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As it is now on my laptop:
(The round thing at the top corner is supposed to show the phases of the moon, so it looks best when it’s not a new moon XD)As it used to be for a LONG time beforehand, on the family desktop:
Think this is the picture I posted for the LAST desktop thread on here.@Mark: Yeah, that doesn’t really work with “tsuitachi” OR “ichinichi” :P
Region encoding is just stupid. Surely opening up your market to THE WHOLE WORLD is a better idea than keeping it confined, no?
I can tell what it says, but I don’t understand every part of it :)
Happy 24th of November! :D
@missingno15: Yeah, I know you’re weird, but you’re not British, so what’s with that book? ;)
@larisajane: Yeah, I’ve heard about the clipping thing, but is there not some chip inside the machine that keeps it region locked? Doesn’t clipping those tabs just allow the cartridge to fit in the slot? Are there not some other modifications you need? Wonder if a Super Famicom could be modded to play British SNES games too :P
Always thought about buying a SNES (and an N64) but, while they’re *relatively* cheap, I still can’t really “afford” to spend that much on them, if you know what I mean. Got a lot of good memories of the N64 :) Basically, once I’m making the megabucks, I’ll set aside a room in my house/mansion for collecting lots of old consoles and games. Gonna be sweet B-)
Maybe have a “Zelda room” too…-
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
@Yggbert: Typo again ;) おいしい (though 美味しい would be fine too XD Not sure which I prefer).
At my Japanese class last night, the guy sitting next to me was wearing a hoodie (not sure what you call them outside the UK – a hooded sweatshirt maybe? Hooded sweater?) with a SNES controller design on it. The teacher noticed and was asking us “Oh, did you two play one of them when you were younger?” (he had but I hadn’t, cause I was a little too young at the time). She mentioned that she had a Super Famicom – which is the Japanese version of the SNES – and she loved it; she also said that she still has it at her parent’s house with all the old games (all in Japanese of course). Then, the best part, she suggested that she get her parents to mail it over here (Scotland), because she was thinking of selling it anyway. “Oh nice; how much would you want for it?”, to which she said “Oh no, no no, just for free, I don’t mind!”. If this works out, I could be getting a Super Famicom and a bundle of Japanese games all for FREE! :D How awesome is *she*…?! When I said that I’d be able to get it working with British TVs, she said she didn’t care about the postage costs, she was just curious to see it working here and how XD She said she’d prefer to see it go to someone she knows rather than “selling it on Yahoo and seeing it go to some random Japanese person”. She also mentioned she had a Famicom too (Japanese NES), but that might be a bit much to give me :P
My fingers are crossed so hard XD If she manages to get them sent over here for me, I’m sure that definitely warrants some kinda Christmas present ;)
Hmmm… It’s been so long since I did the wa/ga thing with TextFugu; looking back on it, it’s actually not that good an explanation now that I think about it. The best way to learn the difference between the two is to just go out there and see it for yourself. Obviously that’s a little much for a beginner, but just referring to は as the topic marker/particle and が as the subject marker/particle is probably sufficient in the mean time – it gives you the basic idea of the differences, but you wont get a grasp for the ideas behind it until you see it in lots of different situations. As long as you *get* that “topic” refers to “the topic of conversation” while “subject” refers to “the subject of a clause”, you should be ok.
Also, when it comes to *reading* は and が, read は as “as for X,…” and が as “X is” – I think that helps more than anything. It kind of fits in with the Japanese style of speaking: often where the sentence begins with は, they’ll kind of hold the あ sound and trail off (as if they’re saying “Uhhhhh….”), before coming back in the with the main part of the sentence (e.g. 「これ はぁぁ・・・ なんですか。」. As for が (or should I say「「が」はぁぁ・・・」), it’s just kinda said as part of the sentence (e.g. 「すし が 好きです。」).
Is there any reason you’re posting all these random pictures of AK47 members? The OP only wanted to know how to change his profile pic… The thread’s now just an assortment of pictures of various young Japanese girls, who may as well have just been pulled straight off the street and asked to pose. I know that’s the whole *point* of AK47, but it’s not like they’re not even any *good* pictures :P
I mean, that first picture: what’s the point of it? XD Is it supposed to show how smooth her skin is or something? It makes her lip look funny…
I don’t mean to be aggressive or anything, I just don’t get it :D@Mark: What’s あ-form?
Perfume have a new single!?!?! I should read this thread more often XD(So. Much. Win)
@Mark: Well, you’re saying 食べたら (“if/when you eat”), but the sentences in the lesson say 食べたかったら (“If/when you WANT to eat”).
“If you eat meat, why not do it now?” as opposed to “If you WANT to eat meat, why not do it now?”November 20, 2011 at 9:20 am in reply to: If there was one thing that you could change about yourself, what would it be? #21032Confidence around girls… BAAAAAAAAWWW!!! Forever alone!! XD
Maybe stop being so skinny as well, but I’m working on that atm anyway ;)
@Larisajane: Well, having longer hair is simple; you ACTUALLY don’t have to do anything! :P
@Mark: Are you asking for missing’s help? You’ve already got several replies from natives XD I doubt he’d have much more to add.
Bear in mind, there can be more than one way to say things, so while 高すぎた should be fine, the commentors probably think there is a more natural way to say it, a way that just sounds better to the ear. And also that Koichi isn’t native Japanese; he’s not completely fluent, so he’ll still mess up from time to time.
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by