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winterpromise31, why not start doing the Ultimate Vocab lists? They’re positively splendiforous ;) But seriously, I’m feeling real progress going through the verbs one at the moment (nearly finished). Unless, of course, you’re doing Core2/6000 instead, then it would be pointless.
My guess is that the resolution the NES outputs isn’t big enough to display kanji – say you’ve only got 8×8 pixels for each character (no idea, that’s just an educated guess), how would you represent 話 clearly? It’s not like 話 is a complicated kanji: schoolchildren learn it in second grade or equivalent (according to Wikipedia).
How about, instead of everyone posting *actual* pictures of themselves, we post drawings of ourselves? :P Could be fun ;) Doesn’t matter if you can only do stickmen, at least make it look like you.
I’ll have a go later on (possibly), depending on how fast my Anki reviews go :)
Nice :D Got it first time :P
So for the “noun” colours 「緑、紫、茶色、金、etc.」, you treat them like な-adjectives and add the に? Are there any other nouns that can be transformed this way or is this a quirk unique to colours?
Thanks again :)
But you’re always posting your big conversations with actual Japanese people – surely that’s above the level of TextFugu, right? Stick around if you want, that’s cool; I just thought you were past us all already :P
(Oh you! I knew what that link would be before I clicked it :3)
As far as I’m aware, the verb 染める(そめる) means to dye/colour something, like an item of clothing (though correct me if it has a different meaning). How would I say “I will dye the t-shirt red.”?
My first thought would be to make 赤い[red] into an adverb (i.e. 赤く) to form a sentence like this: ティシャートを赤く染める。
Does that even work? It doesn’t seem quite right to me because then how would you do the same with 緑[green] (not an adjective, right?)?Saying 赤いティシャートを染める。makes it sound more like you are dying a t-shirt that’s already red.
There is probably some particle I don’t know yet that deals with this sorta stuff. Hold on… I have a feeling 「で」 is involved somehow…
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
Be sure to update us all with your progress :)
^ No problem ;) RTK sorta gets your brain “used” to seeing kanji, makes them less scary. So you can see the word 飛行機(ひこうき)[aeroplane] and be like “ah, it’s just made up of ‘fly/going/mechanism’ – makes sense *happyface*” instead of thinking “oh god… mass of black lines… kill it with fire… can’t take much more…” ;) You might not get what I mean by “getting used to seeing kanji” until you experience the process yourself, though – it’s a fantastic feeling of real progress :)
Any more questions, fire away :)
Happy birthday :)
And yeah, I have no idea why you spend so much time round here nowadays – you’re way beyond the level of TextFugu’s teachings and most of its students.
Firstly, do it. Just do it. It’s really the best thing I could have ever done in regards to Japanese learning :) I guess you don’t realise the benefit until you’re a big chunk through it, but it’s so goddamn useful. It may seem a chore but the benefits are surprisingly big.
Secondly, now that I’m finished, I use TextFugu for the important readings. Really though, there are some readings that you’ll just “pick up” as you go through vocab because they are so common. Learning readings beforehand definitely helps, but it’s not strictly necessary.
Let’s face it, TextFugu’s kanji section isn’t getting finished this decade, so it’s best to find something to supplement it :P
I’ve answered the “should I do it question?” so many times on here now XD Every time I basically say “yes”. Go for it :) Trust us (me, winterpromise31 and Sheepy) ;).
Is this not what Lang-8 is for? I doubt many native speakers will want to help while getting nothing in return; the good thing about Lang-8 is that it’s a mutual affair, so there is more incentive to help other people.
Would it not just be 「ボンジュー」? The ‘r’ in bonjour isn’t really pronounced enough, surely…?
@ChefTom (remember that we can see your full name unless you change your settings – just in case you didn’t notice and don’t want your full name on public display): Just MSWord 2007 :) Spent a while making it look purdy though ;)
Elysia, that’s the most godawful portrait I’ve ever seen – absolutely horrendous, makes me wanna punch the screen…
No wait, I meant the exact opposite of that. Sorry ¬.¬’
I’m no artist myself, but I’d say that’s pretty damn awesome.;)
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
MisterM2402 [Michael].
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by