Hello textfugers!
I have been a teamspeak resident for awhile (when I am not off having epic adventures and forgetting to log in). I would like to second what ロブ said about it not being a super intense Japanese atmosphere. When I was new I was afraid of visiting the teamspeak, because thought were just going to practice Japanese and talk about study sources (and that I would feel bad for being a newb). People do practice typing and saying things, but that is not the only thing going on. I am an English major, and I have a profound love of poetry, so I don’t mind helping people edit papers and talking about nerdy book stuff. I am also a girl, so I like talking about girly stuff ( I am basically saying it’s not a boys only club).
Tuba knows a lot about politics and the like, and he doesn’t mind talking to people about stuff (in a civil manner, of course). Missing is really really good at Japanese, and he also knows a lot about AKB (I am just giving examples).
I also know from experience that you may come in one day and feel awkward talking to one person, but then come in another day and realize you have a lot in common with them. I hope that anyone who comes in will give it a few chances to see if they like it, instead of just coming in once and getting discouraged.
So yeah, please come in. I will give you a sammich!
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by