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Try – TextFugu recommended :)
@missingno15: High five, man! haha Let us know how it works out for you.
@winterpromise31: Hmmm… well it turns out that I’ll have to delete a lot of these sentences from my deck. While it was jkl’s advice to do that, it seems there are a LOT of basic sentences. No point having a couple of hundred sentences that are all「XはYが大好きです。」,「XはとてもYですね」, etc. haha. Having said that, I’ve only actually got the Core 2000 cards so far; fingers crossed the sentences get a little better in the other 4000 cards :P (though I have a feeling that won’t be the case – they’re just designed to get the meaning of the vocab across, rather than mentally challenge you). We’ll just have to see how it goes :)
Another thing I might have a look at doing is reading Harry Potter :P The gist of the method is to listen to an audiobook while reading the actual thing and just keep going – apparently it doesn’t matter if you can’t understand a humungous portion of it, you just have to keep going (which is what the audio book is for, to keep up the pace). Stop the tape every now and then, highlight problem words you don’t know that keep coming up (keep it to about 2-3 per page, so as not to disrupt the flow), and just become absorbed in the book. There’s something to do with using parallel texts as well, but he writes about it (and properly explains it) here: – the whole blog is for this method, but that seems a good post. And yes, I realise my description of the technique is a bit rubbish, so definitely check out the blog for more haha
The guy also said, for learning German, he watched all 7 seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and even though it was difficult at first, he was understanding a LOT of the dialogue by the end :)
@Mark Jennings:
The conjugations are different for う and る verbs (or “Group 1″ and “Group 2″ as TextFugu calls them). Then there’s also the usual exceptions of する and 来る.
きます、くる、きた、こない、こい… that’s one annoying little verb hehe
It seems you are the only one who actually buys stuff haha
I also see you haven’t switched your browser +/ OS language to Japanese yet. I don’t think I could do that atm, but I’m sure it’d be pretty useful for you :)
Hmmm… when he says the bit you quoted, he also says that he’ll explain later why that is. I’m *sure* in the explanation he says something to the effect of “don’t bother going kanji to keyword, because in time, you’ll just start to know it” – goddamnit, the words are definitely there but I just can’t find them in the book XD. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that, while Heisig says kanji to keyword should just eventually “click”, it didn’t for me. I was dire at recognising what kanji meant out in the wild (and winterpromise31 said the same thing), so I decided to it back to front, so that I’d REALLY know the cards inside and out.
As for 大丈夫, I learned that just from the fact that it had such similar kanji in it, but that isn’t the point. The point is that the keywords CAN be used no matter what the word – like the Heisig primitives, these kanji can be used to make “mini-mnemonics” (well, I do anyway). I say “mini” because they come quickly (most of the time they just pop into my head) and they go quickly (while I can still remember a lot of these mini mnemonics, dependence on individual ones seems to fade pretty fast), and also they’re not very long.
But anyway, yeah, you just gotta do what you find works. The majority of Heisig’s stories are utter balls, so eventually (quite late in, unfortunately), I stopped reading most of his entries altogether, going straight to Koohii.
Oh yeah, and if someone had trouble remembering 大丈夫, they could just think of a woman saying something like “My husband is large and he has *ahem* length – all right!” – ok, so it’s not the best, but hey, if it helps you remember haha. Obviously you wouldn’t have to recall that every single time, but maybe only for the first few reviews until you’ve got it nailed ;)
Anyhoo, to Anki and beyond!!
@Elenkis: Well, what he actually says is that you don’t HAVE to learn it kanji->keyword because apparently in time you’ll just know it. I agree, if you’re learning the WRITING of the kanji backwards (kanji>keyword), then THAT’S counter-productive, but there’s nothing wrong with using it to remember vocab. The old example that I keep pulling out time after time: the word「飛行機」is read in RTK terms as “fly, going, machine”. How is that NOT helpful!? I’m not saying you have to think of “fly, going, machine” for all eternity, it just helps when learning the vocab at the first instance. Over time, you don’t think of the words in RTK terms, you just know the words as they are.
Also, I’ve been doing RTK cards both ways for a while now and I’ve had absolutely none of the troubles you speak of. I barely associate readings with Kanji anyway, only vocab words (which are sometimes one and the same). For instance, when I see「手」, I think of “hand”,「て」and「しゅ」(depending on the word it’s in) and that gives me no trouble whatsoever. When you start out learning ANY language, of COURSE you’ll translate things in your head back to your best language, it’s pretty difficult not to. And anyway, since I see vocab more than I do RTK keywords, I kinda reasign them in my head e.g. instead of thinking of「備」in terms of “equip”, I now relate it to “prepare”, as in the word「準備する」.
I’m getting really sick of all these people telling me that my way of doing things, which has worked wonderfully for me, is wrong because they assume it can’t work for them (without even trying it). It’s not you personally Elenkis, I just hate having to keep defending myself against EVERYONE. >.<
But anyway, yeah @Armando: Whoever you decide to listen to, don't bother doing 2 decks the same way (koohii and anki) – it means you get more reviews, yes, but it detracts from the "Spaced Repetition" algorithm that's employed. The algorithm for when to schedule cards is what helps you remember stuff – leaving a card JUST the right amount of time before you have to recall it again stretches your brain and helps reinforce it. You could argue that seeing it more times helps do that too, but you have to be careful – passing a card in one deck only because you saw it and failed it in the other 5 minutes ago isn't a good way to be doing things, I think; kinda defeats the point. It's up to you though, just whatever works.
