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  • in reply to: Issues with Radicals #41275

    Radicals are really helpful once you start getting to kanji with higher strokes. Something like 愛[love] is actually pretty simple if you think of it in terms of radicals. Just keep at it :)

    in reply to: Monolingual decks(anki), why and how. #41274

    Nice post, thanks. Sanseido looks a pretty cool dictionary, so thanks for sharing that too :D The pictures under “This is my setup” are a little small though, can’t really make much out. Plus, for the people who don’t know who Khatz is, you should probably mention which site you’re talking about.

    in reply to: Nina-Chan can learn JAPANESE! #41273

    If you’ve been studying Japanese for years (even just on and off), I think TextFugu might be a little basic for you – it’s aimed at absolute beginners and doesn’t really have much content. I could be wrong, but just a heads up :)

    What sort of level would you say you were at anyway? *Please* tell me in those years of studying you’ve learned at least *some* kanji :P

    in reply to: Suggestion for Koichi san & Textfugu development #41263

    I definitely think there is too much filler in TextFugu. He takes pages and pages to say what should take a few lines; Season 8 is a perfect example of this: its entire contents could probably fit on all of two pages (one for explanation, one for example sentences). He should really be using more varied vocab too – if there’s a word included in an example sentence that hasn’t been covered in the previous vocab lists, is it *really* too difficult to either work it out from context (in the English translation) or to just look it up in a dictionary?

    For example:
    受付にペンを返して願書が机に置いた。- I gave the receptionist the pen and left the application form on the desk.

    Now, ignoring the fact that the sentence most likely doesn’t make sense, if you already know the words:
    受付 – receptionist
    ペン – pen
    返す – to return (something)
    置く – to place
    is it really that difficult to work out that 願書 means “application form”? It’s probably *better* to learn words in context like this, instead of solely relying on just what’s covered by the ultimate vocab lists.

    Basically, hand-holding is fine in the beginning, but it really needs to taper off as you progress.

    in reply to: A little sad #41256

    @zeldaskitten: Does it use the same forum software as this place? Are there more regular users? Does Koichi actually show his face? D: Maybe I’ll wait to see if EtoEto gets a forum, that might be better :P

    in reply to: hirigana rules over implied with katakana? #41254

    I agree with Joel.

    Also, it’s “hiragana”. Don’t worry, I’ve made that mistake many times :P

    in reply to: Suggestion for Koichi san & Textfugu development #41253

    Firstly, the idea of Koichi being here to read this is laughable :P Maybe if you’d posted this 2 – 3 years ago, you would have got a decent response (but then it wouldn’t make any sense).

    Secondly, you really didn’t need to write so much :D You don’t have to say “Koichi, you’re perfect, this website is perfect, I love it, I love you. There’s also a small issue I wanted to raiseBUT DON’T GET ME WRONG this is all my fault and not your fault and I should have held back my studying to fit around TextFugu and…” – he’s a busy man these days, doing so many non-TextFugu-related things, keep it concise and to the point and he’ll be more likely to answer. Even back in the day when I used to email him a lot, he switched to this “3 line reply” system of handling emails: I’m not sure if he still does it, but he switched to only sending really short replies because he was getting so many emails and was spending too much time on them. Your concern might warrant a longer reply but I’m just illustrating the point that he’s busy, so the less he has to read the better. He won’t think any less of you if you don’t heap the praise on him :P

    in reply to: A little sad #41241

    @vanandrew: Oh, that’s not a complete list, just what I could think of off the top of my head ;)

    Do you remember him mentioning something about a project codenamed “Kuma”? EtoEto seems to be the new name for that. It was a bunch of more intermediate content that he was going to add to TextFugu but decided he could make more money from it if he made it a separate thing :P I think it’s free for current TextFugu lifetime members though. for more details. It looks good, but like I said I’m a bit apprehensive.

    in reply to: A little sad #41235

    @Rowen: Does it matter if Jpod101 add any new content though? They’ve got so much as it is, it would take a long, long to actually get through all of it :D

    Also, I’d recommend watching those Japanese anime with Japanese subtitles instead, if you can. I’ve not tried it yet myself (I don’t really watch anime but I mean with other TV too) but I’ve heard it’s a lot more effective – if you’ve got English subtitles, your brain is drawn to the English and you’ll be less likely to take in the Japanese being spoken. Still pretty difficult, though it could fun to try, see how much you can understand :D I keep meaning to do this with a series called “Densha Otoko”, supposed to be pretty good.

