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  • in reply to: The Study Thread #31532

    @Yggbert: How many are you doing a day?

    OT: I’ve got the other 4000 of Core6k added to my deck now (took a while to get it just right), should start any day now :)
    The other day I got this: – it cost… a fair amount, but it’s all due to having to be imported to the UK and the fact it’s reasonably rare. I’m a huge Zelda fan though, so the book is like a dream come true :D All in Japanese, so will take quite a while to get through; lots of pictures though :D

    A more visual link:

    in reply to: Photos of Japan #31530

    Man, I love stuff like that :D I love seeing how the “commoners” lived in more recent eras (as opposed to Victorian, Edwardian, etc.). My local area in the 80s/90s/early 00s is the most interesting to me, but other places and anything 20th century are also fascinating :D It’s not often you get to see such quality photographs of people just going about their everyday lives.

    “Part of me wishes I was alive in those eras and able to enjoy the culture back then.” – if I had a time machine, I’d share it with you buddy… *sigh*

    in reply to: Japanese songs #31396

    @missingno15: Ah, no, that isn’t the one :/ Decent song though, thanks :) I really *should* listen to Japanese radio more; easy way to find new bands.

    The song I’m looking for, pretty sure the background image looked pretty similar to this one:
    Hardly much more to go on seeing how generic it is, but maybe just a sleight memory jog :P Was definitely red with some kinda text in the middle.

    EDIT: Hot damn! A few minutes later I found it! :D
    Pink, red, close enough…

    in reply to: Japanese songs #31363

    Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away (i.e. the old forum), there was a “What are you listening to thread”. In it, I asked for some recommendations, and there was a song I heard that I really liked, but I can’t remember the name of it (or even the name of the group who sung it) >.< It was a Christmas song. Alternated between a girl and a guy, the girl singing and the guy rapping. Kind of a funky song with a good beat to it. For the "break" of the song, the girl sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas", while everything slowed down to a more laid back, syncopated beat. Goddamnit, I can hear it in my head perfectly, but I can't remember the name or specific lyrics (besides the part in English, and the chorus containing "Kurisumasuuu" :P). Shit description, but…

    I think it was missingno15 that recommended it, along with some other hip-hop/rap guy he seemed to really like at the time haha. Oh, and he also recommended "Promise" by MiChi (really liked that). If you're there missing, do you remember? Was more than a year ago, at least.

    in reply to: Word Clarifications #31306 – bang them in the search box and hit enter. Lot’s of different example sentences given. Or you could check out the example sentences on

    As for “what’s the difference between X and Y?”, a lot of these are things you just have to learn over time, things you just have to not worry about for now – you’ll get a feel for them. They’re things that, if you asked a Japanese person, they’d reply “Hmmm… I don’t really know; they just ARE different…” because it’s an instinctive difference rather than something clear cut. And some of them are actually obvious if you look them up in a dictionary. For example, in regards to “位置(いち) vs。 場合 ばあい”, 位置 is a place/position while 場合 is a case/situation – I’m not sure how you are confusing them, since in the dictionary they both have distinct entries, not similar at all as far as I can see.

    There are a couple I can see where the difference might be harder to garner from a dictionary though: こっち is a casual/contracted form of こちら (sometimes if you see a word with a っ and it sounds like another word, it could be a contracted form; the more contracted forms you learn, the more you’ll see what I mean, and the more you’ll be able to get a feel for whether something might be another form of a different word). 歳 is the proper counter for age, while 才 is a substitute with less strokes which is easier to write.

    Also, be careful with your diacritics (can’t remember the Japanese name) – you’ve written からた instead of からだ and ふじ instead of ぶじ. Just making sure you’re not reading/learning the words wrong in the first place :P There were a couple of other cases that I can’t remember now.

    in reply to: "Weird" Katakana Pronunciation #31203

    The only English loans I’ve heard with the letter V have just been pronounced as B, straight up, no BW-ness. To my ears, stuff like ビデオ and バラエティー just sound as they’re written, no attempt at a V sound. Maybe there are other words that are different, I don’t know…

    in reply to: On'yomi vs Kunyomi (The question as old as time) #31185

    I agree that you should work on your weaknesses, but this isn’t a weakness to worry about :P

    I was actually surprised at how many threads I found regarding this topic. I might just shoot Koichi an email and tell him he needs to make this point clearer in the book, seeing as so many people are stuck. Maybe. If I have time.

    in reply to: On'yomi vs Kunyomi (The question as old as time) #31170

    Sure I’ve answered this question at least 3 times on this forum :P To save time, here’s my answer in a nutshell: “It really doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it.”

    If you want a longer answer, flick through a few pages of threads: I’m sure somebody asked the same/a similar question not too long ago, but I can’t remember the thread name or when it was :S Damn lack of search feature >.< I mean, you can search using Google, but it just takes longer.

    EDIT: I thought I’d just have a look for it myself, can’t remember exactly what I said haha – here you go :) (YOU ALREADY MADE A THREAD ABOUT THIS!)

    There, that’s everything I can find on the matter, so if my original answer is unacceptable for some reason (and I don’t see why it should be), have a perusal of these and come to your own conclusions :P This doesn’t include anything from the old forum because sadly that has passed away ;_;

    in reply to: The Study Thread #31159

    @missingno15: Yup, as long as I don’t have a strong accent, I’m cool with that. A decent level of pronunciation will come in time, I’m sure, but I doubt I’ll ever “pass as a native”. It’s not like I’ll end up like 「外国ジム」 from not reading the book :P (

    OT: Finished Core 2000 today! :D I started near the end of last Summer, but have only been going a decent pace since the start of the year, which is why it’s taken so long. Now on to the other 4000…

    @Andrew: メーン スクリーン ターン オン
    Is that what you’re trying to say?

    in reply to: The Study Thread #31129

    Surely the best guide on how to sound like a native is *listening* to natives themselves, right? And why does it matter whether or not you pronounce like a native? Having a bit of an accent makes you more interesting (at least it does in English, I find). Obviously, if you’re unintelligble that’s no good, but a reasonable pronunciation should come without studying textbooks on it.

    in reply to: Eletronic Dictionary #31128
    in reply to: Japanese Pronunciation #31030

    It’s not just about stressing the “tori” part – any word with “hi” can have a more “hissing” sound. The level of “hiss” (for want of a better word) just depends on the speaker. Also, it largely depends on the kana coming after it: “hima” will generally have less hiss than “mannenhitsu” or “hikari”. Something to do with how /m/ is a bilabial consonant while /k/ and /t/ are plosives… or something.

    If anyone knows what I’m talking about, could you back me up, maybe rephrase it so it’s a bit clearer? :D Or tell me I’m talking BS, just whatever…

    EDIT: Aha! Here we are: (/ç/)
    It’s not just a plain h as in the word “he/him”, it’s more like in the word “hue”. 人(ひと) is actually listed as the Japanese example of the phoneme :D

    in reply to: AJATT Silverspoon #30866

    Not seen you on here in a while tubatime :D

    in reply to: Trouble kanji context #30865

    @MomoIro: You’d been studying Japanese for more than a DECADE before you started learning kanji? But… what? I don’t get it XD What were you DOING for all that time? You can’t really read or write without them, so… I’m guessing you just listened to the radio, watched TV or talked to people maybe?

    Even if you had studied ONE measly kanji per day, you could have been done in a little over half a decade :P Why didn’t you just start kanji when you started learning Japanese in the first place? I’m really curious haha :D

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