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  • in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #22717

    @Dormoxx: TextFugu’s Ultimate Vocab Anki decks are where I started (well, I started with TextFugu vocab *before* he made those decks, but they were where I started learning a decent amount). After that, I moved on to Core 2000/6000 – there’s some overlap with Koichi’s decks, but it’s nothing to worry about. That’ll take me quite some time to get through, so no idea what I’ll do after that; probably just read lots of native materials I guess :D

    Oh oh oh, I just remembered the word that I was going to put where that ? is :D 「文章」

    in reply to: What are you listening to now? #22716

    I speak the truth and you know it ;)

    I see it happen all the time in other forums – people post a mass of links to music they like and there is always a disproportionately low amount of posts actually commenting on others’ choices. People go there to post links thinking “Everyone’s going to love these because I think they’re awesome and everyone else will think they’re awesome too and they will be converted by me and I’ll get people reassuring me that my taste in music is awesome!”, then 5 minutes later, “Why isn’t anyone telling me how great my songs are?!”. The majority of the other people have the same attitude.

    I admit it, I’ve been guilty of that a few times in the past, but I realise what a waste of time it is now.

    NOTE: “Majority” =/= “Everyone”, so don’t turn around and say “BUT ROBOT SAID HE LIKED MY OK GO VIDEO!!!!1 U R RONG!!”

    And remember that nothing anyone says is “nonsense” – everything is sensible from SOME perspective. Just like good and evil.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22714



    (Anyone? hehe)

    in reply to: Any recommended textbooks? #22694

    Japanese for Busy People II, soon to be III.

    in reply to: What are you listening to now? #22693

    28 days without posting links that nobody else cares about, more like. I could post a whole bunch of songs I like, but no one’s gonna listen – they all want people to listen to THEIR songs :P

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #22691

    @Dormoxx: At first, before I did RTK, I did TextFugu’s method – at that point, I think he was just starting 4-stroke (yup, a whole year to get from 4-stroke to 7-stroke haha), so I got a few useful readings under my belt. After I finished RTK, I tried going back to the newly created 4-stroke pages, but they just didn’t do it for me, so I didn’t bother doing any more. I was finding I was “picking up” a lot of readings just from learning vocab, so that’s my method now. I don’t go out of my way to specifically *learn* them, I just happen to notice patterns and it occasionally helps to remember new words with the same kanji :)

    For example, I learned the words 自転車「じてんしゃ」、自動車「じどうしゃ」、自信「じしん」 and 自由「じゆう」, and from that I remembered one of the readings for 自 (which would be じ). Add on to that the word 電車(でんしゃ), and you should now remember one of 車’s readings (which would be しゃ), as it’s featured in two of the previous words. Learn the words 電話(でんわ) and 電気(でんき), and combined the previous word, you’ve now remembered one of the readings of 電 (which would be でん). I could actually continue this reading trail for at least another few readings, but you get the picture! :D These are all fairly common words I’ve used, so you can see that even from the outset of your vocab-learning journey, you pick up readings fast :)

    (To continue the trail, just for funsies: 電話 -> 話題 -> 問題 -> 例題 -> 例文 -> 文化 -> ?)
    (There’s another trail leading from 電気, but I can’t think of as many links for that one :D)

    In a nutshell: learn readings by learning vocab.

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #22627

    I became Super Saiyan Level 5, so yeah, I’d recommend it.

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22626

    @Robb: At the moment, the Wii U just seems like an HD Wii with a stupid-looking controller I’ll never want to use :P
    Yeah, I saw “after March” too, but all that means is that we definitely won’t see it before then – could be any amount of time after March, though most likely over the summer or at Christmas. Could release it during the summer, then, once some decent games come out for it, making a huge marketing push at Christmas time.
    Every time I play SSB: Brawl at my friends house, I take over my GameCube controller – SO much easier to play! :D I ordered my Wii last night, and while I could have gone with the “Family Version” one that came with free Mario Kart, I opted for the older one that comes with crappy Wii Sports/Resort just so I could plug my old controllers in :P The GameCube pads work with most Virtual Console games I think, and definitely with Brawl, which are two of the most important parts of owning a Wii for me XD
    I’ve no idea why they bothered releasing this new version: all that’s different is that it naturally sits on its side. How is that supposed to be a “Family Edition”?! Do families not like having their Wiis upright?! Must they be vertical?! Do no families own GameCubes?! How many more times must I use an interpunct?! It has the same dimensions and same functionality (besides the missing GC compatibility), and it costs the same, so I don’t see the point :P
    And yes, that idea sounds good, mostly because it was my idea in the first place… pretty much :P I didn’t specifically say “trade in the Wii”, but the feeling was there ;)

