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  • in reply to: Ipad or Android Tablet? #43455


    From the standpoint of obtaining reading material to practice with, is there a notable difference between the two? From what (limited) searching I’ve done over the past few days, I’ve come across a few instances of some ebooks and services being available for the Ipad but not android (due either to region locking or maybe just publisher preference). I’m unsure of how widespread this is.

    It’s been suggested that I consider a kindle of some form or another (and getting a Japanese Amazon account linked to it). As far as non amazon / ebook matters are concerned, how would this work out? Would it still handle things like Anki or WaniKani?

    If it affects anything, I’m not really planning on doing much else with the tablet than studying Japanese. I have a (Windows) PC that I use for most things, so I could understand getting an android to better sync up with it. At the same time, I don’t mind dealing with windows / apple issues if it means access to more reading materials.

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