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  • in reply to: question! #40026

    Does Rosetta Stone not use kanji? Don’t tell me you *paid* for that… :P Kanji is as vital to Japanese as the latin alphabet is to English.

    Also, “question” isn’t the most descriptive thread title – I didn’t know what I was getting myself into by reading it! It’s funny, the URL shows this is the 4th thread on this forum with the title simply “question”, when will people LEARN!?

    in reply to: The Study Thread #40009

    Nicely done :D How long do you spend on cards a day? I’m probably just quite slow, but that number seems to take me forever to do. Also, how far along 6k are you now (if you haven’t already completed it, can’t remember if you’ve said).

    My Core deck says I’ve done 55310 reps in 587 days, but the majority of that’s been in the past year (39201 reps in 337 days). The overall number for Anki would higher since I had TextFugu and RTK decks on there way back. I also did 35697 reps in total over on Koohii, but I’m not sure exactly what length of time that was in. Definitely doing more reps recently and adding more cards than I have done in quite a while, so maybe that number will shoot up over the summer ;)

    in reply to: 'Because I'm ~ing' or 'I'm ~ing &' #40003

    Yeah, I think I got confused there – I must have briefly saw where he wrote “& something else” and made the wrong connection.

    in reply to: 'Because I'm ~ing' or 'I'm ~ing &' #40000

    Something like 「~たり、~たりしています。」?

    Also Mark, 働いてて should be 働いていて – if he’s writing things (especially in the ~masu style), is it not best to stay away from contractions like that? Would it not be better to practise the correct form first?

    in reply to: What's my name? #39992

    Joel, why did you have to go and edit your post before I got the chance to see it? I was all ready to burst in here and be like “Interpunct, it’s an interpunct!!” :P

    On topic though, the easiest way to find the correct spelling was to look up the Japanese Wikipedia article on Robbie (and Robin and Serena and Tennessee) Williams, for which they’ve all used:

    in reply to: The Coffee House #39991

    I never really used the forum much – I was never an active user – but it’s still kinda sad. I can definitely see why he wants to do it; it’s probably a whole lot of work, a lot of his time spent on it. He probably doesn’t get as much out of it any more as he once did.

    Is this maybe a cue for Bbvoncrumb and… – Tubatime2010 was it? – to try and attract these migrants to their own forum? Is that thing even still going? Can’t remember what it was called…

    in reply to: The Coffee House #39971

    Just got an email from JapanesePod101, and it said this:

    “Learning 100 new Japanese words? Pretty good!
    1,000 words? That’s close to conversational fluency!”

    That’s the biggest load of garbage I’ve ever heard! While there are probably many different definitions of “conversational fluency”, “learning 1000 words” is not it in the slightest XD I’ve covered more than 3000 words through Core6k, and I can’t speak for shit… I like their podcasts, but this is pure marketing bullshit, just like “Master Japanese in 3 days!” or “A single mom from [location not found] discovered one weird tip for becoming instantly fluent in Japanese that the other sensei don’t want you to know! With real AcaiBerrySuperfood Technology (TM)! As featured in every newspaper and TV channel everywhere!”

    in reply to: If you don't use it you lose it! Tips! #39958

    “I wrote kanji 10, 20 even 50x each on my professors word that it would help to retain the kanji.”

    They only do it that way because that’s how it is taught in Japanese schools. They feel that because they did it that way when they were young that it’s the correct method. They seemingly don’t realise that A: adults learn differently than children, and B: they spent more than a decade of their lives doing it that way, which is mind-numbingly slow out in the real world (that is, outside of school).

    Here’s a (short) video YouTube polyglot Moses McCormick (laoshu50500) did recently on the topic:

    in reply to: Your Passion #39925

    Ah yes, antidote, poison, paralysis, burn, freeze, confuse, sleep, curse and the like :P

    If you have access to a Japanese copy of some game you know well – or aren’t afraid to use an emulator – you could play it a little bit to find out how to say some of these things. You can compare it to the English version: if you know the words “fight” and “run” appear at some position on the screen at some point (just going with Pokemon again since you mentioned it), you can make a note of what Japanese words are there in the same place and use them. Finding a game that has furigana would be helpful, since it’d help you look up any kanji words in a dictionary and thus allow you to put them into Anki or whatever (and I guess to make sure they roughly mean what you think they should mean).

