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  • in reply to: today I learned #28078

    @Jess: Besides Hashi occasionally, the mods are online around 9001x less than they used to be a year ago. Plus, I’m sure many a 13 year old will be left unoffended by that phrase :P Plenty of them will have seen a lot worse words, I imagine.

    in reply to: Tofugu E-Book #28076

    @Nick: It’s not so much that he’s slow, it’s that he doesn’t deliver what he promises sometimes (e.g. “a couple new chapters each month”). If he said “chapters appear whenever I’m not doing something else” or “when the planets align”, then fair enough, he’s being honest, but I guess that wouldn’t get many customers. I think he’s just spreading himself too thinly, taking on too much at once, really. Also, he has Hashi, John and Viet to help (though not with the writing of TextFugu), but instead of hiring people to *lessen* the current workload, he just starts many other little side-projects and features, effectively leaving himself with the same workload as before. Obviously this is just the opinion of the outside observer and not actual fact.

    in reply to: Tofugu E-Book #27989

    Obviously being truthful gets you less customers :P The person sees “We add a couple more chapters every month” and says “Oh boy! I’ll definitely get my money’s worth :D”. Then once they’ve parted with the cash, they’re met with “Oh, did we say “a couple of chapters every MONTH”? We meant “whenever we feel like it” *LOLface*! Our bad, but sorry no refunds *trollface*”.

    Having said all this, he *did* just upload 40 kanji lessons at once. Core content would be 9001x better, but at least it’s something (for the people who still read them, anyway).

    I don’t use TextFugu any more – apart from the forum of course – because of this slowness. So I’m not complaining saying Koichi should speed up for *me*, it’s just that I don’t like the raw deal that other users get sometimes. Plus it’s fun ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27986

    飛行機 – ah, the good old fly-go-machine ;) Or, as you amateurs probably call it, the “aeroplane” *rolls eyes*

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27983


    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27904


    in reply to: Tofugu E-Book #27903

    There was a section on the (one of MANY) old TF dashboards that was titled “E-books”. It was my understanding at the time that he was going to be writing companion e-books for TextFugu subscribers for free. That would only really make sense if they were mini books, like reference guides or study tips, not a full book like he’s written now, but oh well. Not buying it because I don’t really need it – any good study habits have either previously been mentioned in TextFugu or I’ve come across them elsewhere/developed them myself. I’d actually recommend somebody buy it over TextFugu however, if they were just starting out, and use some other source for the actual learning.

    It’s funny how so many threads on this forum descend into “Koichi you SOB, go faster! This isn’t good enough! We pay (____THIS____) much and we get (_THIS_) much! Like doubleyooh-tee-ehf, mate…”. I’m not complaining, I usually quite enjoy it :P Just pointing it out.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27857

    @isocracy: I finished RTK a year ago. It’s helped a lot since then, especially with learning vocab. You don’t ever have to “look up” readings, you just learn them as parts of words later on, so don’t worry. Unless you find you prefer the TextFugu kanji section; just wait another several years for it to be finished :P

    in reply to: Using と as "If" #27783

    @thisiskyle: Unless they happen to be a Hydra. Also, fair point.

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27782

    Well, in that case, I just ended my own game in the first go :P (that’s supposed to be an ‘n’ not a ‘so’ – guess I hit the auto-complete a little too soon, or just without noticing the difference haha).

    So my go was supposed to be ノーパン, which ends the game and someone else goes.

    Hang on, んです is in the dictionary; surely that counts as a word beginning with ん? :D

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27751

    ん can lead on to な・に・ぬ・ね・の, right? I don’t care, I’m gonna make it :P


    in reply to: Learning resource nerd off.. #27750

    Cake is ALWAYS relevant, whether the point it makes is wrong or not :P I’m not saying noise in general is a bad thing and that you must study in silence at all times, but just that different things take different sized slices of cake. Bird tweets and ocean noises take the tiniest sliver whereas full-on rap battles probably take a massive slab ;) But you do still only have a finite amount of attention (and thus a finite size of cake); your brain can’t just grab extra processing power out of thin air, so it has to divert some, however little, to processing the aural input. So yeah, listen to music if you want, but just make sure it’s not too attention-hogging :P

    in reply to: Read Real Japanese #27748

    I second that :) Would be very interested to see what resources you use and have used in the past, just since you’re so much more experienced than a lot of us here :P

    in reply to: Using と as "If" #27747

    It’s kinda like a “direct consequence” (I’m sure there’s a better term for it, but I can’t remember). Can often be translated to “when”, like “WHEN the light turns off, the door will open” or “WHEN I drop the ball, it will fall”.

    I think the differences between the varied conditional forms are quite interesting, at least once you “get” them :)

    in reply to: Learning resource nerd off.. #27702

    That music can *increase* concentration is pure hokum. Nothing that splits your attention can increase it – you’re actively moving some attention away from the main task at hand and directing it to the music. Say you have two plates, one with a big cake on it. If you move a small slice from the first plate to the second plate, it’s impossible to be left with *more* cake on the first plate :P However, I *do* listen to lyricless music while I’m studying to help with the monotony of it :D The slower and less “engaging” the music, the less attention needs directed towards it, and thus the smaller the decrease in attention to the stuff you’re studying (which is why 60bpm baroque music is often suggested). I always find that if I listen to anything with lyrics, my brain is like “aaaahhh!!” :P

    Right now, I’ve been listening to the The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword soundtrack quite a lot while studying. It’s goddamn brilliant, and there’s no singing in it, so it’s not too distracting :)

    Listened to 15 minutes of binaural beats at 15Hz while reading calculus textbook. Felt bizarre that’s for sure, but there was no noticeable increase in concentration. I don’t really wanna try it again because it’s given me a bit of a headache (and can most likely induce tinnitus) haha

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