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  • in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #30862

    At first I thought “ANOTHER site redesign?! WHY? XD Making it look prettier again won’t help people learn any faster. And what’s this? “I won’t be adding new lessons while I finish this up”? BLARGHOIHOSDIFHVLIHEOUFPHWUFHIEWJFBUFHSSSOS!!!!1″

    Then I saw that new content was actually part of the update and it wasn’t just about aesthetics, so I thought “Ooooooohhhhh…” :D

    Hopefully this “Advanced” section will actually allow me to start using TextFugu again :D The only trouble with it is that he says it’ll be handled by someone else – isn’t the whole appeal of TextFugu that it’s written by Koichi? I mean if they can copy his style of teaching, I guess that’d be fine, but it wouldn’t quite be the same.

    FORUM FEATURES?!?! Hot diggity! :D *fingers crossed for search bar/image embed/video embed*

    “Separate blog”? But TF already has one, doesn’t it?

    EDIT: While having a sift through the blog, I noticed in the post “Here’s What 2011 Looks Like” one of the goals was “Finish up the “Core” content”: “Three plus seasons were written in 2010, so it makes sense to finish the other three (planned) seasons in 2011″ (for any of you that are newer here, Seasons were different back then)
    That’s just hilarious XD Seemed a reasonable goal at the time, but now we see just how unrealistic it was…

    in reply to: The Study Thread #30802

    @kanjiman8: Why don’t you just use your kanji superpowers to understand them all? :D You WERE bitten by a radioactive kanji, weren’t you…?

    in reply to: The Study Thread #30737

    Again @kanjiman8:
    Not quite in the same “pleasant” vein, but it’s fun to watch all the kanji nonetheless :P Also fun to try and keep up with the lyrics ;)

    in reply to: Where is everyone from? #30735

    @Bbvoncrumb: If New Zealand is as great as you say it is then how come you’re learning Japanese and not Māori?

    in reply to: The Study Thread #30726

    @kanjiman8: This song has the number 999999 in it’s lyrics, see if you can sing along XD

    in reply to: Who are you? Where are you from? etc. #30725

    Hey, aren’t you the person that made the duplicate music thread too? Have a look around the forum first before you go posting all willy-nillily, man :P

    OT: My name is in my username and where I’m from was mentioned in the original thread, so yeah…

    Back when I joined TextFugu all those moons ago, I never made an intro thread. Firstly, nobody cares what I have to say, and secondly, I’ve not even got anything along those lines to say anyway haha :D

    in reply to: Trouble kanji context #30533

    @hey: Damn, you spotted that :P

    Yeah, I think you’ve pretty much got it. Just think of a word being composed of two parts: the sound and the written representation. You learn the sound じょうず and you learn how to write it 上手. Over time you’ll recognise patterns in pronunciation/associated kanji, so you’ll effectively “pick up” readings as you go. Say you didn’t know one of the readings of 上 was じょう: you’d learn the word じょうず and then the word いじょう, notice that the じょう parts in both are written with 上, and thus you’ve learned a reading with no effort :D

    Just think if someone was learning English and instead of just learning the name “Michael” as is, they went about learning every pronunciation of “ae” first. It’d be quite an inefficient way to do things.

    If you learn readings just by learning vocab, then you’re only learning the readings you actually *need* at that specific moment in time. It’s efficient, streamlined ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #30494

    I dread to think how long 2541 cards would take to clear…

    in reply to: Trouble kanji context #30491

    What Kyle said ^

    in reply to: MIA #30490


    @Cassandra: My skills are still very basic, don’t worry about that ;)

    in reply to: New TextFugu forum? #30459

    @missingno15: Ah yes, Tubatime created that forum along with Bbvoncrumb, didn’t he? What was it called again?
    The real reason you hate the lack of image/video embed here is because it makes it harder to spam AKB48 ;) Picture after picture, video after video… As much as I don’t care about them, it was still funny :P

    I think I’ll take a quick peak at the old forum again (if it’s still up). Wonder if anyone else has posted since I last looked :D

    It’s been about a year since this new forum was created, judging by the date on the “Forum Rules” thread. Seems like a lifetime ago…

    EDIT: NOOOOOOOOOO!! The old forum is gone!! How could you *do* this to us, man…?! ;_; 1000s upon 1000s upon 1000s of words I’d written all just thin air now. All that time I spent preaching the word of RTK XD Ah, it’s funny in a way, but I’m still sad to see it go, even if it did “go” a year ago :/

    in reply to: MIA #30458

    Yeah, it’s definitely weird not seeing that terrible trio not posting here daily any more :/ haha They – along with kyle and missing – were probably the most vocal members back when I started. Oh and Bbvoncrumb. And possibly somebody else I’m forgetting. I guess Koichi doesn’t check the forums much/at all any more, but at least Hashi pops in from time to time! :D

    in reply to: New TextFugu forum? #30437

    It’s the limitation of the specific plugin they use for the forum that causes the lack of functionality. There’s nothing they can really do about it.

    @Joel: Aha, I knew it! :D Thanks for finding that for me ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #30354

    Any Nintendo fans? Reading through an interview with Koji Kondo, composer for such series as Mario and Zelda :D Can be found here, if any of you want to see it too:

    It’s 6 pages long (the second row of thumbnails). I bought the English version of the book since the Japanese one was kinda expensive – and I had an Amazon gift card, which also bought me JSPFEC – and there just wasn’t enough 日本語 in it to warrant buying. Unfortunately, the English edition doesn’t have the interview or even the accompanying CD, but the songs in it are still fantastic :D Can’t wait to get back to my guitar and get learning them haha. Solo arrangements of various Zelda tunes for classical guitar.

    I find I’m getting the gist of a lot of it, even if I can’t figure out exactly what he’s saying. Not using a dictionary (vocab or grammar), just reading through seeing how much I can get :) Still some bits that I’ve got no clue about. Reading is such an awesome way to practise vocab other than Anki :D

    And if any of you wish to hear the quite exquisitely done pieces: ;)

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