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Goddamnit, everyone seems to be on Season 3 nowadays :P And a lot faster than I got to it (even if you remove the time spent doing RTK). Y’see, back in my day (a few months ago), we had this thing called “wait for Koichi to rewrite the damn lessons”! XD It made getting to learn new stuff SLOOOOW ;)
@Narcoleptic LTD: I’m not sure if you’re being serious :P Any computer terminology would most likely be in katakana or at least be listed in the dictionary as being so.
@Lemur: Season 3, brah ;)
Thanks for bumping the thread; I’d actually forgotten that I’d even asked this XD
Reviewed all the words in the Ultimate Nouns #1 list at least once :) I was so quick because it’s only 101 words and I already knew about half of them from past TextFugu lists. The ones I didn’t know are still very useful, though. Can’t wait for: A. Ultimate Adjectives (gotta clear up some reviews before I start that though) B. the next installment of Ultimate Nouns.
Even though video embed isn’t working, I’ll just say: MEG
That’s who I’m listening to. Not *quite* as good as Perfume but she has a similar style (on her album “STEP” at least).:D
Edit: I doubt you’ll read a thread like this, but MANY THANKS Koichi for introducing me to MEG in your Tofugu article on cat videos :3
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
@Brad: Y’see, when you said
but I can’t seem to find the stories for RTK on there.
I assumed that meant you didn’t know how to add *any stories whatsoever*, so that led me to assume you were too lazy to read the FAQ – while I shouldn’t have been snappy, surely you can see why I made a mistake in doing so? ^~^’ Sorry.
Also, you said
At the end of the day I import the kanji I did that day into Anki from a RevTK .csv file.
which seemed to me like a very laborious way of doing things, which led me to assume you didn’t know about the Shared RTK deck, which, again, was a mistake and I’m sure you can see *why* I messed up >.< Sorry (again).
So, yeah… sorry :S
Also, you say I should be studying instead of helping people: firstly, I like helping people and secondly, I like arguing even more and once I get started it's hard for me to just delete what I've said and do something else :P A form of procrstination I guess XD
I didn't mean to insult your intelligence (well, actually, I did but as I've explained it wasn't justified and I take it back), so I'm sorry (again :P).
Now, let us all hold hands and skip through the meadows like we used to ;) Don't forget to bring the picnic basket! :D
(If that sounds sarcastic, it's not meant to; it's just my kinda joking; just clearing that up haha :) )@Brad: Want an easier way to add RTK items to Anki? File>Download>Shared Deck and the RTK 1+3 deck is the most downloaded one, right at the top. Et voila, a deck of all 3000 or so RTK entries (minus the new bunch that are in the 6th edition [which can be found in a separate deck, also in the DL section] and any RTK 2 content [but that sucks anyway :P]), with kanji, meanings, Heisig numbers, lesson numbers, stroke numbers and space to add on-yomi if you so choose (if you want kun-yomi, just make a new field for it). You’ll lose any progress you have so far if you switch to a new deck, but that will save you 9001 hours in the long-run :) Just select all the cards you haven’t done yet and click “Suspend” so they don’t show up as new cards until you unsuspend them.
On a related note, Bbvoncrumb really needs to move his “How to use Anki (like a boss)” thread over here – his thread, so HE should do it :P Plus, it has his screen-caps in it and his methods.
Edit: as for Koohii stories, go to the Study tab and put the frame number in the little search bar, up comes the page with lots of user stories, pick one, Bingo!. Also, use the Manage tab to add the cards you’ve done so far so they can be reviewed. Actually, the most important thing to do is to click the “Learn More” button at the top right, tells you how to do everything! If you’d done that in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to waste precious Japanese study time to type it out for you – a little common sense/intelligent guessing would work wonders for you! :P That sounds harsh, but it’s good advice: when you are stuck either turn it off and on again or consult an FAQ ;)
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
I use KeyholeTV – while I actually only use it for the audio from TV channels, it’s got a whole bunch of radio stations too.
You don’t even need to use # – the word “textfugu” itself will make the tweet appear on the widget/feed.
But anyway, I use it all the time, mostly to ask Koichi quick questions. I don’t really tweet about my progress much because no one but Koichi cares XD The only reason I got twitter was to converse with TextFugu so I don’t have anyone else to see my tweets anyway. Any notable success I just post in the Study Thread.
♪ 赤い and 黄色い and ピンク and 緑, 紫 and オレンジ色 and 青いぃぃぃぃ… ♪
The 6th edition has the new Jouyou Kanji in it, so you’re fine.
But yeah, don’t do RtK 2. I wouldn’t even recommend doing RtK 3 either: at the stage you’re at, you’re not really going to encounter many of those kanji so it’s not really a worthwhile endeavour.I’d say the method you’re using is fine, just a little slow. Either cut it down to writing the kanji only 3 times, or use Anki to “Cram” them (goddamnit, I wish there was a sticky thread so I didn’t have to keep explaining this and everything else >.Cram, go through the list a couple of times, clicking “Soon” each time so that it will show the card again. Not very good if you like keeping your Anki stats high, but they don’t really matter, right? If you’re really bothered about stats, just make a duplicate deck to Cram with. You shouldn’t need to do so much repetition at the start since that’s what Anki is for.
You should aim to do more kanji/day as you get better at it. Use for stories since Heisig’s are a little… rubbish most of the time haha.
Also, I’d really recommend using Koohii for keyword->kanji flashcards and Anki for kanji->keyword flashcards – doing it both ways (giggidy) really helps with remembering them.
Cramming and two-way review are two things I wish I had done from the start. Try them out :)
Sheepy, if you’re reading this, get that goddamn sticky thread going! Or Cassandra! XD
There are enough members to fund a new employee, anyway.
@Elenkis: Made a post on Lang-8 about it and the one person to comment said that こと is a bit “tedious” to say in everday conversation so you would use の. Basically, I think that means の is more informal than こと.
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by