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Well, it’s good hear you’re finally getting back to it :)
Atm, I’m just finishing up adding the last of the Ultimate Adjectives to my “reverse” deck (yeah, I use two vocab decks and 2 RTK decks to review >..<]
This forum really doesn’t like what I have to say.
I’ll try again next time hehe-
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Well, it’s good hear you’re finally getting back to it :)
Atm, I’m just finishing up adding the last of the Ultimate Adjectives to my “reverse” deck (yeah, I use two vocab decks and 2 RTK decks to review >..<]….
This post isn’t working, it’s deleted all that I’ve typed XD
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Or as Khatzumoto says: “Try to suck a little less each day.”.
@Kyle: Try saying that example sentence in Japanese ;)
And yeah, the “hypothetical” statement idea seems to make sense, to me anyway.
While it’s probably a colloquial thing, I didn’t think you could have a copula「です・だ」after a verb. I’m most likely wrong, if it’s what your lang-8 friend is telling you. But「食べたら」is correct in the most basic sense, like 「すしを食べたら・・・」. Have you read the TextFugu lesson on たら form yet?
What are you studying at the moment, Cassandra; how’s it all going? You don’t seem to post here as often anymore :/
@Crumb: Well, the “game creator” and “fluent Japanese person” would be me, if we assumed that if I ever made anything like this, it would be after I graduate in 4 years (or for a final project or something). At least, I *aim* to be pretty decent at Japanese by that time, but we’ll see. Moving to Japan to be a hobo should help.
Now see, I thought this would actually work better, and be a lot simpler, just as an app (without the game), but it seems JapaneseClass has already done it. Ah well. I’d just been studying Java – and app development a little – as well, so I could have made something basic right away.
That isn’t to say I *couldn’t* make an app, if I included a few features that japaneseclass doesn’t have, and if I make it look pretty enough. *I’d* use it (if I had a smartphone, that is).
Stupid, stealing a basic idea that anyone could have come up with!
I agree with everyone who has posted so far :P
August 4, 2011 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Will be in a car for ~60 Hours. What do you want me to work on? #15010@Koichi: All we needed to hear, man :P But if you’re goal isn’t to make money, I’ve got this LOVELY little Paypal account sitting with nothing it, and it’s getting rather lonely… ;) hehe I know what you’re saying though.
Here’s a thought: now that it’s getting into the later Seasons, do we really need as many practice worksheets? I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I think as we learn more Japanese, we get *better* at learning; if we’re better at learning with every lesson (especially the motivational ones), then surely there doesn’t need to be as much extra content like that to help us along. I agree that there needs to be a lot of that stuff in the first few Seasons, when it’s BIG topics we’re learning, but as we’re moving into Season 4, would it be possible to maybe consolidate worksheets a little? Maybe if there are a few little “sub” grammar points in a lesson, you could put the practice into one, condensed sheet, maybe a handful of example sentences each. It would take a lot less time to make, I’m sure.
For instance, the 過ぎる・すぎる lesson has *3* practice sheets – just seems a little excessive to me, when all that is needed is 1 page with a little of everything on it. I get that a lot *more* stuff like that needs to be in place for learning the big guns that are nouns, adjectives, verbs and all their tense/formality conjugations, but that’s all done now, and we’re almost on to (possibly) the second 3 Seasons. Also, if you put all the mini-grammar points on 1 sheet, it’ll push us a little more since we won’t know which exact point to expect with each sentence (and we’ll need to work it out ourselves). “Knock it up a notch, BAM!!” – Chef Elzar
Think of it like a nice big Katamari – the more you roll up, the faster and easier it is to roll up more stuff. If you don’t know what a Katamari is, here you go:
I know that it’s the lesson itself that takes the longest chunk of time, but it’s just a suggestion, something I think might be useful :) Let me know if that seems feasible.
We’re not “angry” at you, we’re just “passionately stating” that we want more of your lovely work :P. You’re a cool guy and you’re good at what you do, but we’re just saying we NEED MOAR! haha
@Reiden: While I AM super-intelligent life form, beamed down from another planet, it took me about 1 month+ to learn all the kana well and other guys are like “oh man, I did that in like 1.5 SECONDS!!1″
August 4, 2011 at 7:14 am in reply to: Will be in a car for ~60 Hours. What do you want me to work on? #14983I have to agree with Crumb there. He raises a good point I’d never thought of before – paying monthly for such infrequent lessons isn’t really acceptable. *I* don’t pay monthly anymore, but it can’t be great for the people who do. I think the “always getting new updates” part on the main page is a little misleading.
