Forum Replies Created
>But before that, I have a good idea guys! Let’s blame our inabilities to learn ourselves on Koichi! It’s not like we’re self taught Japanese learners or anything!
Yes, we *are* self teaching, and I *can* learn on my own just fine, but we *paid* for TextFugu’s help. It’s like buying a real life textbook with half the pages missing: yeah, the manufacturer says he’ll send the pages on as soon as possible, and you *can* use other stuff in the meantime, but then it kinda defeats the purpose of buying the book in the first place. By the time those pages arrive, you’ll have read all the material from other sources, and you’re left with a useless textbook and a hole in your wallet. If TextFugu’s beta stages were free, there’d be no right to complain whatsoever and I’d appreciate *any* content at all. But we’re paying customers, so it’s different.
I’m studying for exams at the moment, but at some point in the future if I have time, it could be quite fun to write my own lesson :) A couple of things to note though: 1.I’ve no experience of writing lessons 2. My standard of Japanese isn’t as high as Koichi’s. Don’t expect anything phenomenal, but I can still try my best :)
TextFugu was great for the very basics and the motivation to begin studying, but now I only stay for the forums. Once some conversation stuff gets put up, maybe it’ll become useful again though, because that’s an area I need practice in. Currently, there doesn’t seem to be $20 worth of updates each month.
Just in case, I didn’t mean to pronounce the ‘h’ in “hitori” as an ‘f’ sound; I just meant that it’s a similar situation. It sounds almost like a valve releasing steam :P Or a reverse cymbal, since it “stops” “hissing” as you start to pronounce the ‘t’ sounds haha
@missingno15: Btw, half your pictures return a page titled “Referral denied”.
Boom! Called it.
;)I remember the days of Koichi saying “Right, from now on, I’ll put up 1 – 2 lessons a week, this is my new goal :3″ and “Right, from now on, I’ll do 1 or 2 new kanji a day, this is my new goal :3 :3″. I always thought it was funny how badly the goals failed and how quickly they were ditched, even though I wanted that new content :P I remember a time when he also said “New dashboard video every week! :D” and “5 Tofugu videos every week! :D :D”. Then there was also the times when it played out like this: “New lesson should be up by next week guys! :D” *next week* “Lesson should be up by midweek guys and maybe another on Friday! :D” *Wednesday* “Running a little behind; only one new lesson, definitely on Friday” *Friday* “New lesson NEXT week, guys, sorry! :D” (this one actually happened a heck of a lot, now that I think about it haha).
I’d say one lesson a week is reasonable, ESPECIALLY since they’re now onto the sorter “mini-lessons”. I know they take a while to write, but one a week seems decent figure for people actually trying to learn. Hell, if I have some free time, *I’ll* try writing a lesson, see how long it takes :P
Hey, that’s what I’m here for ;) I’m betting that’s totally true though :P
Bounties don’t get looked at: they’re too busy looking at colour palettes and fiddling with Anki decks. Oh, and Starcraft too.
Most Japanese I’ve heard pronounce it with a “hiss”, or however you wanna call it. It’s like pronouncing “hu” as “fu”, where the “fu” is just the “hu” with a “hiss”. It’s obviously more complicated than just saying it’s a “hiss”, but if you listen to more Japanese, you’ll get a feel for it :)
This topic hasn’t already been discussed 9001 times :P I usually come in and get all aggressive, then Koichi or Hashi come in and try to apologise, and then everyone’s all like “Oh hey, thanks, that’s fine, just sit and not update the site all day, put your feet up and play Starcraft, go ahead” and then the topic dies. Textfugu is never going to be finished; we just have to deal with it. Koichi is never going to get his ass into gear, he’s always going to be fannying about with site and Anki deck designs, and people will always join TF then leave a couple of months later when they get sick of waiting for new content. It’s just the way of the world XD If I hadn’t gotten it so cheaply, I’d be wanting my money back.
If someone was foolish enough to base all their Japanese studying on TextFugu and *only* TextFugu, I’d feel really sorry for them; they may as well just give up XD@Yggbert: You say he doesn’t work 9 hours/5 days, but why not? This is his full-time job.
And to think, making side content like this instead of new lessons is where he spends the *majority* of his time; what the hell else does he do if he doesn’t have time to proofread his work? :P He fiddles with Anki decks, I *guess*…
@Mark Weber: Try and balance your vocabulary and kanji study a bit more: 100 words a week seems a bit much in comparison to 7 kanji a week. The more kanji you know, the faster it’ll be to learn those words, plus you’ll actually be able to learn their proper form more easily (i.e. kanji form instead of just hiragana). Maybe try like 70 words and 14 kanji a week; that’ll decrease your words per day from about 14 to 10 and increase your kanji from 1 to 2. Or… maybe do 4 or 5 kanji every second day, leaving that extra day to review the kanji you’ve already “learned” the previous day.
Totally up to you, though. I just think it sounds a little better to keep things a bit more balanced, so your not focussing all your efforts in one are and letting the other one just drag along. I know kanji are hard at first, but since you probably get a TON of reviews from doing 100 vocab words a week, reducing them to spend more time on kanji should help :)
@Yggbert: Yeah I’ve got so many other games to play too, but I’ll complete The Longest Journey and Dreamfall (which I’ll actually have to buy again) at SOME point :P Playing the original Legend of Zelda on an emulator, then got Zelda II, Link to the Past, etc. all the way up to Twilight Princess to play again before I start Skyward Sword XD Also gotta finish Okami when I’m back home for Christmas, and probably play Sonic Adventure 2: Battle again :)
Actually, I’ve got a long list of games I need to play again :D Such is the life of a nostalgic gamer.
@Yggbert: Yeah, I think the voice acting’s decent too :) Well, apart from that English woman at the start, the landlady – that was just painful… :P Dreamfall has much better graphics, but then it was released about 7 years later so no wonder haha
Hot protagonist in Dreamfall too, which is always a bonus ;)@Sheepy: Yeah, I like that one too ;D
I *was* gonna tell a joke about Sodium, but then I thought “Na…”. All the good chemistry jokes Argon from my head, I guess.
A couple of notable exceptions after 10 are the 20th (はつか)and 14th/24th (じゅうよっか and にじゅうよっか). And when you’re talking about a number of days, instead of just dates, the X4th rule applies as well (for 34 days, 44 days, 54 days, etc.).
Basically, there aren’t any real “rules of thumb” to follow when it comes to dates, bellow 10 at least. It’s like the whole “i before e except after c” thing – there are more words that go against this rule than follow it.
@Yggbert: I actually bought that from back in the summer I think – tonight is the first time I’m playing it! :D Have you played its sequel, Dreamfall? Really liked that one, and the original was going cheaply, so I thought I may as well :) Nice video hehe :P