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  • in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22512

    @Larisa: You’re paying for the air fare, right? ;) Or, alternatively, just send カービ over and I’ll take a ride on his star… which is mostly likely a euphemism for some kinda drug-taking…

    As for consoles, I have a GameCube, a PS2 (really it’s my brother’s, but I’ve used it so much it may as well be mine too :P) and a Gameboy Advance (which I haven’t used in years and which I only have about 3 games for; this is the regular kind, not the SP one). My dad bought a PS3, but it’s really only him and my brother that use it – I bought Soul Calibur IV and Guitar Hero 4 for it, though. I tired playing Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption, but I just never got into them.

    Besides actual consoles, we have a PC, which is where I do a lot of my gaming these days. And I’ll be getting a Wii very soon, because I have Skyward Sword’s limited edition bundle sitting up in my room back home, and I’ll need something to play it on ;D

    I hardly ever buy games: 1. I don’t have copious amounts of money, and the money I do have I don’t like spending it too much XD 2. I LOVE replying my old games :3. The last game I bought was Portal 2 at the end of the Summer, and before that, my brother bought me Left 4 Dead 2, WAY back at the end of 2009! :P I mean, I bought “The Longest Journey” on this Summer too, and I’ve just finished playing The Legend of Zelda on a NES emulator, but I don’t buy/play many new games. I have a HUGE list of games I wanna replay, actually, two of them being Monkey Island 2 (which is my avatar :3) and 4.

    (Also, I usually play the Wii or Xbox360 if I’m over at a friend’s house, so I guess that counts as me *playing* new games, but they’re not mine haha)

    This little TextFugu community is great, don’t you think? ;D

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22482

    Successor to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and predecessor to the N64 (Nintendo 64).
    It had games like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Street Fighter II, Star Fox and Yoshi’s Island.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #22481




    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22475

    @Larisa: Hmmm… guess I’ll have to try a SNES then :P I *did* play A Link to the Past, but emulators can’t compare to the real thing.
    Also, you don’t play Japanese games *because* you know Japanese, you play Japanese games SO that you know Japanese! ;) So go out and get some Japanese games so you can start learning Japanese :D Generally in PAL region countries, you don’t get the option to switch game language to Japanese (usually just French, German, Dutch, Italian and/or Spanish, though it can vary), but luckily I found out that Sonic Adventure 2: Battle DOES let you put both audio and subtitles to Japanese! Man, that was awesome :3 Hearing different voice acting was pretty cool anyway, but the fact that the game had subtitles really helped engage with it.
    And while it’s out-with the realm of “90s” discussion, I wholeheartedly agree that the GameCube deserves 3 thumbs up :D I don’t have THAT many games for it, unfortunately, but it’s really an underrated console I think. Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Luigi’s Mansion, aforementioned Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, etc.
    And please, go on about Nintendos as much as you want haha ;)

    OH HOW COULD I FORGET! SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEE!!! :D That was just… legendary :’) Beats Brawl hands down, especially when it comes to Target Test. (If you had the original SSB, do you remember the platforms minigame? Board the Platforms was it?)

    @Yggbert: I didn’t own a Dreamcast, but my friend did. At the time, the big chunky controller put me off I think, and I never really liked the console, but now though, I really fancy playing it again! :D It would have been damn successful if it hadn’t been for the PS2 haha. SEGA would probably still be making consoles now… Sony! Y U NO lay off for a while to give SEGA a chance?! :P

    @Tori: When did we lose you? :P

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22462

    I’m kinda struggling to remember more kids gameshows, but I know they existed haha. Mostly just involved getting gunged :P
    There was 50/50, which some people from my school competed in once.

    SMTV Live.
    Aqua (singers of Barbie Girl).
    BN biscuits!!
    The Demon Headmaster.
    Mummies Alive.
    Biker Mice from Mars.
    Street Sharks.
    Sonic The Hedgehog animated series (I remember his penchant for chilli dogs, though I’ve no idea who came up with that :P)
    The Karate Kid.
    Not that I “remember” it from the time, but the 90s had a lot of good dance music.

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22456

    @yggbert: I know, I was just joking :P

    @ooh_a_robot: Ah, that might be it then – over here in Scotland, we start primary/elementary school at 4 (with a year of “nursery”/kindergarten before that). Also, it just depends how long you live – you could live to 100, thus not being at 1/3rd yet, or you could die tomorrow, which would put you WAY past the 1/3rd mark! ;)
    Hell, even *I* moan about the youth of today, even though I’m still in the “young’uns” corner :P

    @larisa: That’s entirely subjective! :P The N64 was my (my brother’s) first console, so I have fond memories of it, and the SNES was dying out around that time, so I never got to play it. Even my brother never had a SNES, and he’s almost 23 now. Having said that, the older you are, the more likely you are to have played the older console first, so in your case, you only THINK the SNES is better because (I assume) it was the first you played ;) *Totally* unrelated note, the game that’s topped quite a number of “Best ever” lists is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and that was on N64, so…
    (Yeah, I realise A Link to the Past makes it into a lot of top 10s too, but OoT usually/always does better ;))
    To be fair, out of the two consoles, the SNES has aged better – the graphics are just as stunning as (I assume) they were when it was first released. Still, the N64 holds a certain charm for me, even if it is outdated :P

