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  • in reply to: Reading of 七 #38606

    Emma Neilson

    Tsetycoon13: literally just found the explanation on texfugu about halfway down the page:

    in reply to: Reading of 七 #38587

    Emma Neilson

    Oh okay. Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Erm, Slight confusion about Wani-Kani #38261

    Emma Neilson

    I haven’t read/watched hitchikers guide for a while, so is the pet bald eagle thing a reference?

    in reply to: Hello! #37990

    Emma Neilson

    Same to you:)


    Good luck with Jap!

    in reply to: Hello! #37815

    Emma Neilson

    Yay, I feel slightly more normal now (am doing the same thing) Cfs and fibromyalgia, you?



    After I installed the google Japanese imput bar thingy found here:  I could see all kana, as well as type it , so perhaps that might help. I’m running Windows 7

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)