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  • in reply to: The Study Thread #32667

    Just came across the sentence 新しい資料をお送りください。 which contains a 5 morae long O sound in the middle (shiryOU O OOkuri). Can anyone think of a sentence that has an even longer extended vowel sound in it? :D

    in reply to: Confustion over the pronunciation of り #32578

    Different people pronounce it different ways. Some make it sound more like an L, some more like a D.

    in reply to: Difficulty with Verbs #32472

    Once you learn some kanji, they become 9001x easier. Obviously not an immediate fix or anything, but something to look forward to in future :)

    in reply to: Remembering the Kanji… #32471

    I think RTK would have been more effective if it had taught you just how to write the kanji (thus making it WTK, but whatever) – teach you the radicals and the different styles and combinations you can get of them, obviously giving various examples each time. Or he could have at least condensed the book a bit: teaching you how to remember all 2200 is a bit long-winded, so he could’ve only include the most common 1000/1500 or something. Once you’ve covered that many, learning new kanji as you see them in new words is much easier.

    I don’t regret doing RTK (didn’t exactly take long), just feel it could be more streamlined. Bbvoncrumb’s method sounds quite good too actually; would make it much much quicker.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32470

    Had an interview for ASDA today; first thing the interviewer commented on/asked about from my application was that I mentioned studying Japanese :D Got the job in the end :)

    Getting really frustrated at how many cards in Core2k/6k have the same/similar English words on the back; makes it really difficult to distil the correct meaning and distinguish between cards. If I see one more card with either something like “state of affairs”, “situation”, “circumstances” or “conditions”, I think I might scream ¬_¬ That or “management”, “operation” or [word-I'm-forgetting]. “Utilisation” and “usage” are culprits of this too. “Advancement” is starting to annoy as well.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #32469

    “Me love you long time?”

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #32328

    Thanks Joel, I’ll take another look :)

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #32292

    Anyone here who’s used to using “A Dictionary of [Level] Japanese Grammar”? How would I look up “volitional + と + する”? In the index, I’ve looked for “~ to suru”, “to”, “suru” and “~ou to suru” but I can’t seem to find anything :/

    in reply to: New TextFugu forum? #32275

    I’d like something like it again, a forum that encompasses anyone (not restricted to textfugu).

    Again? Do you mean that forum is no more? It looked pretty nice from what I remember.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #32221

    Ah, right, so この問題で could be thought of as “due to this problem” – it seems obvious now, but my brain just couldn’t process it at the time :D Thanks guys.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #32127

    Goddamnit, I came on the forum to ask one simple question almost an hour ago and am only just now getting around to asking it :P

    ギリシャでは17日、この問題で議会の選挙をもう一度行いました。 – I can’t make out the overall meaning of the sentence, even though I know all the words in it :S Something like “In Greece on the 17th, somethingsomething happened once again.”

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32125

    Also @Mark: How long does it usually take you to do 500-800 reviews? Is it not extremely monotonous? XD I don’t really want to follow AKB48; it’s just not my thing, no matter how beneficial it may be for my Japanese haha.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #32119

    Bbvoncrumb: Just gonna put it out there, I’ll fkn destroy anyone who says they “know” 2000 Kanji when they can recognize a kanji = an english word (Not even necessarily an accurate meaning).

    I finished RTK and go through picking up vocab and grammar as I come across it, and I had a friend (More acquaintance, since hes a phaggot) who also did RTK talk to me the other day and asked the forever obnoxious and holdsnoweight question “How many Kanji do you know”. I replied honestly and said about 900-1100. He goes “Haha, I know 2200, and I started way earlier than you”. Apart from being retarded, if I had asked him to read a sentence he wouldn’t “Know” shit.

    Next to putting Japanese in the middle of English sentences/words equating RTK with “Know all these Kanji” are my biggest pet peeves.

    True story ワイルドだろう

    Fkn destroy me then m8.

    But seriously, I agree “know” isn’t the best word to use when it comes to describing knowledge of kanji; I only use it because it’s easier. RTK teaches you how to *write* and recognise 2200+ kanji (I say + since the radicals/stroke orders you learn within those 2200 set you up for being able to write many many more kanji) and it builds a basis for becoming more familiar with them later on – the purpose of the book isn’t to associate a kanji with an English keyword, that’s just the method used.

    I’d liken the use of “know” in relation to kanji to its use in relation to shapes: you might say “I know 3 shapes: triangle, square and circle. I can draw all 3 and recognise them when I see them.”. Now, you may not know how many degrees are in each shape, or how they might be used in certain mathematical applications, but for everyday use, saying you “know” these shapes is a perfectly reasonable thing to say.

    in reply to: Question for people that use iKnow #32107

    RTK -> Core (using anki)

    REAL helpful response there :P It’s as if you didn’t actually read the thread title.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #31989

    Congrats, Mark :) And since when could you write so much?! I hate how all the people who started TF after me keep overtaking in regard to skill :P I’m just not studying enough, I guess… I planned to do at *least* 1 hour of Japanese per day over the Summer (and maybe look into another language too), and while I still do reviews/add new vocab, it hasn’t really taken off yet >.< I'm such a lazy git.

    As for RTK, the BEST part about it is when you tell a native you know 2200 kanji and their heads just explode! :D And then you tell them you've only been learning for a year and their heads implode and explode at the same time, ripping a hole in the space-time continuum.

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