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  • in reply to: What's my name? #40216

    It’s hard to say without actually hearing how you pronounce your name, but I would have thought just キアナ would be fine; there’s nothing in the spelling to suggest an elongated vowel is necessary.

    in reply to: A couple questions about two different things #40215

    Learning the radicals helps to no end.

    in reply to: Best books/resources about Japan? #40201
    This could be a start; take your pick of topic :D The entire point of Wikipedia is to be an encyclopaedia, after all ;)

    in reply to: confusion with pronunciation in season 2? #40200

    No no no, don’t feel bad XD There *isn’t* a search feature here, so you have to specifically know the trick of searching Google like that :D I only did it to show that since so many people have asked before that there must be a problem with the material in the textbook. It’s definitely a confusing issue, so you were right to ask about it. If you become a regular visitor of these forums, see if you can spot how many times people ask about it (and how many times they ask about on- and kun-yomi in general) ;)

    I don’t think there are really any TextFugu equivalents for any language – this book/author/teaching style is fairly unique, I think. There *might* have been something similar for Korean, but I honestly can’t remember, it was mentioned on this forum so long ago.

    in reply to: A couple questions about two different things #40198

    There are THAT many kanji lessons now? When I stopped doing them, there couldn’t have been any more than about 70, I reckon. It’s been about 2.5 years though, so that’s probably less than there ought to be.

    1. Yep, kanji is essential – the sooner you learn them, the better.

    2. I second Japanese for Busy People and Tae Kim, though to be honest, I found Tae Kim quite dense and difficult to follow when I first started – after I learned some more grammar and a lot more vocab though, it turned out to be really great :D It might be different for you, I don’t know.

    in reply to: Non-textfugu verb types #40197

    While most of my exposure to verbs in the beginning was through TextFugu, I never understood why he used Group 1/2/3. I’d seen the names う-verb and る-verb somewhere else and thought “That’s MUCH more helpful, why doesn’t he just call them that?” :D

    in reply to: confusion with pronunciation in season 2? #40170
    in reply to: confusion with pronunciation in season 2? #40169

    Losing the will to live here…

    (Sorry ForceInfinity, just a joke)

    in reply to: An intensive grammar? #40130

    Are you implying something, perchance? =P

    I actually wasn’t haha. I was really just putting emphasis on the fact that not a lot of people do. Only after I posted it did I think “Oh wait, didn’t Joel say…” ;)

    in reply to: An intensive grammar? #40108

    Ahhh, I get you :D Sorry, I can’t really think of any books quite like that. I stick by my recommendation of Tae Kim though (the site I linked to before) – it’s a really good “book” and you might find you like it, even if it’s not *quite* what you’re looking for. It’s free, so it’s not really any hassle to quickly check out haha.

    I think I’d quite like a “Japanese for Reading” book as it sounds quite good, and reading is what my focus is on :D

    in reply to: An intensive grammar? #40103

    [Just a point that I thought of while writing this: don't go looking specifically for resources that contain the words "intermediate". If you've covered the stuff that's in TextFugu, you're at a mid-to-upper beginner level at best, there's really not much in it. A lot of courses like to say you're at "intermediate" level after completing, but that's BS, "intermediate" is much more than that.] – pretty standard fare, everyone seems to use it at some point.

    However, if you’re not a fan of ploughing through dry textbooks, do you really want to be specifically *studying* grammar? There are some language learners who are of the opinion that grammar shouldn’t be studied but only *referenced*, by which I mean the language’s grammar is a set of rules to consult when you get stuck rather than to be learned on their own. To quote a video by Steve Kaufman I just watched earlier: ”Grammar is not a curriculum, grammar is a reference source” – from what I remember, he likes to have small books that summarise grammar so he can consult it if needs be, rather than big tomes that explore every single facet in unnecessary detail. He’d rather the grammar come naturally to him through masses of exposure to the language (listening and reading) than wasting time by memorisation of declension tables or subjunctive forms or whatever. Just to point out in case you didn’t know him, Steve Kaufman is a polyglot who’s studied around 15 languages IIRC, so it’s not an uninformed opinion by any means.

    Now, I’m not necessarily advocating one approach over another, but it’s something to consider if you’re averse to textbooks. To be fair, I lean more towards studying grammar because I like it and am used to it, but I still think this alternative method is an interesting idea, something to think about. It really just depends what you think is best for your own learning and what you enjoy doing the most.

    You could take a combination approach and go for A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar – from what I’ve heard, it’s a great reference source that goes into LOTS of detail on a whole host of different grammatical constructs and various usages for each, and contains lots of example sentences. I’m sure SOME people actually read it cover to cover, but I’m guessing it’s best used like any other dictionary, to look up things when you come to them.

    Long post is long…

    in reply to: How do I resubscribe? #40092

    Email Koichi.

    They put the readings in romaji? Surely if you’re wanting to learn kanji, you’re somewhat serious about learning Japanese; you should be decent at reading kana by then, no?

    “What were they thinking?!”" />

    Edit: Ha, fail of an image embed…
    I used the [/ img ] tags.

    in reply to: Question about example sentence with number kanjis. #40079

    Joel, you need to formulate the best, most detailed answer to these questions you can come up with, save them to a text file, then copy-and-paste whenever the need arises. I’m sure over the long-run it’ll save a LOT of time :P

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