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Just curious, what are you intensively reading? Do you do any “extensive” reading, where the focus is more on the volume of material you’re reading rather than understanding it all? I’ve got my short story book, but I’m not sure what else I could be reading right now.
As for the burnout thing, the problem’s not so much “how much studying can you do in a day before having to stop”, but more “how long can you keep up intense studying every day before you get frazzled”.
750-1000 hours in a year!? I think that blows most people out of the water :P Is that a really consistent 2-3 hours a day, or do you sometimes have off-days and sometimes 5 hours of studying on others? What do you count in these hours: actively reading/studying, or also passive listening while you’re doing other things?
I don’t see why TextFugu still has a kanji section if WaniKani is so good; can’t they integrate it into the textbook somehow?
Just gotta pace yourself a bit :D Enthusiasm and motivation for studying are great, but too much will leave you burned out (RTK, I’m looking at you) haha
I found with the Core list, throughout the first 2000, each time I added new cards I already knew around 50% or more of them; once I got to the “6000″ part, that drastically reduced XD It’s not all bad though: there are a lot of words that are either “katakanised” English, stems of previously-known verbs, or compound verbs that are easy to guess :)
As for my own studying, I’m now onto the second level of my short story book. The first four were really interesting, even if a little difficult :D Would recommend it.
I haven’t added any words from Core6k in quite a while, but I’ve downloaded this plugin called “Anki Emperor” which should make reviews a bit more fun – haven’t used it yet, but as far as I’m aware, it’s some kind of game where doing reviews “constructs” buildings and after so many you conquer cities… possibly, not 100% sure. They’re all real cities in Japan, and the buildings are real-life ones too. If anyone wants to know more:
Also, it’s kind of a sequel to “Anki Warrior”, if that means anything to anyone.I plan on watching a famous drama called 電車男 (with Japanese subtitles) if I get the chance, and I’ve started listening to more Japanese music on (as I mentioned in another thread). Also plan on listening to some JPod101 podcasts. Still kinda chugging through 完全マスター 3級 (grammar textbook) on random occasions when the mood strikes me.
All in all, it’s not going as badly as it has been, but I’ve always had the goal “1 hour a day doing something constructive Japanese-related” and I don’t think I’ve ever achieved it for any great length of time, maybe a week at the most :P A lot of my time recently has been spent studying for exams and procrastinating studying for exams, but maybe once the Summer break starts and I can’t find a job…
He probably doesn’t have the enthusiasm for it he once did; he can’t really give up on it completely since people have paid him good money. Can’t exactly refund anyone either, since all the money’s been spent on trips to Japan :P
He did say he was going to put up some more advanced lessons next – supposedly *before* re-re-re-re-designing the rest of the site – but we’ll see…
Ugh, so many basic questions like these are asked time and time again – if Koichi actually came to forum more than once in a rainbow moon (much less frequent than a blue moon), he’d see that “hey, lots of people are having trouble with this point, maybe I should MAKE IT CLEARER so that it doesn’t CONFUSE THE BEJESUS out of people…”.
He says he’s writing the book from the viewpoint of a learner, basing the stuff off his own experiences, but he doesn’t seem to do enough to find out what *other* people find difficult, how to improve his writing and explanations. The TextFugu forum is the *ideal* place to figure out what people are having trouble with, just from the sheer volume of people asking about the same things haha.
…why do I keep complaining about a textbook I don’t even use any more? XD Maybe I should write my OWN textbook! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the textbook and the blackjack! Eh, screw the whole thing…
Eh, there’s good times and bad times with my studying :P I actually made a thread not too long ago when I came back to the forum after a while, detailing my despondency with my situation, but it’s picked up a little now :) And yourself?
To be fair, I can see why people think you’re advertising haha. You’re gone for ages and then just come back to say how great some site is. I’m not bothered though – most of it’s free, and it can be a decent site sometimes.
Was all that really necessary? Nobody needs to know that much about you on the first go, they really don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that another person has decided to start studying Japanese, but it’s ridiculous to expect anyone to plough through all that. I guess there are always crazy people like Joel, though… :P
Hello again, Mark!
@Elenkis: That’s a funny story :D I never really thought about it that way. Now that’s making me worry about ever using はin case I inadvertently offend someone haha.
Wow, the kanji pages have really changed since I started o.0
@missingno15: Wait… that’s not AKB48… is it?
Tbh, I can’t actually remember what Koichi says about a language learning log, it’s been quite a while since I started TextFugu, and it’s gone through roughly 9001 updates :P
I think it’s a nice detailed log :D I will say though, if you’re going to be writing one for every study session/lesson you do, consider keeping it more concise: don’t want to be spending too much time on it, time that could be spent on more study ;)
Just a couple of points:
When you say that once Genki is exhausted, you’ll be doing independent study, do you mean that you’ll *start* doing independent study then, or just that you’ll continue? Since “Independent Study consists of: Practicing Hiragana and Katakana using the RealKana“, if you still plan on doing that once Genki’s done, don’t XD If you get to the stage where you’ve covered TextFugu and Genki I & II, you’ll be a kana pro :D Hell, you’ll be a kana pro in probably a few months tops ;)Instead of using a dictionary for “spelling tests”, you might want to look up something called “Core 6000″ (basically, it’s a list of 6000 commonly-used words, provided in handy-dandy SRS flashcard form through Anki, which TextFugu should talk about soon).
OK, there was going to be a 3rd point, but I can’t remember what it was…
So yeah, there you go, that’s my opinion :D Do as you wish with it.
Edit: I’m saying to you to keep things concise, but here I go and write a bunch of stuff when I should be studying for my Uni exams XD
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Just quickly, I noticed you said “Possibly complete a BA in Japanese Language at University”. You might want to have a look at this article:
The general idea (I think) is “Get a degree in something *employable*, but if you want, use your language skills to get a relevant job in Japan afterwards”. If you keep up self-studying, by the time you get to the first year of your degree, you’ll probably be WAY too good, you’ll be (re-)learning kana and it’ll be really boring, as far as I’m lead to believe :P
@AstralFox: Hm, that’s odd; I don’t even have a Vimeo account and I can play it fine :D I would have posted a YouTube link, but there wasn’t one ;_;
Also, not a fan of Cowboy Bebop (as in, I’ve only watched maybe 3 episodes), but I love that song; would be pretty awesome hearing it played live. So energetic and invigorating :D@vanandrew: LOOOOOL at the subtitles :P どんきゃりざわ~—POP-STAR/b906fd2ab3660107514cbcfaf58d8010 - if you can’t get the first I posted link to work, try this one :D
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by