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Thank you missing for the great recourse
Welcome and good luck with all your studies. I would check with the engineering school call someone up there and ask if they offer any and what you need to do
The drama “One Litre of Tears” is good. It is sad, so be warned, but the speaking is very clear and the plot is uncomplicated, easy t follow if you want to focus on the dialogue rather than the story. Aside from that, some of nana mizuki’s music is good. Utada Hikaru also. They both tend to be non-anime singers, if that means anything for you.Can litre of tears be found on YouTube or is there another place I should look
Yousei teikoku was pretty good. I really enjoyed Kanon Wakeshita, big fan of the classical string instruments.
Hey you were definately right, AKB48 speaks very very clearly. I really appreciate all the comments I have been making a list from this thread so thank you.
Do As Infinity was good also, thank you. Honestly I am a bit surprised there hasnt been an AKB recommendation yet either. I havent listened to them but based on past articles they r very popular.
Revise that, i have watched the videos and found them quite enlightening. The first vdeo of D reminded me of my chemistry classes though, i could have sworn it looked just like that.
Hatsune Miku… Vocaloid just doesn’t do it for me. Perhaps it’s because I am a singer/musician myself and just find the whole vocaloid thing repulsive. It’s great that they achieved such a thing but it should never be used to fully replace a singer. But that’s another discussion, lol.You didn’t list your preferred genre… So not sure what you kind of music you like.
This song is awesome:
And this one too: are actually a few of my favorite Japanese songs I have found during my search for Japanese music. Check out more songs by either artist if you like the above songs I posted.
Lately I have been listening to euro-beat style music. If you like euro-beat and can find the album “Super Anime Remix – Super Best” it has a ton of cool songs on it.
Stuff like this: “Toho Euro Flash Vol.1″ and Vol.2 by NJK Record are two albums I really like.
My favorite song off Vol.1 being this one:
and favorite song off Vol.2 being this one: I mention I love euro-beat??
If your into something more rocky and heavy, I have been enjoying both “Nightmare” and “D”.
D: far as my prefered genre of music i mostly listen to more classical esque music, usually hatever i have on my yoshida kyoudai pandora statio. That is created to have as few vocals as possible because i use it to study alot and cant afford to get distracted to often. I also will listen to death metal, and similar genres, but that isnt good for this purpose. The other genre i listen to would be dubstep. I for the most part have abandoned lyrics in most music, got kinda tired of hearing about the sane old thing from the popular music around here (which i have never been into in first place, this means rap r and b etc). I will definately check those links out, thank you both. Would have done so already but i had to sleep sometime lol. Any other suggestions for anything, they r appreciated.
(実話)生徒: そういえばさぁ、「つ」と「づ」はどう違うんですか?発音は違ってますよね。
日本人: ん?ふーーーーーーん・・・一緒じゃん。
俺: lol wut.
My thought exactly wuh. Sorry i just felt a bit amused at not understanding a word.
Welcome to textfugu, i think uou made a great choice for a starting point, and far beyond it. Good luck and I hope you get what you wish from the experience.
Great to see someone so enthusiastic about learning. I hope all endevours go well and want to thank you for service.
Wow thats rare. Thanks.
Thank you both that makes a bit of sense. I havent used romaji in quite a long time but unfortunately its how we learn the sounds for our kana.
Thanks again,
Welcome and good luck.
Sounds like a fun goal to achieve, best of luck.
Welcome back to hour studies. Best of luck with your studies.
If you learn or discover anything particularly interesting about the Ainu i am sure we’d love to hear from you.