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  • in reply to: こんにちわ #36613

    @joel: As far as I know, they don’t introduce kana at all. The romanised version is just the kana book but written *all* in romaji. Having a whole textbook in romaji shouldn’t even be an option (learning kana isn’t exactly hard), but obviously they’ll make more money that way, unfortunately.

    in reply to: videogames #36592

    @Armando: If you’re at the stage where you’re still learning kana, I think reading and understanding anything in a fantasy game made for native Japanese would be a struggle :P

    in reply to: こんにちわ #36591

    @joel: Well, if you go through the ROMANISED version of a textbook, how are you supposed to know that “wa” is written as “ha” in hiragana, eh? :P

    @tyson123g: Yeah, that’s perfectly fine, I was just being a bit pessimistic about it haha. If you catch up with TextFugu though and need something to read while waiting for the next update, I’d suggest just going on to JFBP II; I thought it was pretty good anyway. I liked JFBP III as well, though I didn’t find learning keigo (formal language) to be all that useful; I felt that was a big chunk of the book wasted, space that could have been used for something else.

    in reply to: こんにちわ #36568

    Hmmm… if you’ve already went through the whole of JFBP I (albeit in romaji), I’m not sure buying TextFugu was really the best thing to do – you probably know a lot of the stuff on here already, and the addition of new content is going at a snail’s pace. That’s not to say that TextFugu is bad (I loved it when I started), just that a monthly subscription probably would have been a better bet, to see if it’s worth buying into completely. Sorry to be a downer, but that’s just speaking from my experience :P

    But *anyway*…
    What uni do you go to? I’m at Edinburgh and there’re some classes run by the Japanese Society that I go to; couldn’t get in to the main Japanese 1 course due to timetable clashes.
    Good luck and have fun anyway, whatever you decide to do :D

    in reply to: videogames #36567

    I’d rather just enjoy the game fully in English and learn the kana separately haha. Part of the reason I like playing video games is being immersed in it; I can’t really be immersed if I don’t know what’s going on 100%. That’s just me though, you obviously aren’t bothered by that.

    Playing Pokémon would be a chore, because if you didn’t know what all the moves were called, you’d have to go through trial and error each time to figure out what it does, what type it is and any other effects it might have. I’d say go for something easier.

    in reply to: G'Day & こにちわ! #36520

    You two were surely both at that stage at one point too :P It’s funny how weird the ha/wa thing was in the beginning, but now I’ve seen that particle so many times, you almost forget it uses a different kana.

    I’m also unsure what you mean by はくば and 親切… wait, is はくば a place, perhaps?

    Other than that, good luck with everything! :D

    in reply to: videogames #36518

    Mark, the OP is only a beginner, how is speaking in Japanese going to help anybody? I couldn’t quite understand it either – I got the basic idea of it, just not the specifics. Something like “Basically, (something about simple kanji) yet you still want to play a Japanese game?”, yeah?

    mayuri, I’m not sure how useful a Japanese game is going to be if you won’t be able to understand *any* of it. Hell, I’m approaching a more intermediate level and *I* wouldn’t want to play a Japanese game – it just wouldn’t be fun if I couldn’t understand everything (or mostly everything). I *did* put Japanese audio and subtitles on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, but I’d already played the game a million and one times before, so that was different.

    in reply to: Japanese meals to cook #36516

    runnyrunny999 actually showed how to make your own curry roux if you can’t find the proper blocks anywhere. Not sure how it compares to the original, but it’s probably a reasonable substitute.

    Video: – Curry Soba
    Really want to try making that one :D There are a couple of Asian mini-markets near me, so I’ll have a look for the roux blocks first. If not, making it from scratch doesn’t look too hard :)

    Another healthy dish: – Super Diet Spicy Noodle

    in reply to: The Coffee House #36470

    This is the second time you’ve risen this thread from the grave, Kyle ;) Never heard of the peak-end rule before – interesting.

    in reply to: Japanese meals to cook #36468

    Here’s a YouTube channel (runnyrunny999) I came across the other day (while stuck in a YouTube “Related Video Vortex” at 3am) that seems pretty good. He makes a variety of different homemade foods (as opposed to professional level cookery); some of them will probably be healthier than others. He speaks in English but he has subtitles in Japanese, though occasionally the opposite. Also, he often gives alternatives to the ingredients if they are hard to source in a lot of foreign countries.

    Haven’t watched it the whole way through yet, but I found a video of his with “Healthy” in the title :D – Healthy Rice Burger
    And another – Healthy Tofu Cabbage Rolls

    in reply to: How is my pronunciation? #36250

    I’d say it was “fair/ok/average” – a lot better than some people I’ve heard – but you would be better asking native speakers. Obviously, *most* questions are better off being answered by native speakers, but pronunciation more so than say grammar or kanji usage.

    in reply to: How Far Will TextFugu Take Me (In Its Current State)? #36228

    Yeah, when *did* he last join in on this forum? Haven’t seen Hashi around either in a while.

    Koichi, do you smell really, really bad, like you haven’t showered in 2 months? If you don’t say anything, I’ll have to assume that you answered “yes”.

    in reply to: polyphasic sleeping? #36186

    I tried doing the “Siesta” version last year (as shown here, but I found that it took me too long to get to sleep during the day, even though I was tired. I would set my alarm for say 20-25 minutes, but it would take me the majority of that to fall asleep. Setting the alarm for much longer eats into the “extra time” you’re given.

    Why not try the 28-hour day?

    in reply to: How Far Will TextFugu Take Me (In Its Current State)? #36185

    This person is bang on the money when they say “Textfugu thinks long-term and teaches you nearly the entire language (and more with constant updates) so be prepared to spend at least 5-10 years on Textfugu…”

    But seriously…
    I’m not sure exactly what’s needed to pass JLPT, but TextFugu is probably closest to N5 right now. It doesn’t have any real listening practice (that I know of), and not much is covered in the lessons. Plus, the way it does kanji is different to what’s in each JLPT level, he does them in a completely different order. Really, it’s a “gateway drug” more than anything: it gets you started down the Nihongo path, but you quickly move away from it and on to the harder stuff. Don’t regret getting a subscription – it’s great for the very basics, but you’ll find yourself wanting more soon enough. There *is* a bunch more new content than when I first started a couple of years ago (almost 2 years exactly :D), so TextFugu will last you longer than it did me, but it won’t take you the whole way.

    I *am* still on the forum after all this time, but that’s different…

    in reply to: The entire language… #36184

    5-10 years on TextFugu? What is this I don’t even
    Even if TextFugu “teaches you nearly the entire language”, there’s quite a difference between 5 years and 10 years :P
    Anyway, what sort of posts do you expect from a site called “vocaloidotaku”? The name just SCREAMS “punch me in the face, punch me in the face, never stop punching me in the face”

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