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  • in reply to: need some guidance – help appreciated #14511

    It took me about 2 months or so, but it depends how much time in the day you have (I’m unemployed XD).

    Yes, all the emphasis is on drawing the characters. Memorising stroke order is no big deal – there are a few set rules like left->right then top->bottom, and Heisig walks you through all new stroke order patterns as you come to them. After a while, the stroke order rules become second nature. While there are obviously a few kanji with irregular stroke orders (which Heisig points out anyway), you should soon be able to guess a radical’s/primitive’s stroke order without actually looking it up :P

    While I halted all my other studying to get it out of the way, it’s entirely up to you. It can get a little tedious after a while, but I was seeing the results appear so rapidly that I was pretty determined to keep going :) Also, Koichi was being/still is slow with lesson updates, so I had to do SOMETHING ;)

    What I’m doing just now is learning the readings through TextFugu’s kanji section. They aren’t TOTALLY necessary, but can sometimes be handy in remembering vocab. Sometimes you can just pick up readings from seeing enough words that contain them. Basically, don’t worry about the readings – the benefits from learning how to recognise kanji outweigh not learning readings COMPLETELY haha Also, don’t bother with RTK 2 – it’s the one that deals with readings, but has had some pretty bad reviews.

    in reply to: today I learned #14495

    I had a feeling that might get edited :P But it’s not like I was swearing – it was just the name of a bodily function, like “breathing” or “urination”. And it’s not like it was a vulgar way of describing it, it was proper terminology. It’s in the dictionary for crying out loud! :D

    外出し – look it up, peeps ;)

    in reply to: Rethinking flashcards #14494

    Flashcards work for me. For other people, they may not. Flashcards aren’t as effective if that’s *all* you do. What’s wrong with rote memorising a word and *then* practising with it?

    Also, he says “With language learning you don’t want to memorize the facts while ignoring the why and how.” – the “why and how” are covered by studying, using textbooks or in class or whatever. It seems like he doesn’t understand that. Do some people *really* try and learn languages just by vocab memorisation? I don’t think anyone is that stupid.

    in reply to: today I learned #14471

    An example sentence on
    “Don’t go out now. We’re about to have lunch.”

    Mod Edit: Try to keep it PG-13 please ^^

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #14469


    I know it’s something about the telephone’s bell continuing to do something, but I’m not sure what haha I assume it’s continuously ringing, but what does なる(なり続ける) have to do with it? Also, it’s annoying that you have to type づ as “du” and not “dzu” XD


    If「話しだしました」means “…suddenly began to speak”, why is「と言って」there as well? Also, should「話しだしました」be written as「話し出しました」? Sorry, the grammar book I’ve started reading only has kanji specific to it’s level (old JLPT 3). Also, there are no English translations for the example sentences. It’s kinda stupid that the example sentences have grammar in them that is only covered later in the book – keep having to flick back and forth haha

    in reply to: The Coffee House #14467

    Any of you seen Tofugu’s latest video “How To Learn Japanese? JFDI”? He says at the end of it for everyone to go away and learn one thing Japanese-related and tell everyone in the comments. I look down and one of the comments is

    koneko wa kawaii desu ne!

    That’s like… the exact OPPOSITE… of what people should be learning…

    in reply to: 大学の生活/The University Life #14457

    Once I finish uni, I going to go work for Koichi once he’s set up MechaFugu Industries. Oh darn it, did I just reveal his plans for world domination? He said he’d feed me poisonous fugu if I told anyone about the underground bunker meetings at Area 51… damn it! Well, since I’m dead anyway, just a heads up on heat-seeking cat missiles, cats with bionic eyes that shoot lasers, fugu-cat hybrid soldiers and a MMORPG titled “Cat Island Forever”.

    in reply to: 脳内メーカー #14447

    @Kaona: Now I know your full name… the elements of my plan are all falling into place hehe >:)

    in reply to: Going back and forth.. #14443

    Even if the classes are as dire as Revenant says, I still *have* to take an extra course along with my major (not that we use the terms “major” and “minor” over here haha), and the “outside” classes kinda boil down to languages or computer literacy and basic programming. I’m taking a Computer Science degree, so languages are the only option, really, and I may as well take a language I like :)

    in reply to: 部活 School Clubs #14393

    I saw this video from TheJapanChannel about these clubs. He was explaining why people don’t care if you have a black belt at whatever martial art – these kids do it day in and day out for years on end. So if you say you do karate, they’ll say “What dan are you?” “I have a black belt” “Oh, I see, how interesting *UTTER LIES*”. If you’re only 1st-dan black belt, they’ll think something must be wrong with you, that you’re a bit slow, but they won’t be so rude as to let on.

    Quite a wall-o-text you have there :P

    in reply to: [Contest] Translate to the Finish! #14392

    This was pretty much just a thread for missing to show off his uber-l33t skillz – he’s better than 95% of us and he knows it. And he knows we know it.

    And I don’t think “Ah~” needed translated.

    Just sayin’.

    in reply to: 大学の生活/The University Life #14390

    Wow, that art is a big ball of fail… :P

    University of Edinburgh in September. Still to email the Asian Studies department about post-begi…*ahem* post-INTRODUCTORY classes. I’ll make sure to post back here if I get an answer :) They have a full-year class for 2nd year Japanese majors that is for “intensive kanji writing” – I did all the Jouyou in 2 months and could do RTK 3 in another month :P Admittedly, they have other classes, but a whole year to learn to WRITE kanji is just stupid haha

    in reply to: Going back and forth.. #14388

    You got me all wrong XD I only meant that they will *probably* be going at a snail’s pace; I have no idea *exactly* what’s in the courses. All I remember is that the description says something like “involves kana writing and around 200 kanji”. I’m just assuming that’ll be really slow going in the beginning with lots of roumaji.

    Hold on, I’ll get the page. – 1st semester, basic course – 2nd semester, basic course – Japanese 1 – I think this is the course for people actually doing Japanese majors. Slightly more difficult than Introductory Japanese 1 and 2, I assume. – Japanese 2A, full year, Year 2 – I’m going to email the department and see if this course is available to me or even suitable for my level – usually taken by second year Japanese majors, I think. – Japanese 2B, full year, Year 2 – taken at the same time as 2A, revolves around kanji writing which I covered in 2 months XD I wouldn’t want to take it and couldn’t because I wouldn’t have enough spare “credit points” haha.

    in reply to: 脳内メーカー #14387

    Michael Mairの脳内 – totally wrong XD

    in reply to: Vocabulary of doom #14386

    You’re no weirdo – kanji IS fun :D I second Kyle’s suggestion of RTK. A few of us have completed it and it’s worked wonders :) Best thing to do is to get stuck into any sorta kanji resource as soon as you feel ready; it helps more than you’d think haha

    Just stick at Anki for vocab. The first few times you review words, it might seem hopeless. At some point you’ll think “oh, hold on a second, I actually know this one! :D” – happens every time with me, it just takes a while :P

    I don’t know why, but your avatar looks really good :P Quite fitting as a forum avvie somehow haha

    @missingno15: “Honey”? Why don’t you pick a more feminine name?

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