    I assume Legends of the Hidden Temple was either before my time, or an American thing. It *does* remind me of two *other* shows though, that I have a feeling are probably distinctly British – Gladiators and The Crystal Maze :)

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22434

    @Yggbert: That’s *3* things ;)

    @ooh_a_robot: That’s odd – you experienced more of the 80s than I did of the 90s, but I still remember the 90s more XD Well, maybe I didn’t remember *everything* of the 90s, but the memories I *do* have are vivid and awesome :) *Technically*, I’m a 00s kid, but I don’t like to think of it that way, since the 90s was so much better :D

    Oh oh oh, another good thing about the 90s – The Simpsons, back when it was hilarious! :D Even if I didn’t get a lot of the jokes back then, rewatching episodes from that decade is just fantastic :)

    Gameboys. The big chunky ones and the Gameboy Colour. None of this DS nonsense ;)
    Not that I remember it well, but the boom of the internet.
    Monkey Island 2 coming on 8 floppy discs! :D
    Monkey Island 3.
    Donkey Kong 64 and the DK Rap (which some of you will know from Super Smash Bros. I’m sure).
    The original Super Smash Bros.
    Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.
    Eiffel 65 – I’m Blue
    Little Rascals.

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22422

    Meh, I was just listing my own favourites, but feel free to keep going with 90s nostalgia :P There are so many things that I know other people love that I didn’t have any interest in – Fresh Prince, Recess, Arthur, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Saved By the Bell (was that 80s?), Furbies, PlayStation, Sonic…

    Besides Dragon Ball Z, I didn’t watch any other anime back then. Now that I’m rewatching Dragon Ball Z, after having recently finished watching Dragon Ball, it’s actually kinda sucky haha. 35 episodes in, I’ve actually switched to watching Sabrina again :3 Now THAT show is even more awesome now than it was back then :D

    So what ages were you guys in the 90s? *derails thread* I only lived through ’93 onwards, but it was still awesome :)

    in reply to: Effectively Using Anki #22420

    Disagree with Mark W; totally agree with huw.

    “How do you know which word [is significant]” – you made the story, so you’re GOING to know! :D Also, it’s probably going to be obvious (if it’s not obvious, you’ve failed at making a story): in the sentence… oh, let’s see… “Usually when the circus is in town, I see parades of elephants riding on bicycles” – the “obvious/significant” words in there are most probably going to be “circus”, “elephants” and “bicycles” (and, obviously, you’ll know which (if not all) of them are the ones relating to the thing you’re trying to remember, since you made the story up). So, the word you want can’t really be ANY other word in the sentence – “usually/when/the/in/I/see/of/on” seem in no way significant, so you’d be a fool to think it was one of them :P

    I generally don’t think of stories for vocab though: I use little personal memory aides or experiences that probably wouldn’t seem like much in an explanation. Or I just straight-up remember it as it is, which is more desirable but less frequent :P

    in reply to: Pic of the day #22419

    [Insert up arrow here]
    No no, it’s fine – just the other day I formed a group called… uh… “SHM72″. These two girls were actually the first recruits; they’re famous now, so it’s all good.
    (There are 72 members in the group, and the SHM has no significance whatsoever)

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22413

    @ooh_a_robot: Well, we’re currently going through an 80s revival period, so soon enough we’ll be onto the 90s ;) God, I hope so anyway – because I was a young child during the 90s, that makes it the best decade ever :P haha. Kenan and Kel, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Nintendo 64, The Spice Girls, yo-yos, Pokémon, Home Alone, Monkey Island… *nostalgic sigh*

    in reply to: Preventing Learning Burnout #22394

    @Yggbert: How the hell do you have 700 Anki reviews per day?! XD

    in reply to: tips on fundraising! #22392

    Gotta be over 18 for Mechanical Turk, sorry. Plus, you’ll be doing menial jobs for them FOREVER if you want to make any amount of money haha. I’m giving up with these sorts of sites just as soon as I get my £50 from YouGov (which has taken me more than a year to get halfway! >.<)…

    Also, “definitely” ;)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #22391

    @winterpromise: Well done! :D I only started using Anki at the start of the year, so it’ll be a LONG time before I get any >2 years cards haha; I think the most I’ve had so far is 1.3 years :D However, as for Koohii, I’m getting close to 1400 cards in the “Seven+ reviews” pile (with 2067 in the “Four+ reviews” pile)! :D

    Got uni exams this week and next, so haven’t had as much time as I’d liked for Japanese :/ A few days where I’ve had to NOT DO ALL MY ANKI REVIEWS! :O Which is pretty shocking since I don’t think I’ve *ever* intentionally done that! haha

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22338

    The imperative form means it can’t be past tense either, so “has vanished” doesn’t make sense.

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