. I choose the deck i want to add. So, for example kanji vocab 4-7.anki . there should also be a folder called kanji vocab . this contains the audio files.
5) anki imports the . anki file and the audio to the already made kanji vocab deck.Are you sure you’re definitely importing and not adding? I remember Koichi saying that if you press add it will affect the media files playing.
In the “My Documents” folder on your C:drive or whatever, there will be an anki folder. Every time you import a new deck, anki creates a copy of the .anki files and media folders and stores it there. Check this drive every time to see if it has indeed done that.
If you’re still having problems, I don’t know what else to suggest.
I follow the exact same procedure you so, i have a anki folder on my desktop that i extract things to and i always use the import option. This only became an issue when i imported one of my last few decks. Idk y though. As i said i am importing and when i extract i extract to my custom file so both are there.
By the way kanjiman, thank you. Every time i have had a question you have provided excellent answers.
I am having a problem with audio also. Since either season 2 lesson 5 or 6 when i import the deck it will not import my audio. For some reason it stopped moving the audio to the new location. Copy and past works but the anki folder gets full fast and it gets difficult to make sure you move the roght thing.
I have done a fare amount of reading on this, most students in Japan only take/pass the N2 because that is what most jobs require, N1 has a very small passing rate and is really just a bonus to the emplyer. That being said if you pass the N2 and feel really prepared go for the N1, since you would be a foreigner I am sure that will more than level the playing field. The source for this imformation would be the all mighty Wikipedia lol.
On a slightly different note if you want a place to buy books for the jlpt or for any other study purpose i would recommend i have seen quite a few different books for the jlpt and kanji, whichever you need. They tend to have fairly low prices from what i have seen also. They are based out of Florisa in the southeastern US but I think they can ship internationally, though being one state away i cant say for sure.
I hope this information helps and please let me know if i am in error on any of this.
@Sayuri , thanks for letting me know.