Forum Replies Created
April 25, 2012 at 7:06 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #29876
Damn… I must have been really tired when I looked that up on Tae Kim last night :P I mean, I’d covered that grammar point before, but I was a little unsure so I thought I’d double check. Now I’m checking Tae Kim again today and see that it was perfectly obvious which was which >.> What happened there…? :S The ないで thing seems obvious today as well – I remember learning about it both with 下さい and with ずに, so I must have momentarily forgot :/ Thanks for confirming though guys :D
@Pencil: The second is probably just an older variant of the first. Only 3 results in ALC for it, so I wouldn’t worry about seeing it day-to-day :)
April 24, 2012 at 7:35 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #29858A sentence in my Core 2000 deck says「嘘をついてはいけません。」, which the English says means “You mustn’t lie.”. I thought ~てはいけません grammar meant “must do ~”, and that to change it to “must not do ~” you had to change the form of the te-verb. Shouldn’t it be「嘘をつかないではいけません。」? Wait… is it つかないで or つかなくて? :S
“I know why MisterM is always so angry all the time”
Hehe ;) It’s really just a mix of mild annoyance and a love of complaining and arguing :PIt’s no problem :)
…on second thoughts, you could always give me your life savings. That should suffice for compensation, I think ;)
@missingno15: LOL! You beat me to posting my own profile…
@isocracy: I haven’t used Lang-8 in forever. I’m focussing more on understanding Japanese than being able to produce it. Lang-8 will have its place for me some day though ;)
It’s 5.40am over here… I think this thread is best left till tomorrow/today :P
Had this exact same question when I started :P Native speakers on lang-8 had a hard time explaining haha. Can’t really remember what they said to be honest :S
@CorrBlimey: Ah, sorry I haven’t been on in a couple of days :/
Here you go: lists will probably be a little outdated, since it’s been… well it’s been a while since I made them anyway :P I think that Koichi has added more to the nouns, but you could always add them yourself, I guess.
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
@missingno15: Go for it. I’d be interested to hear :)
Wow, ok… it seems in the past few days, have received stock of JSPEC and are now selling it at £8.84! :D It says “usually dispatched within 1 – 4 weeks” but still, sounds like it could be good :D Shame it has romaji, but it’s reasonably cheap, I guess haha
@missingno15‘s link: Kill it! Before it lays eggs!!
…but seriously, that voice hurts my ears. The way she speaks in English is slightly more bearable, however :P
Back in my day, Koichi gave us a link to Excel sheets for all the Ultimate Vocab lists. Printed them out, laminated and stuck them up on the wall behind me, so I could just swivel round and have a look every now and then :D It’s been a while since I used TextFugu, but maybe they are still there? You could even ask Koichi in an email, as he may be able to send you them :) Or… you could just take Kyle’s advice – which I’m reading just now – and export the decks :P
Edit: Yeah, in this picture here ->
That’s what I had and they looked pretty good :) Still had to format it to make it fit on as few pages as possible though XDEdit 2: Ah, it seems I actually still have the formatted Excel sheets, if you want them :) Made them the right size to fit on A4 (you just have to adjust the print margins a bit)
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
@kanjiman8: Where did you buy JSPFEC (much easier when abbreviated :P) and how much for? Amazon are selling it for £161.91 new and £92.71 used :S I have an Amazon voucher and was planning to spend it on that book, but now… How much did all those books cost you in total? :D Must have been a fair amount of money, I’ll bet.
Oh, and it seems someone is selling copies on eBay for £104.56 lolwut
It’s a shame there aren’t even any pdf copies floating about the interwebs… I mean, *I* would never download one but…
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
****ing counters, how do they work?
I guess a slight “rule” would be that you don’t ever really contract a syllable that comes before a voiced syllable (i.e. with dakuten), and it’s (as far as I know) only ever an unvoiced syllable that gets contracted. し and く are the main ones that get contracted, I think.
This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by