    Alternative method I just thought of there, instead of actually playing the game, you could just look up screenshots/videos of the game and do it that way XD–Z0Vg

    Edit: Video embed not working? :S I had it in the [ youtube ] xyz [/ youtube ] format.

    in reply to: Your Passion #39918

    May I make a few suggestions? How about “button”, since you also have game pad (controller) and joystick (are you referring to the sticks on a controller or an old-school Atari/flight sim style thing?)? And maybe instead of monitor have screen, just since it seems like a word you might use more often, and can apply to TVs and phones too. I see you’ve added game cartridge – are you more into pre-CD era games, yeah?

    I know it’s only *supposed* to be 20 words, but if you’re really passionate about it, I’d say add more if you want! :D Maybe include words you think you might see while playing a game (as these will be useful when you come to actually play a game in Japanese):

    Jump, punch, kick, shoot, reload, collect (as in coins or rings), kill, run, walk, dodge, options, menu, restart, win, lose, final battle/round, item, flee, attack, move, turn, backpack/inventory, trainer, capture/catch, route ## (as in Pokemon), objectives, story, mission, multiplayer/singleplayer, RPG, online, opponent, characters, quest, villain/hero, cast (a spell), magic, damage, HP, MP, armour, defense, agility, party (the group you’re fighting with), hit/miss, critical, faint, dead, protagonist, antagonist, NPC, sidekick…

    That’s a big (certainly not exhaustive) list that I just typed as it came to me; I’ve no idea where you’d find out how to say all that stuff, but you can maybe just take a handful and ask around :) There are a number there that I thought of with Pokemon in mind ;)

    in reply to: The many forms of "if" #39914

    Might also help to have a look at this:
    Some nice explanations and example sentences there :)

    in reply to: today I learned #39890

    Today, I resurrected this classic thread ;)

    Listened to about 50 Jpod101 “Lower Intermediate” lessons so far and they’ve been great :D In a lesson I listened to on the bus yesterday, they mentioned this:

    「~にルーズ(な)」 – roughly meaning “to be careless with”. Seems it can be pretty versatile, but mostly used with 「時間にルーズ」 – “unpunctual/always late/bad at staying on time”

    Can also say 「お金にルーズ」 – “bad with money”
    「育児にルーズ」 – “careless parenting/unfit to be a parent”

    The only English learning resources I know of are Englishpod101 and Antimoon. Neither are like TextFugu though, but may as well mention them :)

    I just remembered, Koichi has a Japanese Tofugu counterpart – it’s called “Koichiben”. It’s written in Japanese and is about American culture. No idea how often he updates it, but it used to be very infrequent from what I remember. There used to be a whole bunch of articles, but I can’t see anything past the first page :( Aha, as far as I can tell, he’s “restarted” it, but he says he’ll repost the old articles in time. He’s not a native speaker, but I’m sure your students will find it interesting :)

    in reply to: Odd Situation #39848

    Garuda, I’ve got almost exactly a week till the start of my exams this year (i.e. pretty busy) and I’m still managing to do a little each day, even if it’s only Anki reviews, so don’t worry about it :D Yeah, there will be times when you’re busier and you can’t do as much, but it shouldn’t be enough to have to drop it completely.

    Another thing to look out for, even if you don’t take Japanese as part of your degree, there might be some smaller, independently-run classes available. I go to a class that’s held by my uni’s Japanese Society – may only be once a week, but it can be fun and doesn’t take up too much time :D

    in reply to: Verbs. My new enemy #39847

    Just keep reviewing in Anki and let the SRS algorithm work its magic. It’s really quite surprising sometimes, you’ll fail a card many, many times in a row, and then at some point it goes from being this seemingly impossible feat to just… working; everything slots into place in your head and you answer it correctly :D

    You’re still a beginner, so I wouldn’t say 30% memorisation after less than a week is that bad. Over time, you’ll forget some cards you know now and remember some cards you don’t, it can be quite a fluid process from my experience.

    Also, what do you mean when you say “selecting 3-4 verbs beforehand to study for short term memory”?

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