Forum Replies Created
Good response, Hashi :P
The old, much better TextFugu forum had a search function (and image/video embedding), but they gave it all up to make this new one several months ago. I’ve no idea why… – have a little exploration there :) You might find something useful/interesting. If you want to discuss it, you can always make a thread about it here (since nobody looks at that old forum any more). Koichi promised he’d move all the old topics from there over to his new forum (and restore certain features like the aforementioned search bar and video/image embedding), but it never happened, so you’ll almost definitely find something good there :) Oh, and the HTML tags were 9001x better there too.
Really, both forums are terrible, but the old one was the best of the bad :P
@Kaona: Since you’ve been self-learning (and have been going to a tutor) for god knows how long, Season 1 of Textfugu will take you at most a couple of hours, and it’ll all be stuff you already know (assuming your meaning the old format of Seasons). And anyway, what the hell have you been doing on TextFugu so long that you haven’t even finished Season 1 yet?! XD You’ve been here longer than *I* have! Surely you’ve learned です、でした and じゃありません already, right? :P If you haven’t, then I’d definitely find a new tutor… ;)
I mean, what is this I don’t even
@winterpromise31: Was that using よう? Or 見ます? Or even でしょう? I have no idea if those last two actually even make sense like that XD
My last box on Koohii is SO CLOSE to overtaking the second last one :P 7+ reviews is at 871 cards while 6 reviews is at 898 cards – it’s been so long since I finished RTK and I’m still reviewing every day :D
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
…music without lyrics (instrumentals) with a soft/calming melody can actually help you to work better whilst studying
I like to listen to a lot of J-Trance
Sure… Trance music is the BEST for soft, calming melodies :P
Also, soft, slower-tempo’d Classical music is said to be quite good for studying to. Apparently it’s best at 60bpm, but I don’t think having it at 70 or 80bpm would make THAT much difference.While I’m doing big important uni studying, I’ve found I can concentrate a lot better without music (and away from the computer entirely, in fact :P). But when I’m doing something boring like flashcard reviews, I’ve recently been playing the soundtrack to a Lucas Arts game called Grim Fandango – it’s not always the most calming, but it’s lyricless swing-jazz/bebop (and some latin), which makes it interesting enough to be enjoyable, but not distracting enough so that I can’t answer my flashcards. It’s a film noir style game, but set in the Mayan Day-of-the-Dead-style limbo land, so the soundtrack is pretty fitting :)
Latin style: style:, that’s a lot of links… I don’t usually listen to jazz, but I think that games soundtrack reminds me of the old days ;) )
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Never seen dancing like it :PIt’s the theme music for BBC’s documentary series “Japanorama” (as hosted by Jonathon Ross).
@missingno15: I’d rather not tell you, if that’s ok. It seems a bit… wrong to do that, you know? Respect for his privacy, ‘n’ all that haha.
@winterpromise31: I didn’t realise how intense it would be! XD My brain was well and truly fried afterwards… Speaking to my Japanese teacher is almost as big an ordeal, but she knows how to deal with people like me :P
I met up with a Japanese guy I met on Facebook, tonight – he’s over here in Edinburgh studying linguistics and I started talking to him online a few months ago. Tonight’s been the first time we weren’t both busy haha
Oh my god, it was embarrassing how bad I was XD He was trying to explain things to me in Japanese, and I just wasn’t following >.< I felt really bad about it, but he kept saying「大丈夫、大丈夫!」. It was interesting at least, but really frustrating having to speak in English the majority of the time because I didn't know how to say it in Japanese :( And it was embarrassing having him sitting there for 5 minutes while I umm'd and uhh'd and didn't even get the answer in the end XD He says he doesn't mind doing it for like 30mins – 1hour but he agreed that if we were doing it like that all day, it would get too much :P
He explained that he thought the best way for me to learn was for him to speak all in Japanese, and while I know that's true, it sounds way too difficult XD Even though I can help him with stuff in English, I feel bad because I need a lot more help than he does :P
We're both really busy however, so I don't think we'll get to see each other much. I'm looking forward to the next meeting but I'm dreading it at the same time XD
“Giant robots”: but Monkey Island is *already* like that. Do you not remember the end of MI4? :P
I’ve got 3 TextFugu stickers, all gifts from Koichi :3 Not actually stuck them anywhere yet though; they are just sitting in my drawer, in their little envelopes hehe.
OVER 900!! posts in the Self Intro sub forum now ;)
Oh yeah and “hi there”, new person :P
Instead of killing LeChuck with cursed root beer, you show him some good Western animation and he runs off screaming into the sunset. Or just talk to him in fluent Japanese; same effect ;)
@missingno15: Nobody said “AKBINGO”; nothing to see here, move it along…
(I can see you stuck around after all then ;) Or is just taking a while to wean yourself? haha)
October 6, 2011 at 5:24 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #18796@jkl: Riaikun tells me どっか means “somewhere; anywhere; in some respects”. Then “a place to stay”, like you said. The last part, my brain is wildly thinking it’s a combination of 寝る、べき and かな – I don’t even know how to use べき or かな properly, but I’ve heard them in passing before. That’s probably a load of rubbish, but if you take it to be true, it sounds something like “I wonder if I should probably find somewhere to stay for the night…”. I’m doubting ねえ relates to 寝る, but べかな looks like it could be べき+かな.
Just a thought :) You’re much better at Japanese than me, so I’m most likely talking nonsense XD
Back in the old days, you were actually given $1 for each bounty that was utilised. But then the earthquake and tsunami happened and it was changed. I never actually used it during the old system and it’s too late now to earn any money from it haha. I’m sure Koichi actually marketed that as a way to pay off your TextFugu subscription :P I’d prefer if we were given the option – I’d rather take the money and donate it to my own chosen charity, if I chose to donate at all, that is.
(Actually, it changed to donate-only some time *before* the disaster, but you got a choice of educational charities back then, I think)
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by