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  • in reply to: か as 'or'? #40571

    I meant to ask you what “Sinf” meant; it’s not something I’ve ever come across. I’m sure I’ve seen N1/N2 as nouns and S as sentence, but just not the “inf” part.

    in reply to: Koichi not answering… #40556

    As far as I’ve been aware, you don’t actually need to be/have subscribed to TextFugu to be able to access the forum. There might have been something where you don’t have some of the same posting privileges (are there any?), but I’m not exactly sure. Please do stay: the more “post-beginners”, the merrier :D

    “Has something maybe happened to him?” – Yup. He’s bored of/lost motivation for TextFugu and has focussed all his efforts on WaniKani and whatever else. He’s not even that active on Tofugu any more, seems like the majority of posts are written by John and Hashi.

    @Joel: If it’s just on the backburner, it gives people a false impression that shit actually gets done. At least if he makes a statement saying he’s giving up on it outright, people will know more what to expect when they sign up. The badness of money being involved was implied, I guess.

    in reply to: か as 'or'? #40555

    An nice little usage of this is in the phrase 「~かどうか」, which means  ”whether or not ~”

    I don’t know whether he will come or not.

    in reply to: All over the place in Season 6? #40554

    Just speaking from experience ;)

    *grabs claymore*


    in reply to: All over the place in Season 6? #40534

    Don’t count on it! :D

    in reply to: Kids books/ manga to read #40533

    “…and who therefore speak entirely in kana” – does that not make it quite difficult? I find it so much harder trying to read without any kanji.

    I tried reading Dragon Ball a while ago, but I couldn’t make head nor tail of it haha. I’ll maybe give it another shot sometime soon, though. Absolutely loved the anime; DBZ was decent too, but the original Dragon Ball is far superior ;) Don’t really watch anime ever (save for Pokemon, DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh when I was a kid, and a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop), but that’s one I’ve watched in its entirety.

    in reply to: Koichi not answering… #40530

    “I was a little worried you’ll be mad” – damn straight! Not at you though, at Koichi :P There was never any of this kind of bullshit back in the day. You could email him any time and he’s always get back to you with great, in-depth replies (depending on what you asked him). He was occasionally on the forum too, which seems an alien concept now. Now with this “Kuma” thing he’s working on being a separate entity to TextFugu, it seems like he’s pretty much given up. He’s bored of TextFugu now but instead of giving up outright, he’s putting it on the back burner, which is probably worse.

    Also, feel free to stick around on this forum even after you’ve quit TextFugu – there are a number of users who are way past the material there anyway, so you’d be in good company ;) And when I say “a number of users” I mean “majority of people who post here regularly”.

    in reply to: We have a textfugu TEAMSPEAK server btw #40508

    Does anyone still use this? I haven’t been on in a long long long time.

    in reply to: Gamers! Come! :D #40503

    I have Steam, it’s just that I don’t know you… If you’re wanting to chat to other TextFugu users (in Japanese or not), we have a TeamSpeak server, which happens to be the topic of one of the only three stickied threads here:
    I haven’t been on it in probably almost 2 years, but I’m sure other people still go on.

    Edit: It’s cool looking at that thread and seeing all the people that used to come here regularly :D ooh_a_robot, ロブ, Watarimono, Larisajane, Kaona, Sheepy, Revenant, Hashi(!), Midori, tubatime1010

    in reply to: All over the place in Season 6? #40502

    I’m guessing it’s a result of him changing the layout time and time again, missing little details each time, until it’s a big mess of stuff that doesn’t fit together. The earlier chapters are probably more consistent because he seems to spend a lot more time on them.

    When you make posts on Lang-8, what do you write about? Do you just make random sentences, or do you talk about something specific, maybe like a proper diary entry? I kinda feel like making a post (for the first time in a really long time), but:" />

    Edit: Oh my god, image embedding, y u do dis!? You’ve totally ruined the point I’m trying to make, again!

    in reply to: Gamers! Come! :D #40486

    Ah yeah, I’d forgotten about NHK World… Those voice-overs are so bad they’re good though :D

    With regard to Final Fantasy, I’ve only played number 10, but the voice acting in that wasn’t that bad. I liked both Rikku’s and Wakka’s voices. Lulu was decent too. And before anyone mentions it, the “laughing scene” DOES NOT COUNT.

    in reply to: Gamers! Come! :D #40476

    “japanece actor voice is better for games,they put more “emotion” into it” – that’s not necessarily true. I’m sure there are plenty of games/tv shows where the English voice actors are similar or better. At the end of the day, they are all human, they all have voices and they all have the potential to be fantastic or awful or somewhere in between.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #40472


    Man, I’ve been thinking ある was a る-verb and いる was an う-verb… If I had just considered the polite あります and います, that would have been clearly wrong >.<

    But anyway, even though ある is an う-verb, its plain negative is ない, not あらない, so unless this is some specific quirk, I don’t think it would be あらず. Hold on, Rikaikun is picking up あらず correctly…

    And Joel, if I searched ずに, that would return EVERY verb in that form since they all end that way, which looks to be 450 sentences on >.<

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #40460

    ず(に) *facepalm* I must have been thinking “stem + ず”, since that’s kind of the rule for ru-verbs.
    I actually tried searching ありず for ある, but that’s DOUBLE wrong and it took me a while to realise :P  After that though, I had a feeling it might just be ず, but how are you supposed to search for that? haha

    I think you’ll find it’s actually 持たず ;) Though to be fair, Rikaikun is again picking up 持たず, like that verb in the other thread that I can’t remember. It must be some colloquial thing.

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