I also agree that going elsewhere for content is becoming an increasingly more attractive option. The lessons here are GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but there just aren’t enough of them, I think. I’m glad I bought TextFugu, cause it’s really been a great help for the beginning stages, and since I have it “Forever”, I can come back to it when I need to. I just feel sorry for the “Monthly” folks haha. I wouldn’t be surprised if lots of Monthlys cancelled subscriptions for 6 months, went away to learn other stuff, then came back to some decent new content – seems more sensible thing to do, intermittent subscriptions, even if they are past that level of Japanese by then.
While I understand it takes a while to write lessons, I think the majority of time should be spent on them. Obviously you don’t have to listen to us “Forever” peeps, cause you’ve already got our money, but please, THINK OF THE CHILDREN *ahem* THE “MONTHLY” CHILDREN!! You’re a great guy (I’m sure everyone can vouch for that) and I know, like every businessman, you want to make money, but I think you’ll lose customers if you don’t pick up the pace with core content. Leave most of the marketing (like Tofugu and stuff) to Hashi, until you’ve got a more completed product, THEN by all means work your socks off to get more customers.
But what do I know, I never majored in business management >.< I have no idea what your business plans are and am only speculating.
I don't mean to be harsh in my opinion, I'm just saying what I think. And after seeing my post after posting it, I realised it’s a bit rambly haha
Also, not seen you on the forum here in a while Bbvoncrumb – welcome back hehe
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
August 3, 2011 at 3:11 pm in reply to: Missing – But … found something SWEET out about Anki #14943@Mars: What I meant is that you have to type roumaji on the keyboard, unless you are fancy-shmancy enough to have a real Japanese keyboard haha (goddamnit lottery, hurry up and win yourself for me so I can go and import one!). That’s the annoying thing about typing Japanese with an English keyboard, though I guess it’s not so bad if you don’t have to look at your fingers.
Doesn’t this just look so awesome?!
(yeah, I know most Japanese keyboards have English letters on them too, but this is a customisable OLED one that can change colour and everything :3)HOLY JEBUS, are selling Japanese keyboards for just over £20 – *0*
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
August 3, 2011 at 1:25 pm in reply to: Missing – But … found something SWEET out about Anki #14937I don’t think this feature would really help me cause it’s almost like it’s training me to think in roumaji (by typing it). I’m honest enough with myself, so I don’t think it would make a difference, and it would just take a lot longer too. Also, I don’t think it would work with the verbs cards I have in my main vocab deck: I have one card for “masu form” and one for “dictionary form” for each word, and sometimes I answer with the wrong form – just because I’m not 100% focussed or going too fast – but I still would have known the correct answer. That would fail me on the card when I shouldn’t really have. A better idea would be to just write out your answers instead: gets writing practice, makes you think in real Japanese (not roumaji) and allows for slight mess-ups that Anki wouldn’t forgive (like I just mentioned).
However, I thought everyone knew about that feature… Am I the only one who messes about in the settings/preferences of most programs to find stuff like this? Must be.
I watch Dragon Ball.
Nice and simple answer.(It’s in English though – not advanced enough for watching in Japanese yet)
August 2, 2011 at 3:58 pm in reply to: Will be in a car for ~60 Hours. What do you want me to work on? #14856Core content +1. Then + another 9000.
Besides the vocab associated with it, I’m finding the kanji lessons not really that helpful anymore (mostly because I can write them all now, but also because I find a lot of the readings easier to learn just through vocab). But since you can’t spend 60 hours on core content alone, I’ll vote for a little Conversation – I’m getting closer to that stage now, I think :) THEN AFTER THAT, do kanji stuff, just for everyone else, y’know? ;)
May I ask, how the hell are you going to be in a car for so long?! 60 hours is a ridiculous amount of time. When I went on holiday this year, it took about 7-8 hours in the car and I thought that was pretty bad XDKoichi said:Also, anything else you see as being something you’d want to see get slapped around a bit?
;)@BBB: No, the whole “Tiger Blood” thing is a reference to an interview Charlie Sheen gave a couple of months ago. It was the one where he just spewed out a big ball of crazy.
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by