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  • in reply to: Your Desktop #15620

    @missingno15: Damn, Intel Core i7, wish I could afford one like that :P Well, I *can* afford it, but I can’t really, if you know what I mean… Can’t afford to spend that MUCH; bills to pay next year n all that…

    @zeldaskitten: (there are another 2 Zelda ones there, but even though I don’t watch any anime, the rest of them look damn good too haha :D)

    @Sheepy: So your name is Daniel, eh? Cool. Always assumed your first name was “Sheepy”… ;)
    Also, damn that’s hot… uh… I mean “that’s good art”.

    The most interesting thing about this, for me, is seeing what games/programs everyone uses :P

    in reply to: Your Desktop #15607

    Et voila.

    Icons are categorised by type (rather than alphabetically), like “games”, “music programs”, etc.. They would be forming a spiral if I had enough of them.
    Like most desktops, there’s stuff there that I don’t use and stuff that I DO use but isn’t there.

    @missingno15: Oh, what laptop did you get? Just curious :) I’m buying one for university soon so interested to see what other people have (even though I’ve already pretty much decided on one). Takes ages to get everything the way you like it, eh? haha

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15603

    “After a quick search…” – why didn’t *I* think of that?! :P

    Guess I didn’t have my speaker volume up high enough.

    in reply to: The の particle lessons #15602

    @Joffrey: Yeah, yeah, I’m not falling for THAT one again… ¬.¬

    hehe ;) Y’know, Koichi said the exact same thing first time he saw this avatar; guess he’s a big MI fan too.

    And don’t worry, Japanese is alien to just about EVERYBODY when they first start out :) Asking questions is all part of the learning process. Once you have one concept down though, another one, more horrific, comes soon after ;) Don’t worry: the joy that comes from tackling and conquering these little niggling pain-in-the-ass points “is what ALL true warriors strive for”.

    At the end of the day, you just gotta draw your weapon and say: “You fight like a cow!”

    in reply to: The の particle lessons #15596

    Say you are talking about Jack, and you want to say who he is/what he does, you’d say「JackさんはJillさんのおとうさんです。」- “As for Jack/Regarding Jack, (he is) Jill’s father.”

    How about you’re talking about Jill’s family? You might want to say who Jill’s father is, so you’d say「JillさんのおとうさんはJackさんです」- “As for Jill’s father/Regarding Jill’s father, he is (called) Jack.”

    Or maybe you are at a party and you ask someone “Hey, which one is Jill’s father again?”, they might say「かれ / あちら / あの人 / JackさんJillさんのおとうさんです。」- “*HE* / *OVER THERE* / *THAT MAN (OVER THERE)* / *JACK* is Jill’s Father.” (the part before が is emphasised here)
    However, for this one, the second example would work too (but IRL, it would be easier just to say “He is./Jack is./Him./That man./etc.” haha).

    While they’re both correct, they’re *slightly* different, “nuanced” if you will.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15592

    @Armando: Solely on first listen I’d say that was「何」(なに)[what], but then it doesn’t seem likely, because the subtitles in Spanish say “Pero sobre todo” (which Google translates to “But above all”). Definitely sounds like the kana な and に, but whether it’s “what” or some colloquial usage, I don’t know (though I’m betting it’s the latter – the former wouldn’t make any sense).

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15503

    Probably not *quite* the most appropriate thread to post this in, but here goes:

    I have sitting in an Anki deck the sentence「大丈夫、払いますから。」, which is something like “Don’t worry, I’ll pay.”. Could I change it to「大丈夫、払うんです。」? Can you use ん like that? Would から actually be more appropriate? Should the verb maybe be in て-form?


    in reply to: Favorite Kanji or Kana character? #15502

    I agree with Shampie ;)

    in reply to: 【日本語: The Game】(or a Level-up Program) #15500

    Well, if *I* ever make it, it’ll be a long time from now, I can assure you, so don’t worry :P

    Also, did you create your own avatar?

    in reply to: JLPT - #15423

    I’ve heard (from Khatzumoto, I believe) that to pass, you just need to practise taking the test, rather than practise your JAPANESE for the test. The certificate shows that you are adept at sitting JLPT ;)

    Just one guy’s opinion though.
    Hmmm… it would probably be better if I just post the link to his article on it.

    …which I don’t have time to look for atm >.< Sorry.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15421

    Could you also say:

    Am I using「という」properly? Not had much practice with it yet.

    @jkl: Hey, I’m TWICE as homeless as he is, and I’ve got a PayPal account…

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15335

    @Armando: There were a few posts on page 3 of this thread about that.

    But basically, it’s 「~ます stem verb + 始める・始めます」
    例文)りんごを食べ始めます。- Begin to eat an apple.
    例文)明日は、日本語を習い始めます。- Start to learn Japanese tomorrow.

    Also, the same rule can be used with「終わる」(おわる)[to finish] and「続ける」(つづける)[to continue]
    例文)本を読み続けます。- Continue reading the book.
    例文)勉強し終わります。- Finish studying.

    *Sorry,「例文」(れいぶん)means “example sentence” – I see it so often in the grammar book I’m using that I just HAD to include it XD*

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #15299

    @Devin: First thing that comes to my mind would be
    (にほんご が まだ あまり じょうず じゃない ん でしょう。)
    I’m still not that good/skilled at Japanese.

    May not be the most natural (or even correct), so I’d stick around and wait for someone else more experienced at telling everyone they suck to answer. Just throwing in my 2 pennies hehe.

    Would「まだ」be an ok word here? Should I have used「下手」instead of「上手じゃない」? Yeah, Devin, *definitely* get another opinion first XD

    You could maybe also say
    (まだ にほんご で あまり じょうず に はなせません。)
    I’m still not able to speak Japanese that well.

    And I guess before anything you say, you could say「すみません」, which is kinda like “sorry/excuse me”.

    Really, I think with a lot of Japanese people, you could just say「こんにちは」and they’ll say stuff like “:O you’re soooo fluent! I wish I could be as good as you! I’m amazed!” – it’s happened to me and I’ve heard of it happening quite a few times to others haha.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #15287

    Well, it’s good hear you’re finally getting back to it :)

    Atm, I’m just finishing up adding the last of the Ultimate Adjectives to my “reverse” deck (yeah, I use two vocab decks and 2 RTK decks to review >.< ).

    Also, through Koichi's advice, I "acquired" a book called "Kanzen Master (3 kyuu)"; it covers a whole bunch of grammar points from the old JLPT 3 level (+ a few old JLPT 4). Apart from as concise as possible an explanation of what the grammar point means, everything is Japanese (i.e. the example sentences). It's damn good being able to actually understand most of them, since they looked so daunting at first.

    I also "acquired" a book called "All About Particles" – the romaji sucks, but the examples are also in full Japanese. Good explanations with that one. Really in-depth sometimes (13 pages on the uses of ?! haha). Also includes some usages that it considers more for an "intermediate/advanced" level – confusing but generally interesting.

    Once the adjectives cards are out of the way, I'm gonna start with AJATT's My First Sentence Pack, which will be the start of sentence mining (I think I'm getting to that stage now, hopefully). That one was also "acquired", but only cause someone was cool enough to put it in the Shared Decks section of Anki, and nobody has reported it ;P

    I had to copy this back in in stages, but it seems the last little bit just isn’t working.

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