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  • in reply to: 日本語会話スレー #24377

    @User: 冗談だよ…
    でも、滑稽と思わなければ、よろしいでしょう ^ー^

    in reply to: Tutoring for Work #24352

    @thisiskyle: I meant the *visually-impaired* leading the blind, people who aren’t blind but still have bad vision. Us plebs are the blind while missingno15 is the half-blind. It’s not meant to be an exact analogy, but it’s close enough. You don’t want to be lead along your Japanese-learning path by someone who isn’t an expert in the area. I’m not saying missing is bad at Japanese – he outstrips everyone on the forum, no doubt – he’s just not the man for the job. I have every confidence he could teach the *basics*, but Textfugu is already there for that. And it’s not like you get any serious speaking/listening practice, just because he’s not fluent yet. It’s a nice idea, yeah, but I don’t think it’ll work too well, at least at the beginning (since he hasn’t done anything like it before and will need to get into the swing of it/improve his own Japanese first).

    @Hashi: Ah! Put the scary red font awaaaay!!

    in reply to: 日本語会話スレー #24351

    ウェア アイ リーブ、 ザ グラウンド イズ クワイト アイシ。

    オ、 ウェート…

    in reply to: Japanese pet name suggestions? #24350

    “Daphne and Celeste”… Will have to look them up.
    Oh god, really vaguely remember that “Ooh” song now XD Not terrible names but definitely terrible music.

    @Index: lolwut?

    in reply to: Tutoring for Work #24254

    You don’t understand the need for snide comments? This is missingno15 we’re talking about here, one of the forum’s snidest members, I believe. If it was anyone else, everyone would just be like “Hmmm… not for me though, sorry; good idea though” :P Also, it’s like the blind being lead by the visually-impaired; I’d rather have a guide dog and/or a human with standard vision to help me around haha

    OT: I’ll beat Reiden’s rate and offer $20/hour for the opportunity to teach me.

    in reply to: Japanese pet name suggestions? #24253

    Panty and Stocking/Scanty and Kneesocks/etc., regardless of the strange looks you’ll get when calling them, aren’t really that great names anyway :P

    Toki and Doki sounds good to me :) Or how about calling one of them Maru, after the famous box cat hehe ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #24252

    Anyone care to say what Index’s old avatar was? :P Missed it…

    in reply to: Tutoring for Work #24183

    Bbvoncrumb on top form, as ever ;)

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #24182

    You could always leave off the 見つけられません – they’ll probably know what you mean if you say 「~を探していますが…」

    in reply to: S2L5 Radical 八? Fish Legs vs Volcano #24181

    Over on, when you’re searching for kanji “by radical”, fish legs and volcano are the same thing (though it’s displayed as the “full volcano”). I think Koichi just calls them differently to distinguish the “above” one and the “below” one.

    The font here shows the narrow but still open-mouthed volcano; the font at shows the pretty-much-closed-top volcano.

    in reply to: S2L5 Radical 八? Fish Legs vs Volcano #24077

    Volcano usually appears at the top of a kanji; fish legs usually appears at the bottom.
    分 – volcano at top
    貝 – fish legs at bottom

    The closed-top volcano is usually only seen in print, I think.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #24049

    「[item] はどこで見つかりますか。」or maybe just 「[item] はどこですか。」

    That’s just a rough guess; wait till someone corrects me haha. Pretty sure I’ve heard 見つかる being used to ask where something is before.
    Can anyone tell me if that どこで is correct? Could you also say 「[item] が見つかるところは、どこですか。」

    in reply to: Find the hidden kanji! #24045

    in reply to: Find the hidden kanji! #24044

    in reply to: Find the hidden kanji! #24009

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