    @Vanandrew: Yeah, Koichi says a lot of things. He also told me he planned to finish the core content of TextFugu (6 whole seasons to start but hopefully add another few for more advanced stuff if he had the chance, which under the new system of shorter seasons would be around 12 up to maybe 16 respectively) by… I think his first estimate was around the end of 2011 (I know, right?). And back when he used to update more often and was more actually *involved* with his customers and the community, he’d frequently keep pushing back the dates for when stuff would be done. If a lesson was to be up “this Wednesday”, you can bet your ass he’d keep pushing it back till it finally came on the Friday of the next week. Don’t forget numerous promises of “5 new Tofugu videos every week”, “a few new Tofugu videos every week”, “one new Tofugu video every week” – don’t get me wrong, those videos were usually pretty good, it’s just that those promises were obviously going to fail. And then there was the whole “Cat Island” section of his TofuguTV series that didn’t get done for god knows how long. And then there was the experiment he was supposed to do regarding learning Japanese in your sleep: instead of making post explaining that it didn’t come to anything (or that he couldn’t be bothered), I only found out what happened to it after asking him about it directly in an unrelated email.

    @Reiden: Welcome back haha. Did you used to use a different avatar? I can kinda remember the username but something seems a bit off :P Maybe I’m thinking of someone else…

    @Rowen (again): As for communities worth joining, this one! :D As much as I moan about TextFugu as a whole, this part is pretty good ;) I caught up with the material in TextFugu (and thus stopped using it) about a little under 2 years ago maybe; besides a couple of long(ish)-term absences, I’ve stayed on this forum ever since :D Though it may not be the best forum from a technical stand-point, there are some pretty decent people here, even though a lot of the regulars from when I first started don’t really come here much (or at all) any more.

    in reply to: Tip for those who dread long Anki decks #41234

    @Vanandrew: The SRS algorithm is, I’m afraid :S I’ve been using it so long that I’ve been conditioned to think “If I don’t do it, I won’t get better at Japanese” – I know that’s bullshit but my subconscious doesn’t and it compels me to do them XD That, and my irrational fear of increasing numbers.

    It’s like how you can not actually *have* OCD but if a picture frame is squint, you can’t just leave it, you have to fix it :D Or how you might be compelled to watch “just one more YouTube video, then I’ll go to bed, I swear!”. A major factor in it too is that if you’ve spent so much time and effort on something, it’s difficult to give it up and cut your losses cause that just seems like a waste. I’m over halfway through the Core 6k list, and I don’t really want to give it up till I’m done.

    @Jason: Bang on the money there. Lots and lots of input is much more important; I really want to switch to a system more like that but, as mentioned above, I have trouble letting go of flash cards (or at least, reducing time spent on them).

    in reply to: Tip for those who dread long Anki decks #41218

    @vanandrew: But it’s so easy to :P The feeling that the number of due cards keeps increasing the longer you leave it is too much to bear XD Plus, if you keep leaving cards undone, doesn’t it mess with the SRS algorithm process?

    @Joel: Ha :P I can just imagine his parents getting a call from the school like “Your child has been absent for the past 6 months; is something wrong?”

    in reply to: は particle and verbs? #41216

    I agree, Joel.

    in reply to: A little sad #41215

    @Rowen: What do you mean “no intention of introducing more advance[d] podcasts”, in regards to Jpod101? The first podcast in their “Upper Intermediate” season 1 was posted in January 2008. If that series is too basic for you, I’m not sure what made you buy TextFugu :S They have a whole range of different levels at Jpod101, and many many podcasts for each. How long ago did you have a subscription?

    @Jacqueline: You left December 2011? Has it *really* changed that much? It usually takes him a couple of years to add one lesson, so I’m not sure there’s been *that* much added haha.

    As for EtoEto, I’m not sure I want to use it. Thankfully it’ll be free for me, but I’ve lost a lot of faith in Koichi over the years. How long before he abandons it to take on some other hair-brained scheme? It’ll just start getting good then all the content will stop coming and we’ll be left with bugger-all. If he wants to dick around and try out new ideas, he shouldn’t be charging for them until they are finished products; none of this “pay full price now and just hope to god I don’t get bored with it and shaft you all”.

    …I guess I’m kinda glad he’s not on the forum in a way: I’d probably be banned by now for always going on about how shit TextFugu is :P Other people agree with me from time to time, but I probably do it the most :S

    in reply to: Tip for those who dread long Anki decks #41180

    Hm, I guess I sometimes do something similar: I just move the window so that half of it is off screen, meaning the remaining number is hidden.

    Another, better, technique I found was to listen to something while I was doing reviews. You don’t need 100% concentration to do Anki cards, so it’s not too distracting. I’ve been doing it a while now and found it really helps. Since maybe the start of this year, almost every time I do cards, I’m either listening to old radio shows from Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant/Karl Pilkington, or watching some YouTube video. Having said that, I did find listening to Japanese audio was quite distracting, for me at least (which is a shame since that could be really helpful).

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