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Well, this thread made for a good read :P
I was going to contribute, but the advice given so far has been fine. There is merit to both sides of the argument. It’s up to you who you listen to, who makes the most compelling argument. I’d have to side Joel’s team, but tubatime isn’t totally wrong.
I used to watch an online news report thing from FNN every day, but whenever I had it on in the background while studying, it just made it 10x harder to concentrate. And when I had it on at other times, the constant sound was irritating XD I’ve no idea how Khatzumoto could have a TV on beside him all the time and not be driven crazy haha. I think I just prefer having a more chilled atmosphere, quiet and peaceful most of the time.
If you have a smart phone, see if you can find a Japanese dictionary app. If not, why not just use an online dictionary? No need to spend tons of money on a physical dictionary when there are websites than can do a similar job :D and are good. So is, but it’s probably more useful for more advanced learners.
It’s the difference between d͡ʒ and ʒ you’re talking about, yes?
Don’t worry about it, it’s not anything serious haha. Just listen to a lot Japanese audio, and you’ll see people don’t pronounce things the exact same way as everyone else. Some people pronounce the “g” of “ga/gi/gu/ge/go” like the “ng” in “ring”, while others don’t (though it’s usually a mix of the two, depending on where it comes in the word and what syllables surround it).
If you can’t get through the whole conversation in Japanese, I wouldn’t bother trying :P What happens once you’e said your phrase? They’ll either think “Huh? What accent is this? I can’t understand him.” or “Oh good, someone that knows Japanese” and then proceed to say everything in Japanese, and you’ll have to say “Uhh… sorry, that one sentence is all I know, you’ll have to talk to me in English.”.
I can’t say I’ve ever used Reddit. What’s the point of a TextFugu sub-Reddit, what is it for?
These men speak the truth.
They should really add a button that generates the [ youtube] tags… unless there *is* one and I’m not seeing it. Thanks anyway :D
Ahhhh, ok – I was in HTML mode before, but I clicked the “img” button to generate code that started something like <img src="yadda yadda yadda"
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Yes! This thread is so much better now there is video embedding :D Doesn’t seem to work for me, but still…
[image goes hea!]
mfw I haven’t been on in a while and come back to find there’s now content embedding…Edit: No gifs then, I see
Edit1: Can’t seem to get *any* images to embed properly. How did you do that, Mark?Nice one, Kyle ;)
The link missingno15 posted, he said “(script included)” – where would I find the scripts?
That’s a riveting tale Bbvoncrumb but…
phuk yew m8
missingno15, get in here and do your damn job! Alternatively, Michael (great name btw), you could check out the “learning through idols” thread.
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by