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  • in reply to: Additional Lessons #18609

    @Ryuuguu: Oh yeah, I *remember* the time Guybrush defeated his opponent by calling them a creep otaku kid – best scene ever! :D

    in reply to: Additional Lessons #18594

    Ryuuguu is just a “creepy Otaku kid” himself; that’s why he gets offended.

    But seriously, he gets really mad any time anyone has mentioned it in the past. Gotta be a connection. Just sayin’ ;)

    in reply to: Confessional #18580

    @Lindy: I’m in the same situation :(

    in reply to: Concrete Goals and Progresss #18574

    She didn’t really specify whether she wanted a “learning” textbook or a “reference” textbook, so I guess the argument over the specific functionality of the book is pointless XD. I think I’m just judging the book from the perspective of someone who wants to use it to learn rather than JUST refer to it when needed. Both books are good for the same purpose and they each have good and bad points. I’d say the romaji in the Dictionary of Grammar is more obstrusive, but I guess that’s probably just me. You have to look at the book to see how it suits you individually.

    (If you *did* want to look at your card in Anki, all you gotta do is type in the search bar. If you don’t have the card then *obviously* you’d look somewhere else :P. I’m not sure why you’d *want* to look at it in Anki though, unless you’ve maybe got a *fabulous* sentence associated with it.)

    And you’d read “All About Particles” if you wanted to know “about particles” – it’s not really intended for the same role as the Dictionary of Grammar.

    But anyway, this is a stupid argument like I’ve already said, so we should just leave it; it’s all down to her. And you’re probably more right than me in this case, just so you don’t think I’m trying to hide that fact and chicken out XD

    in reply to: What words to learn? #18562

    I’m using Core 2000/6000 at the moment. Might not be for everyone, but I’m liking it :)

    EDIT: Ninja’d by Elenkis while I was replying to his post in a different thread XD

    in reply to: Concrete Goals and Progresss #18560

    @Elenkis: Oh, sorry, I must have been thinking of a different book. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at it, and I didn’t actually have a copy to look at when I said that. Yeah the dictionary has proper Japanese too. Seems a reasonable book. There were a couple of things I don’t like about it though. They really should have set the romaji to a smaller font – having it the same size as, if not bigger than, the proper sentences draws your eyes away from what you ought to be looking at. I’m not sure if you had the same romaji trouble as I had when you read the book, though, but I found it to be really annoying (not that I’ve read all that much of it yet). It’s layed out in alphabetical order – that makes it a good reference tool, but it’s not that helpful when you’re first learning. I think it would have been better if they’d put the entries in order of usefulness, commonness or even just grouped them together (like putting the conditionals together). Say if you wanted to learn vocabulary, you wouldn’t open a dictionary, start at “A” and work your way through – you’d be best using some sort of list like Core 6000 or Koichi’s anki decks.

    All About Particles is a great book, and so is the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Kanzen Master and Japanese for Busy People are also quite nice. Really, you just gotta take a look at them in a bookshop or on Google Books and decide which one you think looks best. Perhaps even take a look at Tofugu’s reviews section (even though it’s kinda sparse at the moment).

    in reply to: Concrete Goals and Progresss #18555

    @winterpromise31: Hmmm… I’d say it’d be best not to get the dictionary of grammar mentioned before: mostly romaji, if I recall correctly, and I just found it to be not that useful. Maybe I’m wrong though, it’s been a while since i’ve had a look at it. You should probably go for the “All About Particles” book – I’ve found it’s really helped and it’s been recommended by Mr. AJATT too :D Although there are plenty of other good books out there, like “Kanzen Master” – go over to Google Books and see if you can get a preview of some of them :) I’m not sure if my library actually has the 2nd or 3rd volumes of Japanese for College Students, but if they do they’ve been checked out anyway, so I picked up Japanese for Busy People II and III (not number 1 though because it said it was a “reference copy only”, and tbh, it looked really too basic XD).

    Even though I’ve got those other books to read on my to-do list, think I’ll just try and get through Japanese for Busy People II and III first – they seem quite good :) Read them while doing my Core 6000, of course ;) Gotta have vocab.

    in reply to: Concrete Goals and Progresss #18426

    That should be “All About Particles” not “A Basic Guide…”

    @winterpromise31: You’ll *always* understand more than you can produce: it’s only natural. Even in English (assuming that’s your native), it’ll probably the same.

    in reply to: Concrete Goals and Progresss #18370

    一:「Core 2000」と「Core 6000」の言葉を習い終わるつもりです。

    1. I plan to finish Core 2000 (then 6000) by… god knows when! Been so busy with uni work that I haven’t added any new words in months! :O
    Once my Anki and Koohii cards are finished for the day, I WILL add some more Core 2000 – got the whole weekend! :D

    (Yeah, I gave up on trying to post in Japanese haha)

    2. …I’m not sure about any other plans at the moment. Finish “A Basic Guide to Japanese Particles” or whatever it’s called, maybe? And maybe finish Kanzen Master 3kyuu too? Oh, and I still need to read Japanese for College Students, once it’s returned to the library. And Japanese for Busy People II and/or III. And maybe a book on common Japanese idioms. So many books!! XD

    3. Start parallel-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone! :D But only once I’ve completed the first two goals.

