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  • in reply to: The Study Thread #26649

    @Hatt0ri: Heh, I never thought about that :P Since it’ll be a while before I actually find out from reading the book, I thought I’d look it up :D The Harry Potter Wikia has a gigantic list of all the characters names in different languages. Nearly Headless Nick is ほとんど首無しニック. Think it would be too much of a mouthful for katakana ;)
    “ほとんど首無し? How can you be ~ホトンド~首無し!?”

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #26648

    @A.: At least you *realise* that it’s a long road – some people think they’ll become fluent overnight and have a hissy fit when that doesn’t happen :P If you know it’s going to be long and are still sticking with it then that’s awesome :) Keep it up.

    in reply to: What are you listening to now? #26646

    @Peter: High-five here! :D Apart from MEG, they’re the only Japanese music I listen to, really :3

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #26611

    I sometimes say “That’ll lurn ye!!”, but only in a jocular manner ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #26609

    I think it’ll be fun :P

    Well, I’ve reviewed about 1000 of the core 2000 at least once now, but only about 500 of those are new words. So once I’ve finished going through the whole core 2000, I could know anywhere upwards of 2500. Not exactly THAT much more than 2000, I guess. Not going to stop learning grammar and vocab completely once I start – it’ll get a little samey if *all* I’m doing is reading. There will still be the other 4000 words that make up Core 6000, and those Japanese Grammar Dictionaries you’re always championing will be useful for when I don’t understand what I’m reading. Plus, I’ll probably learn a lot of words that come up frequently as I’m reading.

    Harry Potter 1 is just the start. It’ll take a long time to finish, but once I do I’ll just go straight on to the next. The more you read, the more your brain will get used to it; that’s my reasoning anyway. The earlier I can start improving my comprehension skillz, the better, really.

    I’ve heard all kinds of advice on what and how to read. One guy says to read along at the speed of the audio book, even if you don’t get 99% of it; underline a few words per page that you don’t know and look them up later (more if there are ones that appear frequently). He says the best thing to do is to get a flow going – once you’re into it, you’ll want to keep reading and reading, because you’ll be into the story. Not sure how good a method it is, but he seems to have had success. Same guy said he got semi-fluent in German just by watching 7 seasons of Star Trek haha (though he obviously had the basics down beforehand). Other people would say he’s crazy and peddle their own advice.

    I’ll give it a go, and if it’s not working out, I’ll try something else :) Won’t be starting for a while though – 1000 words is gonna take a long time. I’ll probably finish JBP III in that time, and Sentence Patterns, so maybe I *will* need an intermediate textbook in the meantime…

    in reply to: Memory Capacity #26434


    in reply to: What are you listening to now? #26433

    @Kaona: You’re back on TextFugu! See you’re on 9GAG a lot though (via Facebook) – image macros taking precedence over Japanese, eh? :P

    in reply to: The Study Thread #26432

    I would have thought the best intermediate “textbook” would be just any Japanese literature (novel, newspaper, etc.) accompanied by some kind of grammar dictionary. Once I’ve finished JBP III and Core 2000 (possibly Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication too), I’m gonna start reading Harry Potter. Not just on it’s own, but with the English version, like a parallel text but not… parallel…
    Oh and the audio book too.

    I guess the structure given by a textbook can be pretty useful sometimes, but I wanna get stuck in :P May find it too difficult in the end and resort to another textbook though, we’ll see ;)

    OT: Started listening to/watching Fuji New Network videos every day, just in the background. The video playlist is from the FNN website (though found the link through beelinetv.com), updated each day; lasts about 1/2 hour to an hour I think. I try watching it at least once a day if not twice.

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #26172

    I’ve heard a few people say Read the Kanji (.com) is good, but I don’t know too much about it.

    Also, give RTK a chance ;)

    in reply to: Vocabulary #26171

    If you’re paying for expensive classes and they aren’t working for you, why bother going back? You can probably get a lot more done on your own in that time.

    Instead of 2 new words a day, try 5 every 2 days. Sometimes learning things as a set helps you learn them better because you make associations between the words in the set. Write them down as you review them as well.

    in reply to: I was wondering about the copyright tag at the bottom. #26014

    Or *don’t* convert it to romaji and look at it as a particle haha. Probably not that different a meaning.

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #26013

    It’s pretty essential that you *get* the book, but whether you *buy* it or not… ;)

    If you’re just beginning, then RTK 1 should be enough to last you a long time – the kanji in book 3 aren’t that commonly used, so you can easily get away with saving it for later. And by the time you’re done with book 1, any new kanji you see out in the wild will be easy to memorise without a story (just as part of vocab words), so book 3 probably isn’t necessary ever :P. I’ve heard book 2 is pretty terrible (from numerous sources), but if you check it out and find you like it, fair enough.

    in reply to: わ vs ね #25960

    Oh, I thought you meant the particles…

    [Well would you look at that: just as I'm about to type, a song called 「ねぇ」comes on :D]

    I can’t remember being confused by them, but I’m sure I probably was. I guess I just… learned them over time. You could say the loop at the bottom makes it look like an upside-down, back-to-front ‘e’. Think when I learned ぬ I thought of the loop as making the right side look like a 2, which rhymes with “nu” :3

    in reply to: What are you listening to now? #25959

    Listening to Perfume’s latest album JPN for the first time just now. It’s a shame that they released about 5 of the songs as singles in 2010/11 (meaning a chunk of this stuff isn’t fresh and new), but the album is still fantastic so far. Been waiting on new Perfume material forever :D

    in reply to: TextFugu and Anime? #25862

    Oh, no warning, just a complete removal of Bbvoncrumb’s post, eh? :P

    OT: @Ryuugyuu: There are “fans of anime” and then there are “weeaboos”, just like there are “fans of Star Trek” and “Trekkies”. Not all people who like anime/manga are weeaboos, but it’s certainly a defining characteristic of people who ARE like that. Would you prefer we call them “Wapanese”? :P

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