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  • in reply to: Your Lang-8 account #16863

    @Mark: There is no point telling missing he is intermediate – he says he’s a beginner all the time just to annoy everyone (but mostly me). If he says he is a retard, don’t answer back ;)

    in reply to: Being able to use Japanese without translating from English #16825

    Everyone starts that way, but as you get more comfortable with/used to the words and grammar structures you’re using, the time to translate into the language you know best decreases. Eventually, it begins to happen instantaneously (i.e. you “see” the Japanese and the English at the same time). After that, the English portion fades away until it’s pretty much just understanding the Japanese straight up. It’s a gradual process, I think. But that’s just how I see it, others may be different.

    If you are going to split up a sentence into 2 clauses using a comma, you can’t use ~ます form and the sentence ender よ. You have to use plain/dictionary form, or end it with a full stop. And you have to put でも before the comma, I think. Also, I think けど or しかし might be better than でも (though I’m not too sure on how exactly to use しかし). But then… wait, could you just tell us what it was you were trying to say? :P Sorry.

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16819

    @amethystlexi: I don’t actually know any German, so I had to look up “Begrüßung” haha The “Danke für die” was easy to guess though ;)
    So, instead of “wilkommen”, how about “bienvenue”? hehe

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16785

    @All: It’s much better to have “ki”, “sa” and “ri” unjoined-up. The joined-up forms of them are only used in computer fonts, I think.

    @Para: Yes, that would be correct ;) Maybe try printing out a kana chart, put another piece of paper on top and trace over, just to get a feel for the hand motion.

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16747

    Wilkommen, amethystlexi!
    Oh wait, wrong language…

    OT: Looking back at the picture I uploaded, my handwriting’s actually a bit neater than that usually; not sure what happened >.< haha

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16645

    Here’s a thread I made way back on the old forum (back when I first started TextFugu D: – man, that feels like a long time ago hehe). First picture is my handwriting back then, and I’ll write something just to show you what it’s like now (MUCH better :P). Granted, I now know 2100-odd more kanji, so there won’t be AS much to compare it to.

    [Don't think I'm getting at you for not knowing about that thread - it WAS in the old forum, so a bit trickier to find. Don't worry :P]

    First Paragraph of Harry Potter (Handwritten)

    in reply to: Super important question about RTK??? #16523

    Yeah, I felt TextFugu’s method really ineffective after being “damaged” by RTK :P I don’t use it for readings anymore, I just learn through vocab.

    in reply to: How do you keep up your Japanese? #16428

    What Koichi said. My schedule is random… but also consistent – I study at different times every day but I make sure I study *every* day. It’s actually kinda cool that I don’t think I could go a day without doing Japanese stuff; I’m just so used to it! :D It would feel too weird.

    in reply to: So yesterday was my first day of 8th grade… #16349

    To add to missingno15′s post: – go there and read his advice on immersion. He explains how he did (while he was studying at college/university too).

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  MisterM2402 [Michael]. Reason: Horrific typo; I'm ashamed
    in reply to: Rikaichan too big of a crutch? #16313

    RikaiCHAN is for babies (hence the「~ちゃん」), RiaiKUN is for the cool peeps (hence the「~君」).

    True story.

    in reply to: Rikaichan too big of a crutch? #16300

    Hmmm… not particularly, unless I don’t really “get” it, then I have to look up example sentences on But just for a quick check to see the definition of the word, Rikaikun’s pretty good :)

    Actually, I’m not really sure about that one… man, are MY answers useful or what? :P Sorry.

    in reply to: Music #16297

    However, while this thread is still open, I’ll just say that I like “Perfume” and “MEG” (both Electro-pop produced by the same guy, so they have a similar sort of style sometimes). The only other Japanese band I like (so far) besides those two is “RADWIMPS”, but even then, only listen to a few songs – they are indie-rock, but the singer raps as well as singing (but no, it’s nothing like Gangsta Rap hehe).

    I guess I’ve not gotten into J-music as much as some other people.

    in reply to: Rikaichan too big of a crutch? #16296

    I read what I can until I get to a word that I can’t read, then I Rikaikun it (yeah, I use the Chrome version of Rikaichan). Why would you look up words you already know? Seems a bit silly :P If you don’t use Rikai-whatever for words you don’t know, you’ll have to look them up some other dictionary anyway, so there isn’t really any need not to use it… unless you want to guess, but that doesn’t sound a reliable method haha ;)

    in reply to: 08-25-2011 – Good Life #8 [ANSWERED] #16289

    I answered these correctly in my head (and by correct, I mean concurrent with Ryuugyuu’s and Elenkis’ answers haha), and since there are already perfectly good answers posted, I won’t bother posting them again. I don’t wanna appear as if I’m not bothering to try these mini sentence questions/lessons, I really am, I’m just saying :P.

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16287

    @Multhany: No romaji?! Oh god, I hope my (possible) lecturers take that approach too :P If I get a class full of weeaboos, I’ll just talk to them using all the Japanese I know already and watch their faces fall, eyes streaming with tears of fear – it will be a joyous day… :’) hehe

    Also, though you’ve already done it, TextFugu has a few pages on using/installing Japanese IMEs –

    “So, uh… are there any other words you know *besides* “kawaaaiiiiiiiiii desssuuuuuuuu!!!1″? No?”

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