    4. Converse with ANY Japanese person for at least a few minutes without faltering ;)

    I have no time-frame for these goals; they are more a “to-do list” :)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #18228

    @Mark: I think the teacher said it would be fine if I went to both haha. It would probably be better to learn on two different levels – one backing up what I already know, and one expanding it greatly (though I’ll probably still learn a lot in post-beginner anyway).


    in reply to: Upgrades. *Matrix-Style" #18227

    thisiskyle worded my response better than I could, but I still have one word for N’Donna: Hashi :3

    (Koichi is SO not alone)

    in reply to: The Study Thread #18143

    Couldn’t fit Japanese in my timetable, so tonight I went to Edinburgh University’s Japanese Society’s Language Classes! :D Started off in “post-beginner” – too easy! Stayed on for “intermediate” – too hard! XD Probably just go to both each week. I’ve never had ANY speaking practice before, so introducing myself was a chore and a half :P In the “intermediate” class everyone was older than me, and they all seemed to have been in Japan at some point. One guy who had worked there before was talking to the teacher for ages about himself (in Japanese). Very intimidating class! XD Well not “intimidating” – they’re all really nice – but more “too advanced” haha. When the teacher turned to me for input on the task at hand (reading a page from a Japanese travel guide magazine and gleaning some facts) I just said “This is too hard for me, 難しすぎるーー!!”. Even though everyone was shocked when I told them I could write all 2200 Jouyou kanji (actually more than the Jouyou list), they knew much more grammar and vocab than me. I was great at kanji and terrible at other stuff; they were the complete opposite hahaha.

    Can’t wait to go back next week :)

    in reply to: Upgrades. *Matrix-Style" #18142

    @kyle: Hooray for continuous analogies! :D First pirate ships, now houses. Let’s just call TextFugu a houseboat; then *everyone’s* right! :D

    Oooh, dem tables… B¬E

    Appreciate the apology Koichi, but I still have one question: when is Season 3 going to finish and Season 4 going to start?! XD Oh wait, the Seasons are all different now – FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU-!!! I don’t care though, I’m gonna refer to them as 1, 2, 3 and 4 for evermore >:)
    But anyway, I assumed you paid Hashi in slaps to the face, so how would cutting his salary benefit you at all? :D I say give him a raise!!

    I don’t care about waiting for stuff like て-form or が(but) because I just went ahead and learned them myself; all I care about is what happened to メアリー!!あの人が「タイム・ツ・ダイ!!」を叫んだぞ!

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #17992

    That’s as much as I can do :P Never seen that branched-tree radical before… Seems to be used in pretty much no words at all.

    in reply to: Upgrades. *Matrix-Style" #17983

    I think Koichi’s just prettying up the beginner’s end to entice people in – once you’ve settled in your nice lavish quarters, ready for a magical journey ‘cross the Seaven Seas, you’re taken and thrown in the cold, dark brig. Once Long John Silver *ahem* Captain Koichi has taken your “Forever” dubloons, there’s no getting them back, so it doesn’t matter how you’re treated… down in the brig. I know that’s a little over-dramatic, and some would say “harsh”, but that’s what it feels like; once you’ve paid your money, that’s Fugu Corp. all fine and dandy. Oh wait, there’s the 110% money back guarantee, isn’t there: well since I got my subscription for so cheap I may as well stick around to see how everything pans out; if you’re paying the full $120/£? for yours though, I’d recommend asking for it back (+10%), if that’s even still possible.

    Am I just having a bad day? Yes, quite.
    Is there still a little truth to my words? Yes.
    Would it be funny to see Koichi’s disgusted face when he sees his crew mutiny? Yes ;P
    It’s cool though, he’s a businessman (despite what he says): he knows what he’s doing.

    (Zap Brannigan: “Throw them in the brig!
    Kif: “But this is just the boiler room.”
    ZB: “From now on, this room shall be known as “The Brig”)

    EDIT: While this stuff has to be said, I don’t think it’s going to make a difference. He makes all his money from new customers, and I think that’s going pretty well just now so nothing will change. If you were writing a book, wouldn’t you want to make as much money as possible? It sucks for us right now, but we all know we’d do the exact same thing in the same position.

    EDIT 2: And don’t think I don’t appreciate all the help he’s given me and the push to learn Japanese in the beginning; still grateful and glad I took the plunge. I appreciate how good he is to beginners, but this textbook is supposed to be for post-beginner/intermediates too.

    EDIT 3: Also glad that people are agreeing with me :) Well, with what I said before at least; let’s see how this post goes down :P

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