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  • in reply to: Learning resource nerd off.. #27697

    Looked up that isochronic tones thing and it sounds like the biggest load of BS but I’m still very curious for some reason :P I’ll maybe give it a go, though I doubt it will do anything.
    Same goes for binaural beats.

    in reply to: Pronunciation of consecutive vowels? #27696

    I also have trouble with あい・あえ :( Sometimes I hear a *slight* difference and other times they sound exactly the same haha

    in reply to: Learning resource nerd off.. #27512

    Smashing my head off the textbook usually makes the info leech into my head. You should ALL try it. Needs to be at least 10 times or it wont work. If you see blood, don’t bother going to the hospital – it’s not blood at all, it’s just the red juices of ignorance being kicked out by all the information. If you started to get dizzy, that’s just all the little pieces of data running around trying to find where to store themselves.

    True story.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27502

    I think Joel is right: CATakana for the “main animal” and kanji for a name used to describe its young. You could easily call the kittens “cats”, but it differentiates them.

    in reply to: Where is everyone from? #27501

    @Gary: Woo, high-five! :P

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27406

    I don’t think it’s anything to do with emphasis. They do it a lot for animals and plants, even when the kanji are easy. Like キツネ、ウサギ、クマ and so forth.

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27405


    in reply to: The Study Thread #27404

    @Mark: I doubt anything you could have done in those 2 months would have had the same impact on your Japanese studies as a whole.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #27403

    No no no, don’t start this again! :P The last time ゼロス was on the forum, she quit in a rage when people didn’t like that she kept rejecting their advice (and was just being a pain to help in general). As much as “You can’t expect people to do everything for you” is a fair statement, it’s kinda inflammatory as well, so it might have been best to leave it out. To be polite, you know?

    And ゼロス, when someone gives you advice (albeit in a passive-aggressive way), say thanks and accept it. If they’re being an ass about it, don’t rise to it with “I asked one simple thing geeze” – say “Sorry, I didn’t think about doing that. I’ll try it now, thanks.”. Try and be more polite to helpful strangers in Japan, ok? ;)

    TextFugu forum is a place to seek help ONLY if you’re willing to accept the help you’re given.

    Also, I have to agree with Mark on this one: it’d be faster to look up a dictionary. But I’m assuming you’ve defiantly decided to not look it up, so I’ll just tell you メニュー == めにゅう (no romaji, because it’s the devil hehe).

    in reply to: Where is everyone from? #27402

    I’m from Scotland :)

    @Mark W: Shouldn’t that be で or が instead of だ? Just to make it a “run-on” sentence.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27279

    No, no they didn’t.

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27278

    @Jesse: I thought “names” meant “names”, not “proper nouns” in general.

    欠乏  「けつぼう」
    剣道  「けんどう」
    (You don’t really need to pick which path to follow since they both end the same way :P)

    in reply to: How long till I can hold a small conversation? #27253

    How long does it take? As long as it takes, really.

    “so when did you feel you were able to hold a very basic conversation “How are you?” “Lovely weather today isn’t it?” type thing :P” – I can barely even do that in my native English… -_-;

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27252

    Did somebody say… “get down”?

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27250

    “I was glad to have been able to have met him” sounds a-ok in English, at least. Just depends on the context of the sentence I guess.

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