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You know how DOES love Godzilla? Koichi! :D by “free” I take it you mean “legally, and at a reasonable price from a licenced purveyor of cinematic produce.”.
(This place is bugged, just play along!)
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
@Mars: Hey! Playing Starcraft and making videos about cats and drinking poisonous bottles of juice is tough work! Requires years of dedication to perfect it.
I was actually just about to type: “Meh, I’ll bite.”. Went to sign up and apparently they’ve “temporarily exceeded [their] capacity”.
On another note, when you talk about “circles”, my mind goes straight to the “Circles of Hell” XD
@Kaona: You’re probably gone already, but you don’t need to get at him. It was just a gentle bit of piss-taking, no harm done :P Thanks for sticking up for me though XD
100th post B-)
I guess I better post a link too…
["Heart" - MEG]
Oooh, dem thigh-high socks :E(Have I already posted that one before?)
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
I quite agree.
This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
But then you didn’t use RTK and thus didn’t see how good they are for learning how to write haha Everyone prefers different methods though.
For stuff like the かします = “cash”, I guess I do do that, but I don’t do it “actively” (if you know what I mean). Things like that just sort of pop in to my head, and most of the time they don’t actually make sense. I’m trying to think of an example, but most are so fleeting and nonsensical that they’re I wouldn’t create a list of them and they probably wouldn’t help anyone else – no one else had the thought process/random inspiration that lead to them. My explanation isn’t that clear, but what you gonna do?
運ぶ(はこぶ)[to carry] – はこ is the word for “box”, and “carry” just sorta fits (one of the more logical ones I guess)
履く(はく)[to wear shoes] – for a brief moment I messed up and thought はく meant “box”, which has nothing to do with anything, but it made me remember anyway XD
逃げる(にげる)[to escape, to run away] – にげる sounds like… a certain N-word, which leads me to think of slaves runnning away (it seems I remember the more logical ones a bit better)
比べる(くらべる)[to compare] – sounds a bit like “club”, which has nothing to do with anything
散歩します(さんぽします)[to take a walk] – the way Koichi says it in the audio for the Anki deck I thought was funny :P (I used strange audio (from to remember 丁寧(ていねい)[polite] too haha)
Do you see my point?
Other words, I just remember because I saw them somewhere and they just… stuck, I guess, for whatever reason. I guess I remember where I saw them, the surroundings or how I wrote them at the time, and that helped.
One more example: years ago, when I was a lot younger, I played this Dragon Ball Z fighting game (Budokai) and the announcer said what I heard to be “Hajimarimass!”, which for some reason I still remember after all this time. When I found out it was something like “begin” I was like :D and it stuck.
I’m kinda with missing: while I rely on mnemonics for learning kanji (which are freely available on both TextFugu and[user-submitted mnemonics]), I haven’t really used mnemonics for anything else. None that I can think of anyway, sorry :(
Is it not just as possible to create a Facebook group for Textfugu users? Might be a lot easier since everyone has Facebook and no one has Google+ (slight exaggeration :P).
@Mars: How about to make it harder, you play the drum part and clap as well? :P
Love FFX – it’s the only FF I’ve played and completed (played a little bit of IX a long time ago). Playing it right now for the second time. Got the whole soundtrack on my pc/mp3 player cause it’s fantastic :DMnemonics for what? Do you have any examples or are you just planning to leech off us? :P
Heisig’s RTK is based around mnemonics for learning how to write kanji, so you could start by looking there :)
@Sheepy I always say “Heyyyy guys!” along with him hehe :P And also “More videooooos… coming soon.”. If you watch his videos regularly, do you notice that he has a different (but still consistent) “hey guys” when he is in the car? He does this little hand wave thing in front of his face as well when he’s talking about something negative, something you shouldn’t do :D I guess I just like his mannerisms and his accent haha
Aha, that makes a lot of sense now :P Thank you very much, both Sheepy and missingno15 :)
But like I keep saying, you’re not “just a beginner ヽ(´ー`)ノ”
(I think I’m the only one here who actually cares about that XD I think we must have different definitions of “beginner” or you’re being way too humble haha)
EDIT: After reading the article on subordinate clauses, I feel like such an idiot :S I’ve already read it before! XD I must have been tired when I read it or maybe just forgetful :P That isn’t to say your explanations are any less helpful or appreciated :)
This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
The only things I post to Twitter have @textfugu/@tofugu in them – it’s the sole reason I got a Twitter account :D So really, there isn’t much for anyone to see that they can’t already see on the front pages of the respective sites :P
So, uh… why did I post here again? haha
Yeah, I looked them all up using Riakikun, it’s just that since I didn’t know some of the grammar, I wasn’t really sure EXACTLY what he means. Just wondering if the “gist” I got from it was close enough haha.
(The 日の丸弁当 was actually featured on the show, and I mentioned it in my lang-8 post )
Should there not be something in between 「~を使った」and「日の丸弁当もあれば~」? A particle maybe? I just doesn’t make sense to a beginner like me XD
Yeah, I took いろいろ to mean “various colours/colourful”.
I know this stuff should really be in the “Japanese I don’t understand thread”, but I guess it kinda follows on from my previous posts.
EDIT: A poster on my lang-8 showed me this: – ridiculously awesome lunches :D
This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by