Forum Replies Created
Do you really need to pay for private lessons on how to pronounce ra/ri/ru/re/ro? You’re not going to be able to pronounce them 100% correctly till you’ve had a *lot* of exposure and practice, so I’d say just push on to the dakuten stuff now, it’s not really that difficult anyway.
At my Japanese class, there was a middle-aged guy there who helped out (a lawyer who’s also studying at the university) and I definitely heard him say “deh-soo”. Not strictly “cutesy and girly”.
Yep, a beginner will understand that, no bother ;)
August 4, 2013 at 6:52 am in reply to: Suggestion: Include whether or not る-verbs are ichidan or godan… #41360Stuff like this is better sent in an email to Koichi, seeing as he hasn’t visited the forum in a long, long time.
Well, just generally, lower-level languages like C and assembly are better if you want more control over how the processor is used and how memory is allocated. Java is very portable because it runs on something called the Java Virtual Machine – it’s kinda like a layer in between the Java code and the processor, the JVM dealing with differences in architecture so the code doesn’t have to. Matlab’s used for mathematical programming; we used it in a machine learning assignment for analysing large amounts of numerical data. Prolog programs are lists of relations – represented by facts and rules (the “knowledgebase”) – on which queries are run, with applications in AI.
Sorry, that was kind of a shit answer – I’m really not great at explaining stuff like this, I’m sure there are other places online that do a better job :P While I mentioned Java’s portability, there are probably many, many other reasons why you’d choose it over Haskell (and vice versa).
What do you mean, like how is the syntax different? Functions in Haskell are pretty elegant, I think; being a “functional language”, the majority of Haskell programs are comprised of functions.
myFunction :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool myFunction x y | x - y == 0 = True | otherwise = False
So that’s saying take two integer arguments x and y and return a boolean (if x and y are the same return True, if not False), so in the interpreter you could type
myFunction 5 3
and it would return False.It’s also got a cool construct that mimics set-builder notation from maths (think Python might have something similar too, can’t remember). Typing
[ x | x <- [1..10], isEven x]
gives you a list of all the even numbers between 1 and 10.Sorry, I just really like the Haskell…
@Joel: No, I said your mnemonic *implies* that 時 means “bell”, not that it actually *does* mean that :P If “bell” is superfluous, then that leaves it as “time” + “temple” = “time”, which is *also* confusing to me. If it works out in your head though, that’s fine, I can’t argue against that; I’m sure there are plenty of things I’ve remembered using methods unique to my own thought process too haha.
And fine! I’ll make my *own* mnemonic! With blackjack… and hookers! In fact, forget the mnemonic and the blackjack! Eh, screw the whole thing.
I wouldn’t bother with a forever membership – you’ll probably be able to blitz through all the content in less than the 6 months it takes for the price of monthly to be equal. If you’re using WK for kanji/radicals, I also wouldn’t bother using the TextFugu kanji section. It’s like he got bored with it and just decided to migrate all his great new ideas to WK instead of actually updating the stuff here, just like he moved all the intermediate content he was making for here over to EtoEto. Makes more money that way, of course :P
@Senjougahara: Haskell high-five! :D What a great language. My lecturer for functional programming in first year (in which we learned the language) was Philip Wadler, one of the guys who actually helped develop Haskell. Main research is on lambda calculus, I think. Pretty eccentric man. He’s worked at many different universities I think, so there’s a chance you’ve seen him too :D
Languages I’ve covered so far in my degree (to varying uh… degrees): Java, Haskell, Python, C, MIPS assembly, Matlab, Prolog, SQL, XML. Java and Haskell have been the main ones so far but the others have been used in various assignments and whatnot. Definitely wouldn’t consider myself that good with any of them but have had the most experience with those two; they’re kinda dormant in my brain at the moment but if I had the time to revise a little, I could probably get back into using them ok.
Other stuff I’ve covered: a lot of maths (linear algebra, calculus, probability, discrete maths), algorithms and data structures (searching and sorting, and stuff like linked lists, heaps, etc.), machine learning, first-order and predicate logic, formal and natural language processing. While I was great at maths in high school, uni-level maths was a massive step up and I’ve done pretty terribly at it so far :/ No more specific maths courses after the first two years though, so that’s something (not that we won’t be *using* the stuff we’ve learned so far, of course). Machine learning stuff was quite interesting but difficult at times. Really liked natural language processing.
“The 日 radical also indicates time” – that just makes for a confusing mnemonic then. If the three keywords in your sentence are “time”, “temple” and “bell”, and if 日 = “time” and 寺 = “temple”, does that not imply that 時 = “bell”? A better alternative would be to replace “bell” with “sun dial”, then everything fits together nicely :D (It’s not even a difficult kanji to remember, I’m just nit-picking here :P)
I’ve no idea whether it does mention it in TextFugu (it really should), but there’s not much to it: if a word has two (or more?) of the same kanji in a row, you can replace the others with that mark e.g. 日日 -> 日々 and 時時 -> 時々
@Jason: Ah, that’s a good example. I was trying to think of one where all the radicals were proper kanji in their own right but my mind was blanking :P And on your second point (about readings), I totally agree :D
@Joel: But 日 is “sun”, not “bell”, or am I missing some vital connection here?
@thisiskyle: Yeah, that’s a good point.
There you go. But to be fair, sometimes を can have a slight ‘w’-ish sound, depending on what sound comes before and on the person saying it. Unless I’m crazy and I’m hearing things…
When I was looking for that page, I was reminded again of how unintuitive the layout of TextFugu is, ugh :/ Had to trawl through a lot of guff to find it, since the pages of each chapter aren’t labelled in the contents. I can’t count how many times he’s fiddled with the design and layout of the site (instead of actually adding content) and it’s ended up worse and worse when you would have thought he be improving it. He really shouldn’t have split everything into separate pages – if everything for each chapter is in one big page like it used to be, you can easily Ctrl+F to get to the good bits, unlike this unlabelled mess there is now.
…another rant there, sorry folks :P
I’m going into the 3rd year of a (4-year) CS degree. I don’t know anything about Ruby though…
I couldn’t find “show picture only”, so I’m assuming it’s some kind of Firefox nonsense. Chrome’s equivalent worked fine though; hadn’t realised they were scaled down, just thought they were small.
What can you say of Tagaini Jisho? Is it any good?
And why do you have 2.7TB of encrypted data? What are you trying to hide? :P And how do you manage to even have 2.7TB of data in the first place? My laptop’s hard drive is 450GB and I’m not even half full o.0