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Long time since anybody’s posted here :D
Started listening to new Japanese music using; for the longest time, the only people I’ve listened to have been Perfume and MEG, but then John wrote about The Pillows on Tofugu, and then I saw a post about how to listen to Japanese music online ( being a suggestion), so I put the two together and it turned out to be pretty good :D I quite like The Pillows now, but here’s a different artist: (can you embed Vimeo videos? I can’t even remember how you embed YouTube videos…)
Ken Hirai – Pop StarCheesy as hell, but it’s still pretty funky and catchy :D Surprised to hear the guy is 100% Japanese because he totally looks half-Caucasian haha.
“I hope to not be a burden, though the inevitability of such bothers me…” – why include a line like that? A self-introduction is supposed to be a happy affair; that just makes you sound miserable and trying too hard to be “deep” :P Hello and welcome, anyway, sorry if I caused offence haha.
And yes, you’ll meet Joel soon enough… they ALL do…
(…in a good way of course – he strives to be helpful at all costs :D)
Anataaaa! ;)
:D You found it! Thanks! :D
The only place I can think of where you might need to know which is on and which is kun, is the behemoth that is the Kanji Kentei exams :D Those are designed for natives though, so I don’t think you’ll need to worry ;)
I couldn’t remember who it was that always jumped in about the rules of kanji readings XD It was most likely to be Joel, I thought, since he jumps in on EVERYTHING :D
There was a video posted here a while back (may have even been on the old forum): it was a sketch/hidden-camera prank – from American TV I think – that had a guy in a restaurant who could understand Japanese, and he kept overhearing the Japanese chefs talking to the owner’s wife about having sex with her and insulting her husband, but because the owner couldn’t speak the language, he was completely oblivious. Does anyone know what show that was from or where I can find it? I’ve searched all different combinations of things but I can’t find it :(
Short answer: no.
Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
That’s because we’re veterans of RTK :D
Firstly, it’s neither nanari or shichiri: the only “people” counters to end with ri are hitori and futari, then it goes sannin, yonnin, etc. Are you *sure* TF audio pronounces it “shichiri”? If it does, definitely email Koichi about it and get it fixed.
Secondly, 七人 is read nananin (or shichinin too, I can’t quite remember).
Thirdly, don’t worry about the readings too much, or when to use kun and when to use on. There *are* very rough rules (as I’m sure Joel will be happy to post), but, as you can see with the counters, the system is riddled with exceptions, so it’s not really worth specifically learning the readings. Instead of learning 3 readings for some kanji, learn 3 words with that kanji in them. You’ll eventually remember readings in a more indirect way as you learn more words.
“nine-key kana keyboard” – some nice alliteration there ;)
Kanji are awesome, glad you like them :D So many people say “Oh no, kanji are the hardest thing on the planet I hate them and they’re too hard and the Japanese are stupid for using them and they should use romaji instead and…”, but that’s garbage! Kanji are beautiful and extremely useful when it comes to the droves and droves of homonyms in the language. And they’re not all that difficult to get accustomed to. Some people worry about having to learn ALL the readings for EVERY kanji, but that’s completely unnecessary.
When I signed up for a free trial, I remember searching on Google and seeing auto-complete results such as “Jpod101 scam” and the like haha. I was pretty worried, but it turned out to actually be pretty good. Don’t think it’s worth the full subscription price though, so I cancelled. Really wish I’d saved more of the episodes while I had the chance :P Still get many many emails from them, years later.
I hate conjugations of ~たい forms, always catches me out XD Same can be said for ~くなる because my brain always thinks it’s something to do with ~くない :S
“This is a proven tactic I studied marketing in college”
And yet you still didn’t bother to check the “not-really-that-fine” print? LOOOL
“By “Automatically Renew” Japanesepod101 in a round about way takes that choice away from you.”
No, it doesn’t. They warn you that’s how it works, and if you take the free trial, you’re accepting that. I’m sure it would be illegal otherwise. If you’re really *that* busy a person that you might forget to cancel, then you shouldn’t take the risk. It would be nice if their free trial wasn’t an “automatic renew” situation, but it would also be *nice* for them to give you full access for free, no?