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  • in reply to: All over the place in Season 6? #41179

    @Nicholas: Boom, got it in one.

    in reply to: Season 8 #41151

    I agree with everyone here.

    @thisiskyle: While there were 3 seasons back then (no. 3 wasn’t exactly finished though, I don’t think), he changed the format so that each season was pretty much split into two. So what we called season 3 then is roughly season 5+6 now. That means the fact there’re only 8 seasons so far is just ridiculous – it’s taken him 2 years to get the old season 4 done ¬_¬

    Just had a look at the contents of season 8: wow, all that stuff should be covered in one *lesson*, no idea why he’s split it up and spread over one *season*. I used to like Koichi, but I find him a bit of dick these days for stuff like this; it’s pretty ridiculous he’s still taking people’s money for this shit. Hashi was the good one but now he’s gone ;_;

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #41137

    Maybe using something like ずつ or 次第に? Or you could ask them to say the word slowly, I’m not sure.

    in reply to: は ha or wa? #41136

    There are still some times where I’m thinking “Wait… is that the *particle* は, or this one long word here?”; a lot of kana all together can make it a little difficult to parse the sentence, especially if you don’t know some of the words.

    in reply to: は particle and verbs? #41135

    Might have been Elenkis that posted that. I think it was regarding a meal at a friend’s house, where he inadvertently implied the cook wasn’t usually any good at cooking; the host pointed it out though and laughed it off since he knew the guy didn’t know any better. There was also the example of saying a girl’s eyes(?) are pretty but using は kinda implies the rest of her isn’t :P

    in reply to: A… search bar!? #41124

    I was so excited I never thought to test it :P

    in reply to: Space Cat / Kitten in Japanese? #41118

    I think “Space Cat” sounds a better pseudonym than “Uchuu no neko”, but that’s just me ;) Or maybe something with “Interstellar” in the title, I think that sounds good :P

    in reply to: Space Cat / Kitten in Japanese? #41107

    No romaji! Go learn hiragana! …oh wait, you *are* learning hiragana; there goes my standard response :P

    And yes, you mentioned “space cat” was for a blog, but I was talking specifics: *why* is there a space cat in your blog? What is your blog about? ;)

    “To get the tones right” – that’s really more a feature in Chinese than Japanese. If you’re meaning “pronunciation in general”, that can be acquired through lots of listening to native materials. Not to say that having a native speaker tutor wouldn’t be good, just that it’s not *strictly* necessary.

    in reply to: How do you type in japanese? #41106

    Nice tactful reply, Mark :P I mean yeah, it would be easier to just look it up yourself, but sometimes people prefer to actually ask *people* directly.

    in reply to: Space Cat / Kitten in Japanese? #41089

    The dictionary is your friend ;) Here’s a good standard: (though I’m surprised “kitten” isn’t classed as a “common word” there).

    As for “cat from outer space”, I’d guess something like 宇宙の猫(うちゅうのねこ), though I’m sure someone else can come up with something better. Just out of interest, why would you need to say “space cat”?

    in reply to: Featured on a Japanese blog #41085

    Ah, that makes more sense. Must have just been a typo when you wrote it because I copied and pasted it directly.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #41082 - Tae Kim does a good section on this kind of thing (“Expressing Amounts”). A lot of points other than しか are mentioned on that page too, but they’re related and quite interesting anyway, so worth a read I’d say.

    in reply to: Numbers reading question #41069

    Don’t mean to get at you – this is a perfectly reasonable question to ask, and you’re right for wondering – but this *exact question* has already been asked. I know there’s no “Search” feature on this forum, but the thread in question is actually on the first page , only a few threads below yours at time of writing :P

    The question has actually been asked here about 5739 times in all, but a lot of those are pages and pages away; you really have to have been here for a while to know the full extent of the problem haha (or be handy with Google searching). I blame Koichi’s lack of forum presence – if he’d actually been here, he would’ve noticed it was a problem with the book and had it fixed by now.

    in reply to: Kanji sentence #41068

    @jellysheep: Why thank you! :D Just the other day I… behind you, a three-headed monkey!!

    in reply to: Kanji sentence #41052

    Someone really needs to start an FAQ thread and get that shit stickied :P

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