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  • in reply to: Hello from the frozen north … ! #43218


    Welcome to TextFugu! :D

    What kind of anime are you into? I’ve recently picked up a few , they’ve been pretty cool so far ^_^.

    Good luck! I’m sure we’ll see each other around the forums.

    in reply to: Hello from Texas! #43216


    Welcome to TextFugu! ^_^.

    I’ve recently started as well, and so far it’s been awesome. Depending on your background in Hiragana/Katakana, you may want to look at using WaniKani (if you haven’t already). It’s made by Koichi (who also created TextFugu), and is focused primarily on teaching kanji. I’ve just started using WK too, and it complements TF nicely.

    Good luck on your studies!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Pantome.
    in reply to: Season 3 Finding Time – Polyphasic Sleep/Waking up Earlier #43155


    Very interesting post :P. I was considering looking into polyphasic sleep patterns, after seeing my (very disjointed) timetable for this year. I suppose that idea’s going in the bin. Thanks for the links :D.

    On the broad topic of “finding time”, I would imagine the best method is to review what you realistically spend time doing every day. I suspect when I get back to serious studying, I’ll need to reduce my internet forum/article reading habits ;_;.

    in reply to: Practice sheets in download section? #42765


    This might not be the practical fix you’re looking for, but you can right-click to download the sheets in PDF format for later reference. It’ll take a little time now, but you’ll save time in the long run :).

    in reply to: Hello from NZ! #42754


    Thanks again Aikibujin! I suspect I’ll be returning to that post regularly from now onwards. I wasn’t aware of Rikaisama (only Rikaichan)…the speech function is very useful for demonstrating Koichi’s examples (eg long vowels, which is where I am at the moment).

    Thanks roh! I’m looking forward to learning and interacting with the community ^_^.

    in reply to: Hello from NZ! #42672


    Thanks Aikibujin! Awesome tutorial ^_^.

    Awesome Joel, I hope you’re having a good time! =D

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)