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August 18, 2011 at 2:42 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #15871
And in the sentence「彼はかなり英語が上手です。」, why does かなり not come just before 上手? It doesn’t really make sense to me like that.
August 18, 2011 at 2:39 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #15870The example sentence I have for the word「同じ」(おなじ)[same, indentical] is:「彼の日本語のレベルは私と同じ位だ。」- the translation is: “His Japanese level is about the same as mine.”. What is the function of「私と」here? Why do they use two different words for “level” (「レベル」and「位」)?
^ “Thou, Sir, hath spoken with great wisdom/most wisely.”
Just sayin’.
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
(Or maybe I could’ve written some decent Japanese, y’know, just whatever…)@missingno15: Are「有る」と「在る」used often in place of「ある」? Do you think a native would recognise them? I asked a question about what kanji forms are ok to use on Lang-8, but nobody replied.
Thanks.@NarcLTD: Yup, think that’s correct.
@missing: Nup, think that’s incorrect.No no no, missing, by all means answer in Japanese – I was referring to you saying “I’m a beginner herpaderp”, that old chestnut ;) Beginners can’t write in-depth answers like that all in Japanese. Just sayin’.
Missing, GTFO.
That is all.
Dang, too late – everyone’s answered before me (and I assume they are right). I think 光る青い玉 is right on this one.
But here is what I thought at first anyway…
1. Young male – the use of 僕 but we also know he doesn’t have any memory conditions that would cause him to forget his birthday ;)
2. No idea
3. It seems more like “the actual day of your birth” as opposed to the day it is celebrated「誕生日」
4. See #2@Kaona: Hey, I’m a nerd too, but I still see that Latin is pointless :P All it’s good for is studying ancient texts really.
Grace is awesome hehe I’m not as keen on her “cutesy” videos, but I like hearing her speak Japanese :P But when she says “studying” 9 hours a day, I think that’s more “doing something Japanese” for 9 hours, like reading or watching TV. While that’s still “studying”, it’s not the same as sitting reading textbooks and making flashcards etc., if you know what I mean.
I like how on her latest video there was a guy who commented “I can’t fap to this!” XD And she just replies “Oh dear…”
@Quufer: Yeah, I agree. But, since Koichi likes to spend his time recording new audio for every instance of the same word, it means you get a choice of which one sounds best :P I’m sure there are at least 3 different audio files for “yasashii” haha
Oooooooooooooor… you could go File>Import, click on the deck you want to merge with the current one and BAM! Actually no, you’d have to repeat it till *all* the decks were as one, but *then* BAM!!
@Armando: Either: copy it from another page; type (in Windows) Alt+253 or Alt+0178 (on numpad); insert symbol (or superscript button then 2) in MS Word; some other methods that escape me.
;)@Kaona: Aha! I guessed right :P I think I did that too. What gave it away was using the word「学ぶ」- Google translate seems to like that one for some reason XD
About Korean… I saw that this Youtube girl (Ryuzaki1411) was studying Korean at the same time as Japanese – though she is pretty damn good at Japanese – so I thought “hey, that sounds like a good idea; maybe some time in the future :D”. But then I thought “wait, what would be the point in that? I don’t know, or care enough to learn, anything about Korea, so why would I spend time doing that…? XD”. My thoughts also went to “hmmm… maybe Mandarin – could be useful when speaking to our new Chinese overlords (when they take over the world)”, but then “nah, don’t really care enough about China either (and Mandarin would be HAAAARRD!!)”. “French maybe? Would continue from what I learned in high school… nah, they suck :P Spanish maybe? One of the most widely spoken in the world… but no, Spain/South America is too hot!!”.
So, if I ever bother to learn any other languages once I get really good at Japanese, it’ll be either German, Russian or some Scandanavian one (Norwegian, perhaps).
**I COULD learn the tongues of my ancestors – Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Lithuanian, perhaps some others – but who speaks THOSE?! ;)**
@Hashi: Anything goes at TextFugu, right? hehe And to be fair, it’s only *kinda* NSFW – no full-frontal nudity or anything.
August 14, 2011 at 9:25 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #15626I’ve got this sentence「そんなに広くはないよ」and apparently the meaning of it is “It’s not that big…”. Anyone care to explain why it means that? More specifically, what does the「そんなに広く」part mean?
I *think*「は」is used instead of「が」for emphasis,「ない」is negative form of「ある」, and「よ」is also for emphasis. I also think that「そんな」is like “that kind of” and「広く」is “widely”, but I don’t know why「に」is there or how the whole thing comes together.
@Kaona: Needs MOAR POSTS! But that first post, did you write it yourself or Google translate it? ;) hehe I only say that because I didn’t think you’d been studying Japanese as long as that (or that you would have known all those words/kanji back then). Don’t be offended XD
Also, you’re learning Korean too? How do you find learning two languages at once, or do you not need to study Japanese as much anymore? Do you use Japanese resources for learning Korean? That would be my goal, to be fluent enough in Japanese that I could use it to learn other languages haha “Language Laddering” I think it’s called. -
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by