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22615

    Was it not *I* that mentioned the 90s? :P I can’t remember any more XD

    @Robb: I’m pretty sure the PS3 was *supposed* to be fully backwards compatible, just like the PS2. Look how that turned out… :P Only a handful of PS2 games work, and that’s only for the original 60GB model IIRC. And in the most recent incarnation of the Wii, they’ve removed GameCube compatibility entirely (how that’s an “upgrade*, I’m really not sure). Also, remember that 2012 is only an *expected* release date for the Wii U: knowing the video games industry, that year-long wait may easily turn into 1.5 or even 2 years if you’re unlucky. Plus, the Wii U’s controller gimmick just seems an awful idea XD But anyway, those are just my opinions.

    @Tori: So if you’re not going for a Wii or a Kinect, what ARE you getting for Christmas? :P

    @ooh_a_robot: I think the full potential of Kinect is not as a gaming device but as a technological tool. The Kinect technology is fascinating, but the video game applications as they stand just don’t seem to be heading anywhere worthwhile. I could be totally wrong though, and I hope I am :D

    in reply to: TextFugu vs. RTK for learning Kanji? #22614

    Try, try, try.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #22573

    @ooh_a_robot: There’s probably a preview of it online, so check it out before you buy it (if you do). I think the main reason is that there are so many other better ways to learn readings, and… nah, someone else who’s actually used the book could probably explain it’s cons better haha. I’m just going on hearsay. Really though, whether the book is good or bad, I find it better to learn readings as part of words, rather than learning them separately. It was handy doing TextFugu’s method at first, but then I realised I was “picking up” readings a lot fast than I was learning them with his system.

    By the time you get through RTK 1, you should probably have a clear idea of what you want to do :)

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22572

    @Tori: I’ve played both the Wii and Kinect, and I have to say the Wii is much better – at this stage, Kinect is too much of a gimmicky device. I admire the work some people are doing with it, modding it do all sorts of cool, useful, “technological” stuff, but for playing video games it’s pretty weak. Just having a look at all the games that are out for Kinect, the list is pretty dire, I have to say; worse than I thought XD If you’re used to gaming with a controller, it’s weird having nothing in your hands while playing anything on the Kinect. Plus, as robot said, you need a lot of room, though only a little more than you do for the Wii, I guess.

    The main questions to ask are “Are there even many games I want for the system?” and “Will I still use it once the novelty has worn off?”. Just from experience, I’d say Wii has the bigger catalogue and variety of games, and the fun lasts longer haha. When I played the Kinect, I thought “Well… this is kinda bizarre; kinda fun though ;)”, then after 15 minutes I thought “Is that it?”. Really, you have to try each console and see for yourself – you’re the one getting it so ultimately it’s down to you.

    Wow, I knew the Wii had a lot of “shovelware”, but the Kinect seems almost worse XD It has less games overall, but a higher % I’d say just look terrible.

    @Robb: Why wait for Wii U? It’ll take a while to get any decent games, and any flaws to be worked out (like the lack of Wii MotionPlus from the beginning). Also, the Wii will not be “outdated” for a LONG time – the PS2 was still going strong for a good while after the release of the PS3, because so many people had PS2s and not as many were buying PS3s. With the popularity of the Wii, it may even last longer than the PS2 did. I’m getting a Wii in the next few weeks and there are so many games I want to play, chiefly Skyward Sword, so I’m definitely not gonna wait a whole year for a console that could be garbage, while I could be having a blast in the mean time :P And if the Wii U DOES turn out to be the messiah of games consoles, there’s always next Christmas ;)
    When the Wii first came out, I kept on playing my GameCube and PC and PS2, and am only buying one a good 5 years later, so the Wii U can wait another 5 ;) Really, the main reason I’m buying this is for Zelda, and that’s why I’ve been waiting so long – as soon as the Wii U gets a Zelda game, I’m buying it B-)

    In short: it’s all up to you, so do some research before you decide… but you should go for the Wii ;D

    EDIT: Or alternatively, follow Larisa’s advice and get a SNES :3

    in reply to: The Study Thread #22561

    @Yggbert: First sentence should end おもいます. Is ここ maybe better than このところ? I’m not sure… Second one should be こたえはなんでしたか。, I think.

    @ooh_a_robot: Yes! RTK all the way! :P I did book one and it was great :) Book two apparently sucks though, and book three probably wont be necessary until you’re getting to the later stages of the language, I presume.

    @Mark W: I’d like to say I came up with it myself, but… :P

    in reply to: katakana help #22560

    “hold down shift in hiragana” – no, that just gives romaji output.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #22513

    @ooh_a_robot: You made a start with kanji? Well done! Keep it up! :D

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