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  • Monique


    Thanks for the reply and great advice! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ I used to try to do a method a lot like that a while a go when I first started doing Japanese at school (and just to add, I really find Text Fugu has helped my studying at school ~ before it was more like I was memorising phrases instead of actually knowing what I’m talking about, but since I’ve been doing TF, I find that I actually can know why a sentence means something! It’s really helped so far! ^_^) and by creating links it really helped me remember the words! But I’ve stopped doing that lately, because sometimes it takes a little while to think up things, but since there are so many vocab to be learnt, then I think I’ll have to do something like that again to remember! So I’ll try to do that!

    hmm… わすれます? *thinks* The only thing I can come up with is that わすれ kind of sounds like “Wash away” (‘wasu’ would be ‘wash’ and ‘re’ would ‘away’ but pronounced a tiny bit different, like you’ve got an accent or something XD) which to me kind of means ‘to forget’, although it doesn’t sound too much like it anyway. XD Sorry, that probably isn’t much help! (;´▽`)>

    And the tv, music, radio etc idea was great too! Luckily I love Japanese music -and I search up lyrics of it in japanese as well as the translation, but not that much, so I’ll try to do that more!- and I also love Japanese shows (I don’t watch too much dramas though – Would dramas be more useful than anime -because maybe anime isn’t that realistic, so they wouldn’t say as many useful words?- or would they be about the same? Also I prefer to watch anime subbed rather that dubbed too, so maybe hearing the words next to the english translation will help a bit… Or should I try watching some Japanese tv – maybe start with kid shows? – without any subtitles at all? Or maybe both?) Anyway thanks again for the help! (*^▽^*)

    @Jennifer Richardson

    Also thank you for replying and for the great advice! 。^‿^。 I really like that idea of putting pictures next to the answer on anki! That sounds like a great idea! I think I will give it a go and tell you if it helps or not ~ Also with the drama and music, that’s a great idea too! I’ll try to give that shot (like I said before to Justin) too!
    Thank you again! (ノ^∇^)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Monique.


    Okay, I’ve just completed season 3! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I really liked that season! But I can see how TF is slowly becoming harder and harder ~ It’s not too bad right now, but I can see how it was a bit harder than last season! It’s probably mainly the amount of verbs and words you have to remember that is the hardest! XD (So many!) ( ̄□ ̄;)

    Tomorrow is my first day back to school after my little holiday (ahhh holidays are the best, why do they have to end? D: ) so I thought that for the next four days I will try to just revise on Anki when I come home from school! (also I’ll do WaniKani ~ Just tried it yesterday and it is as good as people said it was! It’s a bit slow right now, but I get how it just starts slow and then builds up ^_^) That way I won’t fall behind with the vocab and other stuff like I feel like I’m going to! XD And then I’ll do a bit of season 4 in the weekend! (ノ^∇^)

    Do you guys have any tips with revising and remembering words? I think I will probably just get the hang of it as I practise it on Anki more and more, but is there any other tips or secrets? Or better yet, as a beginner Japanese learner, is there anything that could help me with my Japanese learning over all? Thank you guys! 。^‿^。

    in reply to: こんにちは。わたしはトビアスです。 #45812


    Uh… How would I do that, exactly? (;´・`)>


    Thanks for the advice! Okay I feel a lot better then. So I should just be happy with my motivation while it lasts! :D I was a bit worried that if I take in vocabulary and kanji and other things a bit too fast then I might forget them quicker than if I took it a bit slower, but if I just keep practising every day, that shouldn’t happen! (*^▽^*)

    On another note, today was probably the first time where I got a bit ‘stuck’, or whatever you call it on Text Fugu. ( ̄□ ̄;) Last night I went to sleep thinking that I probably wasn’t nearly as confident with my kanji as I would like to be. :;(∩´﹏`∩);:

    I had no trouble at all remembering what the kanji meant, just remembering the on’yomi and kun’yomi readings and knowing when to use them in what situation in vocabulary. That really stumped me. (;☉_☉)

    So I looked up many threads from the (many) people who had the same trouble and after a while, thanks to the helpful comments and many links I was able to work out when they are used and how they have many exceptions too, which made me feel quite a lot better! Though I still had trouble remembering which reading was which, so I did the next step. I just went over the kanji readings on the kanji page on Text Fugu as well as when which one is used in which vocabulary and then by the end of the day my confusement with kanji reading vanished! ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆ (Well, so far anyway… I’m sure I will keep getting trouble probably in the future, but I’ll just keep being positive, yeah? :D ) So I wrote that in my review for the second season of what I was proud of. :)