The worst thing about defending myself all the time is that it wastes so much time with all the replies XD Though I'm doing this to help Armando, not just to refute Elenkis.
Ummm, well I do keyword>kanji on Koohii and reverse on Anki. It’s good because… say you see the kanji「鳥」in a word somewhere, you’re only used to seeing the keyword FIRST so it (for me anyway) would be harder to recognise straightaway. While eventually you shouldn’t need to remember RTK keywords to learn vocab (some time in the distant future hehe), it’s pretty helpful sometimes :). So anyway, you’d go Settings>Deck Properties…>Select the model you want to change>Edit>Card Layout>Flip
Oh, and depending on how you have the card layout in the first place, you might have to juggle things around a bit, so that it looks/works better. For the standard RTK shared deck though, you shouldn’t need to do much more to it after it’s been flipped.
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
I totally agree with Missing (wow, now there’s something new hehe): aesthetically, it’s a slight upgrade, but technically, it’s a major downgrade. I have to Google search “ [searchterm]” every time I can’t find a thread XD The old forum could (and did) have sub forums, so I’m a bit confused as to why we moved… :S
Like Perfume? Like Capsule?
Well then, here’s some more MEG for you: – MEG「Romantika」 – MEG「Precious」 – MEG「OK」Yeah, I’m kinda in a MEG mood today… Can you tell? ;)
Since everyone has answered the first few questions perfectly well already, I’ll just have a go at the last one.
6: “Even at a time like this, Dad was worrying about his shoes getting wet” – seems like an air of “Can you believe it?! Something important is going on and he’s focussed on something so trivial”
Either that or, if this has something to do with the nice day mentioned in previous sentences, it could be just showing that the person’s father REALLY likes his new shoes haha – “Even though it’s a nice, fine day, he’s worrying about them getting wet – how silly is that LOLOLOLlolLOLOl!!1?”Tbh, I think it’s awesome! :D I think it could’ve really done with some colour; it’s just unfortunate that it’s only the top and bottom XD
However, I seemed to be the only one to dislike the TextFugu redesign, so I guess it’s all a matter of different taste. I mean, I even liked the OLD forum better! While this one looks a little better, the thread/post editing options are just as dire, and the old one at least had video/image embedding stuff to compensate XD I guess another reason I don’t like the new forum, is because I have better memories of the old one – it used to be a fairly small group of regular posters, but they barely come on anymore :( I’m on here all the time and they just generally aren’t, and it makes me sad XD I donno, maybe I just like things the way they used to be (most, if not ALL, of the time). I know there’s a TeamSpeak channel, but for one, they never seem to be on when I am, and two… it’s just not the same… XD Ah, man, listen to me ramble…
If you think you are reviewing too much, cut back on the kanji/day. I find reviewing the cards backwards and forwards really helps remember them, so stick with it… if that’s what you’re doing, that is. The objective is to remember them well, not to race through as fast as you can cause it’s boring. If you keep clicking “hard”, you’re obviously doing too many a day for them to stick properly. Kanji overload.
I once tried to do 100 RTK frames per day for a couple of days but I had to reduce it greatly cause the reviews were just too much XD I was really slow when I started, but by the end, once I had learned lots of little helpful methods and tricks for learning them, I could maintain about 50-60 per day. I slowed down to a crawl when I did the supplement a few months later, but that’s because it wasn’t as important.
@winterpromise31: You know it ;) Given up with AJATT’s My First Sentence Pack – too much casual stuff was confusing me like hell!! haha Now, I’ve decided to do Core 6000, which I’d totally forgot about until recently, and it has much easier sentences :D I think what I’m gonna do is, after reviewing a card and getting it right so many times, I’ll remove the example sentence from the answer field and put it in a separate deck (cause by that time, I probably won’t need an example to know how it’s used). That way, by the end of the whole Core 6000 thing, I should have a deck of 6000 sentences, more than halfway to AJATT’s “10,000 sentences” goal :D The best thing is though, since I’ve done TextFugu’s Ultimate Vocab lists, about 1/6 of the 6k list is already learned – much less daunting!! :D
And in other news… got about 10 cards so far in the last box over at – while the site’s only giving me about 20 or so reviews a day right now, that’ll probably increase massively soon enough D: haha
Also, working my way through a book called “All About Particles” – it’s fantastic, but you just gotta ignore the romaji >.< Not enough Japanese grammar books are without romaji :(
Good luck with Anki ;)
@Swoosherz: If people think they’re speaking a language better when drunk, it’s probably less likely “more self-confidence” and more likely “distorted perception of reality”. I’m sure a lot of people, when drunk, think they are awesome at everything XD
“Hey guys, I can TOTALLY do a backflip off that wall there, watch me!! *falls off the wall* Aw man, did you see that?!? I totally OWNED back there!!!1″August 18, 2011 at 4:46 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #15883Aw man, thank you guys so much – those things have been bugging me for a while now haha! :D You wait for an answer then 3 come along at once, eh? ;)
*facepalm* If I had just used Rikaikun, I would have seen that “そんなに” was an actual expression (instead of just a word and a particle), and I would have seen that 同じ位 was one too. My bad >.<
As for「広くはない」, could it maybe be that 広く is used as a noun here? I've seen 近く being used in a similar way (rather than as an adverb). The thing is, 近く is actually listed in the dictionary as a noun; 広く isn't. Maybe it IS just a slang usage then…
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by