    I was happy with myself that when I woke up with morning I felt kind of worried (okay, a LOT worried) about my problem with kanji reading and vocab. (after getting almost all of them wrong when doing the anki revision, I knew I had a BIG problem… (;° ロ°) ) and then by the end of the day I got basically all of them right just by reading a couple of comments by the so helpful members of this community and some other stuff too. So I would just like to say thank you guys! (/∇\*)。o○♡

    I guess my lesson is to not give up and just keep trying, because the moment when something just ‘clicks’ might be just around the corner! (☆^ー^☆)

    in reply to: こんにちは。わたしはトビアスです。 #45803


    Hahaha that was great way to reply! (ノ>▽<。)ノ

    in reply to: Hey guys! #45800


    Welcome to Text Fugu! “ヽ(´▽`)ノ” Oh wow having a Japanese exchange student sounds like fun! Do you remember any of it or were you too young? Good luck with your Japanese learning! ☆

    in reply to: こんにちは。わたしはトビアスです。 #45798


    Yes, doing 30 minutes a day sounds like a great idea! (and being consistent about it too :D) Let’s do our best! ☆

    in reply to: Hello there! #45797


    Hi there ‘random guy’ or KreisKlinge (which one should I call you? :P ), welcome! ^_^ I’m a newbie too, pleased to meet you! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    in reply to: こんにちは。わたしはトビアスです。 #45793


    Oh, well I only know English (haha obviously :D) and I’m learning Japanese! ^_^ I just finished season 2, but I’ve done a couple of months of Japanese at school by myself in an online course (kind of like this one, but no where near as helpful!) I can’t wait start season 3 tomorrow! What about you? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


    I literally just finished season 2! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    Which means I finished two seasons in… 3 days. Is that bad? I know that sounds like I’ve been rushing it or something, but honestly it doesn’t feel that way! I’ve been learning Japanese at school (by myself on an internet course, kind of like this one, but no where near as helpful) a couple of times a week so it’s not like I’m a complete beginner, though I would still call myself a beginner. (I didn’t really know any of the grammar points or a lot of vocab.)

    Anyway, I learnt hiragana quite a long time ago and was quite confident in that area, so in season 1, I didn’t do all the learning hiragana exercises, though I did read everything. So that’s why it took me less time than how long it would usually take me to do it. So I did season 1 in a bit more than 5 hours and then 1/3 of season 2 that night. Then I did the second third on the second day and finished the second season on the third day. I know that might sound like I’m pushing myself, but I don’t even know I’m doing it! Once I start something and I really enjoy it, I literally can’t stop. And so I forget everything else I was supposed to do. Is that good or bad? It’s like I can’t burn out or get tired or something… Which might be a good thing, when I think about it that way. I don’t feel like I’m cramming, I just feel like I’m doing a fun activity for a little while.

    But even so, I also read all the comments in this forum and I sort of noticed that a lot of people were doing about around an hour+ each day, so you can remember all the new information that you learnt rather than cramming it all in. Like do a bit each day and that way all the new information slowly settles in your mind, like a little baby getting nicely tucked into her cozy bed rather than trying to stuff all the information at once like throwing the baby aggressively into it’s cot from the other side of the house while screaming “I’M THE WAR LOOOOOOOORD!!!!!!!!”

    Anyway my holidays are ending in a couple of days, so I definitely won’t have that much time to constantly over work myself or try to remember too much at once. I’ll probably just do an hour a day or something… (Hopefully I don’t jinx myself when I say that and do nothing at all! D:) Over all I have a sorta good memory, (weirdly enough, my entire family does) but I don’t think that I can remember EVERYTHING if I work myself TOO hard… :;(∩´﹏`∩);:

    Anyway the point of this is am I working myself too hard? Or since I don’t feel burnt out at all, is it good that I’ve done this much Japanese? To be honest though, I’ve been doing nothing but Japanese (when I think about my last three days, then I realise that’s all I’ve been doing! Other than karate and some exercise this morning, I’ve just been doing TF or other Japanese websites or revision) and since I’m doing that, does that mean I will learn more? Or maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and I’ll forget everything… I hope not!

    Sorry for the long post! (´;д;`)

    in reply to: Greetings From My Desk #45789


    Wow that was quite the time you’ve had there. I really hope you are alright now. A couple of my friends have Dyslexia, though I don’t have it myself, so I can never really say “Oh I know how it feels”, or say I understand how it is to have so many other things in your life as well as having a difficult course that you need to keep up with. Even so, I’m sure you will do many great things in your Japanese learning, despite this little rough patch, especially since you’ve shown you can do so great before! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ It seems to me that you’ve had a really difficult time, but you sound like a very hardworking person, so I’m sure that all your efforts will pay off in the end and you will be able to live in Japan, just like what you and your husband dreamed of! I wish you all the best! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

    in reply to: Hello! ^_^ #45788


    ah I actually don’t know what to say to that! ( /)u(\ ) heheheh I wish I was cute like that, (in many ways I’m not) but thank you very much anyway! 。(*^▽^*)ゞ ahhh I got this goofy grin now ~ Oh that’s good that I’m not the only one then!

    in reply to: Hello! ^_^ #45784


    Hahaha thank you Justin! Hmm… About me huh?

    Well as most people here I love anime and manga, but probably what really started my Japanese interest/obsession/fetish (I don’t know what to call it anymore XD ) was when I was nine and my cousin introduced me to drawing adorable chibis. (∩˃o˂∩)♡

    Back then I was amazed by how cute chibis where and tried my hardest to try to draw them good and then later on I found I liked drawing in the normal manga style too. Though I can’t lie, I was downright TERRIBLE for a couple of years. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 I tried and tried, but I guess I couldn’t really get the hang of it. I think I only really became what I call ‘okay’ at drawing manga about the same time I first tried to learn Japanese (start of this year). But seriously, I look back at my drawings I drew not too long ago and I’m so ashamed ~( ̄□ ̄;)

    Uh… I got a deviantArt if you are kind of interested about that… (Though I haven’t been on that website for ages… shhhhh)

    And yeah, my username is nikureach… I didn’t realise that niku meant meat until recently, so now I’m kind of laughing at myself. (It really was only supposed to be a play on my name… Funnily enough I think meat is one of the worst words out there ~ just because it means dead ANYTHING, really… Though it is pretty yummy I got to say ~ Oh irony, how you mock me… ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ )

    ANYWAY after a while, I moved away from where I lived in Sydney to somewhere far away (about at the end of 2010) and that’s when I really started my Japanese interest/obsession/fetish. If you know me, then you’d probably know that once I get hooked onto something, I REALLY get hooked. Luckily I’m hooked on Japanese for a while now and funnily enough I never get burnt out… Though that sometimes means I get so caught up in learning Japanese or whatever else I’m interested in, that I forget to do everything else. Is it a curse or good fortune? I will never know… 「(°ヘ°)

    Anyway, back then I really got hooked onto anime, which led me to get really hooked onto manga, which led me to get hooked onto karate (which I’ve been doing for a year now and I’m a green belt! Woo hoo! ^.^), which led me back to getting hooked onto drawing (and some Japanese games) and now Japanese language!

    Though even though I love anime, manga, karate, manga drawing etc overall, I just love Japanese culture. I’m quite a quiet and shy person (hahaha which is quite ironic, because I’m not quiet AT ALL when I start typing… Seems like I got little to say in real life, but a lot to say on the internet… ヽ(;▽;)ノ) and ever since I’ve been doing karate, I feel that the level of discipline and respect is something I really admire (we are nothing like that in Australia! Other than other quiet people like me, there are quite a lot loud (aka kinda rude? Though over all Australians are such nice people, don’t get me wrong) people too. It was like a bucket of fresh, yummy water thrown at my face ~ A shock which I really liked ^_^).

    I don’t want to generalise a whole country, because of course there would be people in Japan entirely the opposite of this, (just like how people think Australians are very loud and noisy, when really there are heaps of quiet people too), but I just love how being not loud, polite, helpful, respectful and nice is kind of normal there. I just admire them a lot basically. :)

    And that’s why I want to live there for a while and become friends with some of them and learn a lot about their culture when I go on exchange over there! (/^▽^)/ Sometimes I think ’2016 is so far away! I have heaps of time!’ but other times I think ‘WAH!? HOW WILL I BE READY BY THEN?’ (((╹д╹;))) But I just guess all I can do is face the challenges head on and be positive! It will be hard for sure, but then again, I don’t want it to be an easy, pointless ride. No pain, no gain, yeah? ^.^

    Oh wow I’m so so so sorry! 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 I shouldn’t have typed my whole life story! The sad thing is that I could even type more… Bad Monique! >3< Wow, it’s funny how quiet I am in real life and how chatty I am once I get a keyboard in front of me…

    I’m so sorry if you found this an annoying post! Hope you all have a great day~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    in reply to: こんにちは。わたしはトビアスです。 #45753


    Nice to meet you Tobias! Good luck with your Japanese learning! ^_^

    in reply to: Hello #45749


    Thanks Mark! (^∀^)

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